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诺基亚营收预期再降,Windows Phone计划遭质疑

诺基亚日前表示,预计第三季度净营收将大大低于第二季度。它通过声明表示:“鉴于我们对第二季度展望的意外变化,诺基亚认为不宜再发布2011年的年度目标。” 诺基亚的声明令人更加怀疑,它能否在2012年推出优于竞争对手的、采用微软Windows Phone操作系统的手机。

手机厂商诺基亚日前表示,预计第三季度产品与服务净营收将大大低于第二季度。先前预计第二季度净营收是61亿欧元(88亿美元)-66亿欧元(95亿美元)。 诺基亚(芬兰埃斯波)将其归咎于以下因素:多个价格类别的竞争与市场趋势,尤其是在中国与欧洲;产品组合偏向平均售价较低和毛利润率较低的产品;诺基亚与某些同业采取的价格策略。 诺基亚此前表示,预计第三季度营业收入将大致与第二季度持平,并预计销售将在第四季度出现季节性增长。但该公司周二表示,这些目标已不再有效。它通过声明表示:“鉴于我们对第二季度展望的意外变化,诺基亚认为不宜再发布2011年的年度目标。” “诺基亚在智能手机市场丢失份额已无庸置疑,但目前的情况显示,它在低端低成本市场的处境也很困难,而以前它在该市场是非常强大的,”市场调研公司ABI Research的副总裁兼业务主管Kevin Burden表示。 Burden指出,诺基亚原来期望它的低端模式可以继续在发展中市场有效运作,并帮助公司顺利完成软件平台转换和保持市场领导地位。“该消息表明,它在市场的两端都面临越来越大的压力,诺基亚无法再指望其任何产品线可以充当桥梁,使其从业内领先的过去走向竞争更加激烈的未来,”Burden表示。 Burden认为,诺基亚的声明还令人更加怀疑,它能否在2012年推出优于竞争对手的、采用微软Windows Phone操作系统的手机。 “诺基亚策略的关键在于,它相信凭借其首批Windows手机产品,可以超越现在生产Windows手机的竞争对手,”Burden表示,“诺基亚的内部混乱——始于管理层变动,因策略转变而强化,现在又发展到疲弱的市场业绩,增强了人们对于诺基亚能否实现上述目标的怀疑。” 诺基亚周二表示,仍对Windows Phone策略方面取得的进展感到满意。该公司表示,坚信将于2011年第四季度推出首批相关手机。 诺基亚表示,仍然坚持2013年全年初估产品与服务营业费用比2010年降低10亿欧元(14亿美元)的目标。该公司表示,计划尽快有效地实施这些费用削减计划。 “策略转变是很困难的事情,”诺基亚总裁兼首席执行官Stephen Elop表示,“我们认识到有必要推出优秀的移动产品,因此我们必须加快转变步伐。我们的团队已准备就绪,我们坚信一定会在2011年第四季度推出首款采用Windows Phone的诺基亚手机。” 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Nokia's miss casts doubt on Windows plan, by Dylan McGrath


{pagination} Nokia's miss casts doubt on Windows plan Dylan McGrath SAN FRANCISCO—Cellular handset vendor Nokia Corp. said Tuesday (May 31) it now expects it expects net sales from devices and services to be substantially below its previously expected second quarter range of between 6.1 billion euro ($8.8 billion) and 6.6 billion euro ($9.5 billion). Nokia (Espoo, Finland) blamed the anticipated shortfall on the competitive dynamics and market trends across multiple price categories, particularly in China and Europe; a product mix shift towards devices with lower average selling prices and lower gross margins; and pricing tactics by Nokia and certain competitors. Nokia, which previously said it expected third quarter sales to be roughly flat compared to the second quarter and that it expected a seasonal pick up in sales in the fourth quarter, said Tuesday that those targets were no longer valid. "Given the unexpected change in our outlook for the second quarter, Nokia believes it is no longer appropriate to provide annual targets for 2011," the company said through a statement. "Nokia’s loss of ground in the smartphone market has been well documented, but this performance indicates that it’s also now struggling in the low-end, low-cost market where the company had been particularly strong," said Kevin Burden a vice president and practice director at market research firm ABI Research. Burden said Nokia had expected its low-end models to continue performing well in developing markets and to help the firm through its transitions in software platforms as well as leadership. "This news indicates that pressure is intensifying at both ends of the market, and Nokia can no longer count on any of its product lines to be a bridge from its industry-leading past to what it hopes would be a competitive future," Burden said. Burden said the Nokia announcement also intensifies doubts about whether Nokia will be able to deliver handsets running Microsoft's Windows Phone OS in 2012 that are superior to competitors' offerings. "Key to Nokia’s strategy is its belief that, with its initial line of Windows phones, it can vault ahead of competitors that are currently building Windows-powered phones," Burden. "The turmoil within Nokia—started by the changes in management, intensified by the shifts in strategy, and now boiling over into weak market performance—is cementing doubts that Nokia can pull it off." Nokia said Tuesday it remains pleased with its progress on its Windows Phone strategy. The company said it has increased confidence that the first Nokia product with Windows Phone will ship in the fourth quarter 2011. Nokia said it also remains committed to its target to reduce its pro forma Devices and Services operating expenses by 1 billion euro ($1.4 billion) for the full year 2013, compared to the full year 2010. The company said it plans to implement these reductions as quickly and effectively as possible. "Strategy transitions are difficult," said Stephen Elop, president and CEO of Nokia. "We recognize the need to deliver great mobile products, and therefore we must accelerate the pace of our transition. Our teams are aligned, and we have increased confidence that we will ship our first Nokia product with Windows Phone in the fourth quarter 2011."
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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