AMD公司周一(1月10日)宣布,该公司总裁兼首席执行官(CEO)Dirk Meyer已经辞职,Meyer出任AMD高层管理人员共两年时间。这一消息导致AMD股价在周一美国股市的盘后交易中下跌超过4%。
AMD公司的首席财政官(CFO)兼高级副总裁Thomas Seifert已被任命为公司临时CEO。
 AMD前任CEO:Dirk MeyerTyvesmc
Meyer与AMD的缘分开始于1996年,当年他被任命为AMD Athlon处理器开发项目技术总监,三年后被提升为计算产品部门(CPG)工程副总裁,随后于2001年被任命为CPG部门副总裁;2002年被提升为 CPG高级副总裁兼AMD执行官员之一。2004年,Meyer被提升为CPG执行副总裁,2005年又被任命为AMD微处理器解决方案部门总裁兼首席运营官。2006年,Meyer被提升为AMD总裁兼首席运营官。2008年7月Meyer接替Hector Ruiz成为AMD公司CEO。
在一份声明中,AMD公司董事会主席Bruce Claflin在一份公告中称:“Meyer在困难时期就任AMD CEO。他成功地稳定了AMD,同时完成了一些战略举措。”他提到了Meyer在AMD分拆芯片制造业务,建立GlobalFoundries过程中扮演的角色,解决与英特尔之间纠纷时起到的作用,以及推出了新的Fusion系列芯片。但Claflin表示,委员会相信领导层的变更将帮助AMD公司利用这个机会为股东们创造更多的价值。
AMD发言人的Drew Prairie则表示:“这一举措与财务、技术和执行问题无关。董事会只是认为,这是在正确时间做出的正确决定。”
不过,Wedbsuh分析师Patrick Wang表示,考虑到Meyer在AMD转型中扮演的重要角色,他的离职“令人震惊”。他表示:“Meyer离职的时机非常微妙,尤其考虑到他已大幅提升AMD股价。”他同时表示:“在过去几个季度中,我们看见AMD的执行非常协调。我们或许永远不会知道,AMD董事会为什么不看好Meyer。”
“由于事发突然,而事实上也没有过渡期,显然是因为Meyer和AMD董事会对于某些事情存在不同观点并且无法达成一致。”技术投资通讯Next Inning技术研究公司的编辑Paul McWilliams在上周一发布的一篇定制报告中表示。McWilliams说他没有足够的背景资料来猜测事件的细节,但对于Meyer,他说:“总的来说,根据他任期的表现,对于现在的结果我还是很高兴的。”
据AMD消息,Seifert是2009年加盟AMD公司的,拥有超过20年的综合管理、全球业务及财务管理经验。此前,他曾在奇梦达(Qimonda AG)公司担任CFO和COO,他在推动公司IPO上立功。随后Seifert又在英飞凌无线业务集团担任过高级副总裁和总经理。
Seifert在声明中说:“AMD带着重大的产品和利好的业绩进入2011年。谈及我们今年的路线,包括Llano APU和32纳米Bulldozer处理器,这些都在走上正轨。我相信,通过我们即将推出的产品,在一些关键细分市场,我们有明显的机会巩固领导地位。”
本文授权刊自《电子工程专辑》,编译、增值:Ana Hu
参考原文:CEO Meyer resigns from AMD,by Dylan McGrath
• AMD前CTO加盟MIPS,持续引领嵌入式市场多内核革命
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• AMD调低预测,分析师众说纷纭Tyvesmc
CEO Meyer resigns from AMD
Dylan McGrath
Dirk Meyer, president and CEO of Advanced Micro Devices Inc., has resigned from the company after two years as its top executive, AMD said Monday (Jan. 10).
Thomas Seifert, AMD's chief financial officer and senior vice president, has been appointed interim CEO of AMD, the company said.
Meyer took the reins at AMD in July 2008, succeeding longtime chief Hector Ruiz. He first joined AMD in 1996.
AMD said Monday that Meyer resigned after reaching a "mutual agreement" with the company's board of directors.
In a statement, Bruce Claflin, chairman of AMD's board of directors, said the board believed a change in leadership was required to help AMD capitalize on the opportunity to "create increased shareholder value over time."
"Given the abruptness of the departure, and the fact there is no transition period, it's pretty obvious Meyer and the AMD board came to loggerheads over something fairly substantial," said Paul McWilliams, editor of the technology investment newsletter Next Inning Technology Research, in a report to subscribers circulated late Monday. McWilliams said he didn't have enough background to guess about the specifics, but said of Meyer, "on balance, I was happy with the results he produced during his tenure."
Also Monday, AMD said preliminary results indicated that the company's fourth quarter sales increased 2 percent sequentially to about $1.65 billion. This total would exceed consensus analysts' expectations, which called for fourth quarter revenue of about $1.62 billion, according to Yahoo Finance.
AMD said it has formed a CEO search committee, led by Claflin, who has been named executive chairman of the board as he assumes additional oversight responsibilities during the transition period. Seifert will maintain his current responsibilities as CFO and has asked not to be considered for the permanent CEO position, AMD said.
Seifert joined AMD in 2009 and has more than 20 years of general management, global operations and financial management experience, according to AMD. He previously served as CFO and chief operating officer at Qimonda AG.