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韩国三星电子公司于周二(6月28日)在美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)对苹果公司提出申诉,原因是认为后者侵犯了三星部分无线通信技术和移动设备用户界面的专利。申诉内容提到“移动电子设备包括无线通信设备、便携式音乐和数据处理设备及平板电脑”。三星此举或意味着要求ITC禁止苹果产品进入美国市场。 彭博新闻社周三报道,三星还在美国特拉华州的联邦法院对苹果提起诉讼,指控苹果在iPhone,iPad和iPod产品中采用大量三星的专利技术。 三星与苹果在过去几个月内,关于专利权方面的诉讼官司不断。早在今年4月份,苹果起诉三星抄袭其产品的外观和感觉 (copied the look and feel of Apple products)。苹果在起诉书中表示,起诉目的只是保护自己的创意。 一名苹果代表向媒体表示:“三星最新产品从硬件外观到用户界面甚至包装都与iPhone和iPad极其相似,这绝非偶然。这种公然抄袭是错误的,在有企业窃取我们的创意时,我们需要保护苹果知识产权。” 而仅仅几天后,三星便同时在韩国、日本和德国对苹果提起反诉。此后又在美国加州北区联邦地方法院正式对苹果提起诉讼。三星在提交给该法院的诉状中称,苹果抄袭了三星大量技术创意,其中包括iPhone手机变换时区等专利技术。 三星一直以来都是苹果产品的处理器供应商,并提供面板等其他物料,苹果2010年从三星所采购产品零部件总价值将近57亿美元。本周早些时候,有消息称,由于专利权纠纷,苹果准备与某台湾半导体行业巨头合作,让其取代三星的“苹果第一供应商”位子。 三星向ITC部长James Holbein投诉,要求根据1930年美国关税法第337条对苹果进行调查。投诉的具体内容暂时无法获得。 不过根据该条法令进行的投诉,一般是要求ITC禁止这些侵犯专利的产品进口美国。 美国国际贸易委员会还未决定是否按三星的投诉进行调查,这样的调查通常要持续一年多。 编译:Luffy Liu 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Samsung takes Apple fight to ITC, by Dylan McGrath


{pagination} Samsung takes Apple fight to ITC Dylan McGrath SAN FRANCISCO—South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Tuesday (June 28) filed a complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) requesting an investigation of alleged patent infringement by Apple Inc. and presumably seeking a ban on the importation of Apple products into the U.S. The news service reported Wednesday that Samsung also filed suit against Apple in U.S. federal court in Delaware, alleging that Apple infringed on Samsung's patents for technology used in iPhone, iPad and iPod products. Apple and Samsung have traded patent infringement litigation in multiple venues for the past few months. Apple initially sued Samsung in April, claiming that Samsung copied the look and feel of Apple products with its own smartphone and media tablet offerings. Samsung countersued Apple a few days later. Samsung is a long time supplier to Apple that has served as a chip foundry for Apple's processors and supplied the company with displays and other products. Earlier this week, rumors again circulated that Apple was preparing to replace Samsung as its chip foundry with foundry giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd., presumably in relation to the patent infringement allegations. Samsung's ITC complaint, addressed to ITC Secretary James Holbein, asks for an investigation of Apple under section 337 under the U.S. Tariff Act of 1930. The text of the complaint could not immediately be obtained. Such complaints typically ask the ITC to bar the importation into the U.S. of products found to infringe the patents of the complainant. The ITC must still determine whether to investigate the complaint, and such investigations typically take more than a year.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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