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2010年全球MEMS代工厂TOP20出炉,Silex成最大黑马DES: 在2010年MEMS(微机电)市场25%的增长中,各MEMS代工厂所获份额并不均等。下面为2010排名前20位的MEMS代工厂名单……

在2010年MEMS(微机电)市场25%的增长中,各MEMS代工厂所获份额并不均等。 2010年,排名前20的代工厂的收入约为5.35亿美元,比2009年增长了10%,这是因为各公司为抢占消费者和汽车市场的份额,也在公司内部进行自主生产。 意法半导体(ST)继续领跑MEMS代工业务,其销售收入达2.04亿美元;但其它领先厂商的排名有变化。 Silex Microsystems(西尔克斯微系统,瑞典Jarfalla)的营收达3,700万美元、增长了85%,这主要得益于其先成型过孔( via)、高掺硅、硅通孔技术。Asia Pacific Microsystems(亚太微系统)的销售达3,100万美元、增长了60%,从而使这家台湾公司超过营收为3,000万美元的德州仪器(TI)排名第四。 但能以200mm直径晶圆工艺进行MEMS生产的大型IDM厂商获得了大部分生意,并得益于汽车市场的复苏。 “在未来,像博世、意法半导体和松下等大型IDM厂商将继续享有快速增长的消费MEMS市场的利好,”Yole Developpement的CEO Christophe Eloy在一份声明中表示。 “而那些来自大型量产半导体行业[如台积电(TMSC)]的代工厂,将变得越来越重要。” Yole Developpement估计:去年,台积电的MEMS收入大约增加了一倍,其MEMS代工收入从约1,000万美元骤增到2,000万美元左右。如XFab、TowerJazz和UMC(联华电子)等半导体行业的其它公司,规模虽仍较小,但也都有健康增长。中芯国际(SMIC)虽未进入20强,其MEMS代工业务也越做越大;而Globalfoundries也计划以咄咄逼人的姿态进入MEMS市场。 [转下一页:排名前20位的MEMS代工厂名单


{pagination} 但专业的MEMS代工厂可能服务产品批量较小的客户,这些应用包括更专业、利润也更高的光学、通信和生物医学等领域的业务。“这些代工厂可能不会有同样强劲的增长,但他们有很好、利润丰厚的生意,”Eloy说。这些较大规模的专业代工厂正形成一个大的、且日益壮大的群体,并越来越明显地与其它代工厂拉开距离。 Sensonor以3,500万美元的代工收入位列第3,这得益于英飞凌将其胎压监测系统分拆出来交由代工打理。而德州仪器随着来自利盟(Lexmark)喷墨打印机头需求的放缓,从第二滑落至第五位;成熟的喷墨打印机市场增长的放缓以及从一次性头过渡到永久头的趋势是其下滑的主要原因。 《国际电子商情》 [转下一页:排名前20位的MEMS代工厂原文


{pagination} Top 20 MEMS foundries ranked Peter Clarke LONDON – MEMS foundries shared unequally in the MEMS market's 25 percent growth in 2010. The top 20 foundries scored about $535 million in revenue in 2010, up 10 percent on the year before, as companies doing their own internal production grabbed share in consumer and automotive markets. STMicroelectronics continued to dominate the MEMS foundry business, capturing $204 million in sales but there was change among the rest of the leading players. Silex Microsystems AB (Jarfalla, Sweden) achieved 85 percent growth to $37 million in sales, largely on demand for its via-first, highly-doped silicon through-silicon-via technology. Sales at Asia Pacific Microsystems jumped some 60 percent, to $31 million, to move the Taiwan company into fourth position above Texas Instruments on $30 million. However, large IDMs able to process MEMS on 200-mm diameter wafers captured most business and benefitted form recovery of the automotive market. "In the future, the large IDMs like Bosch, STMicroelectronics and Panasonic will continue to capture much of the big growth in consumer MEMS markets," said Jean Christophe Eloy, CEO of Yole Developpement, in a statement. "And those foundries coming from the large volume semiconductor industry [such as TSMC] will become more and more important." Yole Developpement estimates TSMC roughly doubled its MEMS revenues last year, to jump from about $10 million to about $20 million in MEMS foundry revenues. Other semiconductor industry companies, suc as XFab, TowerJazz and UMC also saw healthy growth, though remain relatively small players. Though not yet large enough to make the list, SMIC's MEMS foundry business is also growing, and Globalfoundries is planning an aggressive move into the MEMS market. Though the specialty MEMS foundries may be serving lower volume customers, those applications include much specialized, higher margin business in optical, telecommunications and biomedical applications. "These foundries may not be seeing the same big growth, but they are making a good, profitable business," says Eloy. And there's a large and growing group of these larger specialty foundries increasingly separating themselves from the pack. Sensonor vaulted onto the list in number third position, with $35 million in foundry business, as Infineon spun out the MEMS unit to make its tire pressure monitoring systems as a foundry. Texas Instruments, meanwhile, slipped to fifth place from second, on the slowing of demand for ink jet heads from Lexmark, as the maturing inkjet printer market slowed and transitioned from disposable to permanent heads. 《国际电子商情》
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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