“自开发Cortex-A8处理器以来,ARM一直同Obsidian保持着长期合作关系。”ARM处理器业务部门执行副总裁兼总经理Mike Inglis在一份声明中表示,“此次收购Obsidian,有助于我们进一步提高产品质量,并缩短基于ARM的SoC产品的上市时间。”
Obsidian最知名的产品是随机架构验证引擎(Random Architecture Verification Engine),也就是众所周知的RAVEN,一个用于生成标准和定制处理器内核的验证工具。
Luffy Liu
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参考英文原文:ARM buys Texas processor verification firm,by Peter Clarke
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ARM buys Texas processor verification firm
Peter Clarke
LONDON – Processor intellectual property licensor ARM Holdings plc has acquired Obsidian Software Inc., a privately held company that has been providing processor verification products, verification consulting and training services to processor designers since 1997.
The amount ARM is paying for Obsidian (Austin, Texas) was not disclosed.
"ARM and Obsidian Software have had a long relationship which started with early work on Cortex-A8," said Mike Inglis, general manager and executive vice president of ARM's processor division, in a statement. "The technology and people that will come with this acquisition are a significant addition to our capabilities in maximizing quality and reducing time to market of ARM-based SoCs.”
The Obsidian Software validation team will become part of an ARM processor validation team based in Austin, Texas.
Obsidian's best known product is the Random Architecture Verification Engine, known as RAVEN, a processor verification tool for generating stimuli in standard and custom processor cores.
ARM said it would honor all existing contractual agreements between Obsidian and its customers.