市场研究机构 IHS iSuppli 指出,日本311地震可能会导致苹果(Apple)最新平板电脑 iPad 2 的供应链中断与零组件缺货,因为该装置采用了数种在日本当地生产的零件,包括一款很难找到替代品的电子罗盘、电池以及采用先进技术的显示器玻璃。
根据 IHS iSuppli 的拆解分析报告,到目前为止 iPad 2 内部已确认有5个零件是由日商所供应,包括来自东芝(Toshiba)的 NAND 闪存、尔必达(Elpida)的 DRAM、AKM Semiconductor的电子罗盘,以及可能是由旭硝子(Asahi Glass)所制造的触控屏幕上层玻璃,还有Apple Japan所供应的系统电池。
IHS iSuppli 的报告指出,虽然已有部分供货商表示,其生产据点并未受到损坏,但所有这些厂商的零组件供应链,可能在某种程度上会受到目前困扰着大多数日本灾区厂商的物流问题所影响。该机构指出,供货商们所遇到的困难,包括因交通阻碍所导致的取得原材料以及将货物运出的问题,还有员工可能无法上班的问题。
而IHS iSuppli也强调,灾区电力供应不稳的问题也是一大隐忧,因为电力中断可能在精密的制程中造成庞大损失,例如半导体的微影制程。所有以上的这些问题,都可能会在Apple准备大量生产iPad 2以因应市场强劲需求时,在同一时间发生;事实上,Apple Store的iPad出货也因为需求量高于预期,而延缓了一周。
可确定的是,iPad所使用的NAND组件还有第二供应来源,包括韩国三星电子(Samsung Electronics)与美国业者美光(Micron);此外尔必达所提供的DRAM,也有来自三星的替代产品可使用。
编译:Judith Cheng
(参考原文: Quake hits iPad 2 supply chain,by Mark LaPedus)
• 日本地震引发闪存价格波动, 苹果iPad 2淡定
• BOM单解析ipad 2低价秘诀,供应商或成最大受害者
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Quake hits iPad 2 supply chain
Mark LaPedus
Japan's earthquake may cause logistical disruptions and component supply shortages for Apple Inc.’s iPad 2, according to IHS iSuppli.
The iPad 2 employs several components manufactured in the country—including a hard-to-replace electronic compass, the battery and possibly the advanced technology glass in the display, IHS iSuppli research indicates.
The IHS iSuppli teardown analysis of the iPad 2 so far has been able to identify five parts sourced from Japanese suppliers: NAND flash from Toshiba Corp., DRAM made by Elpida Memory Inc., an electronic compass from AKM Semiconductor, the touch screen overlay glass likely from Asahi Glass Co. and the system battery from Apple Japan Inc.
''While some of these suppliers reported that their facilities were undamaged, delivery of components from all of these companies is likely to be impacted at least to some degree by logistical issues now plaguing most Japanese industries in the quake zone,'' according to the firm.
''Suppliers are expected to encounter difficulties in getting raw materials supplied and distributed as well as in shipping out products. They also are facing difficulties with employee absences because of problems with the transportation system. The various challenges are being compounded by interruptions in the electricity supply, which can have a major impact on delicate processes, such as semiconductor lithography,'' according to the firm.
These issues may come at a time when Apple is rushing to ramp up iPad 2 production to meet stronger-than expected demand for the device. The company this week announced that iPad shipments from the Apple Store have been delayed by one week from previous lead times because of the surge in demand.
However, the NAND devices used in the iPad are available from alternative sources, including South Korean semiconductor giant Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. and U.S. memory maker Micron Technology Inc. Similarly, the Elpida DRAM component can be alternatively sourced from Samsung.