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微软在其Windows Phone 7新版本芒果(Mango)的发表会上宣布,宏基(Acer),富士通(Fujitsu)和中兴通讯(ZTE)也加入了Windows Phone 7大家庭。新版操作系统预计今年秋季发售。

宏碁(Acer),富士通(Fujitsu)和中兴通讯(ZTE)将在他们的智能手机上搭载Windows Phone 7。微软发布的这则消息其实是一个预告,因为他们今年秋季将发售Windows Phone 7新版本——芒果(Mango)。 在这三家厂商之前,戴尔(DELL),宏达电(HTC),LG和三星(SAMSUNG)均开始了与微软的合作,三星更是早在2010年推出第一个Windows Phone 7手机。微软的合作伙伴还包括全球最大的手机制造商——诺基亚。诺基亚不久前刚宣布,采用Windows Phone为他们的主要智能手机平台,并希望以此扭转公司目前的颓势。


发布会上的背景墙,参与 "Mango" 手机开发的合作厂商名单中,仔细一看,“旧朋友”当中好像缺了Dell,“新朋友”也没把 Nokia 列出来。但也有人指出Nokia对微软而言重要性非同一般,不出意外的话,Nokia 会在适当的时候出现在图中“正中央”。 而 Dell 缺席这件事情让大伙感到很奇怪,也许这是Dell 打算将重心放回商务端的迹象之一。 微软在这次的Windows Phone 7芒果版本的移动应用(mobile applications)上依然下足功夫。应用的重点:音乐,视频,社交网络,以及大多数群体和个人喜闻乐见的软件类型。 这一概念最早来源于Palm的WebOS(已被HP收购)和Pre手机(Pre handsets),当初Palm和微软都希望能对抗苹果的IOS和谷歌的Android,但是iOS和Android第三方应用程序的支持实在太多了。微软表示,现在的Windows Phone已经有17000多个可用的应用程序。

Windows Phone 7 的初始界面ndZesmc

来自Forward Concepts(亚利桑那州,坦佩)的调查报告显示,微软在2010年智能手机操作系统市场份额中占9%, 排名第五位。市场观察家预测,2015年这个份额将扩大到11%,但还是继续排在第五,位于Symbian,Android,iOS和RIM之后。 芒果将内置“语音转文本”和“文本转语音”的支持。它还在支持Internet Explorer 9的同时,支持HTML5和硬件加速。 微软表示,Windows Phone 7将支持15种新语言,包括巴西葡萄牙文,简体和繁体中文,芬兰文,日文,韩文,挪威语,俄罗斯语。并且列出了所有能进入其在线应用程序商店的国家清单。 芒果的测试版和相关开发工具将在放在网上,供粉丝和开发者下载。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Acer, Fujitsu, ZTE dial up WinPhone 7,by Rick Merritt


{pagination} Acer, Fujitsu, ZTE dial up WinPhone 7 Rick Merritt SAN JOSE, Calif. – Acer Inc., Fujitsu Ltd. and ZTE Corp. will make smartphones using Windows Phone 7. The news comes as Microsoft previewed Mango, the next version of the software set to ship this fall. The three new OEMs join Dell, HTC, LG and Samsung who launched in 2010 the first handsets with the software. Microsoft has also partnered with Nokia, the world's largest cellphone maker, who has embraced Windows Phone 7 as its primary smartphone platform as part of a corporate turnaround. The Mango version of Windows Phone 7 continues Microsoft's efforts to put mobile applications in the background. Instead the software focuses on functions such as music, video, social networking and individuals and groups of people with apps and their functions emerging as they become relevant. The concept was first pioneered by the former Palm with its WebOS and Pre handsets and is used by both companies to counter Apple's iOS and Google's Android which sport more third-party app support. Microsoft said its Windows Phone Marketplace now hosts 17,000 apps. Microsoft is in fifth place with an estimated nine percent share of the smartphone operating system market in 2010, according to an upcoming report from Forward Concepts (Tempe, Ariz.). It will expand to an 11 percent share in 2015 but remain in fifth place behind Symbian, Android, iOS and RIM, the market watcher predicts. The Mango software will have built-in voice-to-text and text-to-voice support. It also supports a version of the Internet Explorer 9 browser supporting both HTML5 and hardware acceleration. Microsoft pledged to support 15 new languages on Windows Phone 7 to including Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Finnish, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, and Russian and expand the list of countries where consumers have access to its online app store. A beta release of Mango and related developer tools will be available online.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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