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市场研究机构IMS Research预测,到 2011年底, Android平台的安装数量将达到1.4亿台便携式装置,包含智能手机与平板电脑。

市场研究机构IMS Research预测,到 2011年底, Android平台的安装数量将达到1.4亿台便携式装置,包含智能手机与平板电脑。 在IMS的报告中,并未提及Android平台达到1.4亿台安装量的确切时间,以及2010年的Android装置数量;不过该机构表示,3.0版Android (Honeycomb)即将问世,以及Android线上应用程序商店的改善,都有助于Android市场的成长。 IMS首席分析师Anna Hunt表示,Android市场的成长为付费电视(pay-TV)业者带来了机会,这些业者在过去的活动空间仅限于客厅,现在则有机会将生意扩展到可携式装置。 据统计,在2010年出货的连网设备中,搭载Apple操作系统与Android操作系统的数量约有1.25亿台;由于有越来越多消费者采用这类装置,也会吸引更多业者开发相关应用程序,提供使用者透过可携式平台购买电视内容,或是更创新的整合式应用。 IMS行动技术资深研究总监Bill Morelli表示,这些创新的应用包括:“例如使用者能把智能手机当遥控器,操作自家电视的随选视讯内容等等。” 编译: Judith Cheng 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载!


(参考原文 Android to reach 140 million units in 2011) {pagination} Android to reach 140 million units in 2011 Peter Clarke LONDON – There will be an installed base of 140 million Android portable devices, including smartphones and tablets, by the end of 2011, according to a forecast from IMS Research. At the end of 2010 IMS estimates that the installed base for Android is 54 million devices - smartphones and tablets combined, which means that it is predicting that 86 million or more Android portables will ship in 2011. The unveiling of Google's Android 3.0 operating system for tablets, known as Honeycomb, along with enhancements to the Android Market website, will help the growth of Android, IMS said. "This provides an exciting opportunity for pay-TV operators, which have traditionally been tethered to the living room, to expand the reach of their brands to multiple portable platforms with apps development," said Anna Hunt, principal analyst with IMS, in a statement. "In total, Apple OS and Android OS were present in nearly 125 million connected devices shipped in 2010 and this is only expected to increase in 2011. Such reach into consumers' hands means more operators will be developing apps that enable subscribers to purchase and consume content on new portable platforms and explore new convergence applications, such as controlling your on-demand service on the TV set via the smartphone," stated Bill Morelli, research director for Mobile Technologies at IMS Research.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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