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台积电欧洲区总经理Maria Marced认为,在短到中期之内,日本地震与海啸不会给晶圆供应造成任何影响。

台积电欧洲区总经理Maria Marced认为,在短到中期之内,日本地震与海啸不会给晶圆供应造成任何影响。 Maria Marced在出席GSA & IET国际半导体论坛期间表示,台积电(台湾新竹)已获得其所需的全部生产晶圆的供应(prime wafer)。此前一家在日本北部的信越工厂关闭,据报导该工厂生产的300mm裸晶圆约占20%的份额。预计该工厂将在6月底或7月初恢复到震前的生产水平。 Maria Marced表示:“供应方面没有受到影响,不过芯片生产设备领域可能受到一些影响,但其交货期较长,所以近期应该不会影响到我们,我们应该能够应对。” 但是,Maria Marced还指出,需求方面可能受到一些冲击。她说:“问题并不出在我们的客户身上,而是我们客户的客户可能正在面临一些问题。如果他们因为缺乏部件或材料而降低产量,可能会影响我们客户的需求。” 但事实上,台积电没有降低第二季度和全年业绩目标。该公司预计全年营业收入增长20%。而总体半导体市场预计仅增长2%。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:No wafer shortage for TSMC,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} No wafer shortage for TSMC Peter Clarke MUNICH, Germany – Leading foundry Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. does not expect to see any short- to medium term supply-side disruption from the aftermath of the Japan earthquake and tsunami, according to Maria Marced, president of TSMC Europe. Speaking on the sidelines of the GSA & IET International Semiconductor Forum being held here, Marced said that TSMC (Hsinchu, Taiwan) had secured all the prime wafer supply that it requires. This is despite the closure of a Shin-Etsu plant in northern Japan that reportedly is responsible for about 20 percent of the 300-mm diameter raw wafers. That plant is expected to come back up to pre-quake capacity by the end of June to early July. "There is no supply-side impact, except perhaps on chipmaking equipment, but the lead times on that are so long that it should not affect us some time and we should be able to juggle things around," said Marced. However, Marced did indicate that there could be some demand-side impact. "Not our customers, but our customers' customers may be facing problems. If they reduce output because of a missing component or material it can affect demand at our customers," she said. Nonetheless TSMC has not reduced its second quarter or full guidance. For the full year the company expects to achieve 20 percent revenue growth in an overall semiconductor market that will only grow by 2 percent.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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