据卡内基集团(挪威奥斯陆)的分析师Bruce Diesen称,4月的三个月平均全球芯片销售额可能与前三个月平均销售额持平,预计可达253亿美元。世界半导体贸易统计组织WSTS(World Semiconductor Trade Statistics organization)提供的报告中,一到三月平均销售额约为252.6亿美元。
“个人电脑芯片销售四月份看强,但后续手机芯片的出货量应该会提高。” Diesen在一份报告中说。
Diesen预测2011年世界半导体销售额总体将上升5%(按美元计算)。其他机构预测的为:台积电预计增长2%,日本野村证券(Nomura)预计增长4.4%。与这些数字相比,其他调研机构对2011年的半导体市场显得更加悲观,如Future Horizons。
另一位分析师Mike Cowan预测,4月的三个月平均全球芯片销售额将在246.9亿美元左右。 WSTS和SIA的官方统计数字预计在6月1日发布。
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参考英文原文:Analyst sees flat April for global chip sales,by Peter Clarke
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Analyst sees flat April for global chip sales
Peter Clarke
BRUSSELS, Belgium – The three-month average of global chip sales for April are likely to be $25.3 billion April, similar to the $25.26 billion reported in March by the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics organization, according to Bruce Diesen, an analyst at Carnegie Group (Oslo, Norway).
However, the actual global sales for April will only be up 3 percent year-on-year, according to Diesen, as the market faces tough comparisons with last year.
"PC chip sales look stronger in April, but handset chip shipments should also improve," said Diesen in a note.
Japanese statistics released today show a smaller than expected effect from the earthquake of March 11 on semiconductors and chemicals in April. With a pipeline of inventory, Diesen does not expect the earthquake to impact PC or handset production until June.
Diesen is predicting world semiconductor sales in 2011 to rise 5 percent in U.S. dollar terms, putting Diesen at the top of the bear camp with TSMC (2 percent) and Nomura (4.4 percent) and away from more bearish forecasters such as Future Horizons.
Mike Cowan is predicting that the April three-month average of global chip sales will be reported at $24.69 billion. WSTS and SIA are expected to report the figure on about June 1.