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英特尔放话:别妄想ARM版Windows 8会兼容x86软件!

如果Windows 8要支持ARM处理器,也许会衍生出N种版本,因为每个操作系统都必须是针对一个芯片而写,所以不同的Windows版本可能是针对特定ARM核心的。

英特尔的一名高管日前表示,如果微软新操作系统要支持ARM处理器,也许会衍生出四种互不兼容的版本,而每个版本都不能使用传统PC(x86架构)的Windows应用。此外,英特尔还表示,今秋,其旗下McAfee公司推出的软件,能使其处理器的安全水平上一个档次。 ARM也许要花费数十亿美元在支持Windows 8上,英特尔的首席执行官Paul Otellini在此间的年度分析师会议上表示。微软已经在1月份宣布,Windows的下一版本将支持ARM芯片。 “是的,表面上看ARM得到了Windows的一个端口,但它实际上是四个端口,[因为]每个操作系统都必须是针对一个芯片而写,所以,微软为ARM写的Windows有四个端口,”他说。 Otellini没有详细描述ARM的这四个版本Windows。他展示的幻灯片显示,不同的Windows版本可能是针对特定ARM核心的,也可能针对ARM所授权公司推出的SoC核心应用。 英特尔的软件和服务集团总经理Renee James描述了Windows 8的两种主要衍生——传统PC版本和针对各ARM SoC的版本。 PC版将支持传统的PC应用并带一个Windows 7的兼容模式,她说。 ARM SoC版提供了一种针对平板电脑和翻盖(clamshell )系统优化了的全新移动体验,“但无论现在还是将来,它们都不能运行现有的传统PC应用软件,”James说。 Windows 8的ARM SoC版也将能运行在英特尔的x86芯片上,但即便如此,英特尔也不打算利用其从ARM获得的许可生产ARM芯片,Otellini说。 [转下一页:微软出面“辟谣”

ARM为多核SoC 开发提供优化的调试和追踪解决方案Fwresmc

{pagination} 有趣的是,一位剧称是微软官方的人对此作出了回应: “在昨日的Intel投资会议上他们关于微软下一代操作系统所发表的言论是不准确的、有误导性的,第一次在SoC架构上演示下一代Windows时我们就已经明确说明了目标,并且强调了正处于技术演示阶段。此外,我们现在还不能提供更多细节或信息。” 微软对Intel的说法真假并没有明确表态,也没有说明哪里不准确。看来,想要知道真相只能等到今年9月的PDC大会了。 此外,英特尔旗下的McAfee将在第三季度推出用于创制可信任操作系统或虚拟机环境的软件。该软件位于操作系统或hypervisor(管理程序)这一水平的下层,并将延伸至英特尔建构在其芯片内的可信任硬件根(hardware root of trust)环境。 英特尔长期以来一直支持可信计算组织(Trusted Computing Group,一家行业标准联盟)定义的可信任硬件根。但迄今为止,诸如Windows等主要操作系统一直没能在硬件外,拓展这种安全水平。 “我们可以强化系统架构,以大幅减少日益严重的恶意软件威胁,”英特尔子公司McAfee的总裁David DeWalt表示,在二月下旬,英特尔正式收购了McAfee。 “以目前我们使用的安全模式来看,没法监控恶意软件的泛滥。”,他说。 支持基于CPU的安全模型是对英特尔以76.8亿美元出价收购McAfee的合理解释,该交易于去年八月公布。该机构在英特尔9,000人的软件和服务部门中占34%。 在英特尔的帮助下,McAfee正迅速将其软件扩展至新x86和嵌入式设计中。英特尔已经宣布,它正将McAfee安全代理(agent)嵌入到VxWorks核以及其旗下风河公司(Wind River)的其它产品内。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Intel: ARM gets Windows four ways, by Rick Merritt

ARM为多核SoC 开发提供优化的调试和追踪解决方案Fwresmc

{pagination} Intel: ARM gets Windows four ways Rick Merritt SAN JOSE – Microsoft's move to put Windows on ARM processors will result in a fragmented set of four environments, none of which will run legacy PC Windows apps, said Intel executives. Separately Intel said it will roll out this fall software from McAfee to enable a new level of security on its processors. Supporting Windows 8 could cost ARM companies billions, said Intel chief executive Paul Otellini at an annual analyst meeting here. Microsoft announced in January its next version of Windows will support ARM chips. "Yes, the ARM guys are getting a port to Windows, but it's really four ports [because] every OS has to be written to a chip so Microsoft is really doing four ports of Windows to ARM," he said. Otellini did not describe the four versions of Windows for ARM. He showed slides suggesting they could be targeted to specific versions of the ARM core or SoC implementations of the cores from ARM licensees. Renee James, general manager of Intel's software and services group described two major variants of Windows 8—a traditional PC version and for versions for ARM SoCs. The PC version will support legacy PC apps and have a Windows 7 compatibility mode, she said. The ARM SoC versions deliver a new mobile experience optimized for tablet and clamshell systems and "will not be running legacy apps not now or ever," James said. The ARM SoC version of Windows 8 will also run on Intel's x86 chips, she said. Intel has no intentions of using its license to build ARM chips, added Otellini. Separately, Intel will roll out in the third quarter software from McAfee for creating trusted operating system or virtual machine environments. The software resides below the level of the OS or hypervisor and extends to those environments the hardware root of trust built into Intel's chips. Intel has long supported the hardware root of trust defined by the Trusted Computing Group, an industry standards alliance. But to date major operating systems such as Windows have not enabled extending that level of security beyond the hardware. "We can harden the system architecture to dramatically minimize the growing malware threat," said David DeWalt, president of Intel's McAfee subsidiary, officially acquired in late February. "There is no way we can watch malware growth with the same security model" in use today, he said. Enabling the CPU-based security model was on rationale for Intel's $7.68 billion bid to acquire McAfee, a deal announced in August. The group now makes up 34 percent of Intel's 9,000-person software and services unit. McAfee is also moving quickly to extend its software with Intel's help into new x86 and embedded designs. Intel already announced it is embedding McAfee security agents into the kernel of VxWorks and other products from its Wind River subsidiary.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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