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2011年台北Computex中, Mirics展示英特尔的 DH61AG 桌上型主板,这款主板整合具备双调谐器的数字地面电视迷你卡,提供全球广播电视接收功能。

英国的数字电视接收装置软件调制解调器技术开发商 Mirics 稍早前表示,英特尔(Intel)正计划透过一款英特尔品牌的PC主板,提供全球广播电视接收功能。 在2011年台北国际计算机展(Computex 2011)中, Mirics (英格兰) 将展示英特尔的 DH61AG 桌上型主板,据表示,这款主板将整合具备双调谐器的数字地面电视迷你卡。 英特尔的 DH61AG Mini-ITX主机板是专门针对多媒体娱乐应用所设计。台湾的聪泰科技开发公司(Yuan High-Tech Development Co. Ltd.)已经开发出一款MC002迷你卡,这款迷你卡包含双调谐器和FlexiTV软件数据以及数字平台,它能插入主板,以实现可涵盖全球标准的数字地面电视接收解决方案。 “消费者正在寻求一种能随时管理及观看广播电视内容的解决方案,透过在我们小巧且灵活的 DH61AG Mini-ITX主板上增加 Mirics 的 FlexiTV 全球解决方案,我们将能以更具竞争力的成本提供整合、丰富的多媒体功能,”英特尔通路平台部门总经理Michelle Johnston说。 该公司将在Computex 2011中现场展示来自地面广播的标准分辨率(SD)和高分辨率(HD)内容接收。使用标准播放软件如Windows Media Center媒体中心,并透过双调谐器的设计,使用者可以在搭载该款主机板和整合式迷你卡的PC上观看并录制多个电视直播节目。 Mirics公司CEO Simon Atkinson表示,“在主板上结合英特尔的多媒体产品与 Mirics的全球广播电视解决方案,将打造出一种引人瞩目的全新产品。” 台湾的和硕联合(Pegatron)将采用 DH61AG 参考设计,并整合Yuan的FlexiTV-enabled MC002 双调谐器迷你卡进行量产,Mirics说。这些主板已开始出样,预计今年夏天量产。 编译: Joy Teng 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Intel embeds Mirics in PC-with-TV mobo, by Peter Clarke

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{pagination} Intel embeds Mirics in PC-with-TV mobo Peter Clarke LONDON – Mirics Ltd., a developer of a software modem technology for digital TV reception, has said that Intel Corp. is planning to deliver global broadcast TV reception through an Intel branded PC motherboard. Mirics (Fleet, England) will demonstrate the Intel DH61AG desk-top motherboard with dual-tuner digital terrestrial TV mini-card at Computex 2011 in Taipei, which takes place May 30 to June 4. Intel's DH61AG Mini-ITX motherboard is designed for multimedia entertainment. Yuan High-Tech Development Co. Ltd. (Taipei, Taiwan) has created an MC002 mini-card that includes dual tuners and the FlexiTV software modem and digital platform that can be plugged into the motherboard, thus enabling digital terrestrial TV reception across all global standards. "Consumers are looking to manage and view broadcast television content at any time and the addition of Mirics' FlexiTV global solution to our small and flexible DH61AG Mini-ITX motherboard is leading the charge on delivering integrated, rich multimedia capabilities at compelling cost points," said Michelle Johnston, general manager of Intel's channel platform division. Demonstrations at Computex 2011 will show reception of live standard definition (SD) and high definition (HD) content from terrestrial broadcast sources. Using standard playback software such as Windows Media Center, through the dual-tuner design, users can view and record multiple live TV stations simultaneously on PCs equipped with the motherboard and integrated mini-card. Simon Atkinson, CEO, Mirics said: "Coupling Intel's multimedia offering with the Mirics' solution for global broadcast TV, tied to the motherboard, makes for a compelling package." Pegatron Corp. (Taipei, Taiwan), formerly the motherboard manufacturing operation of Asustek, will take the DH61AG reference design integrated with Yuan's FlexiTV-enabled MC002 dual-tuner mini-card into volume production, Mirics said. These motherboards are sampling and will be in full production in the summer, Mirics added.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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