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根据世界半导体贸易统计组织的数字,2011年5月全球芯片销售额为23.49亿美元,同比2010年5月的销售记录下降了1.7%。 这是全球芯片市场的第二个反弹月份,但销售额仍小于上年同月。

根据世界半导体贸易统计组织(World Semiconductor Trade Statistics organization , WSTS)的数字,2011年5月全球芯片销售额为23.49亿美元,同比2010年5月的销售记录下降了1.7%。 这个数字由WSTS在前一个月做了修正,这是全球芯片市场的第二个反弹月份,但销售额仍小于上年同月。 WSTS在更新过数据表后,加入了5月份的数据,并对3,4月的数据做了修正。3月实际销售额从28.34亿美元减少到28.19亿美元,4月份从23.52亿美元减少到23.41亿美元。的月实际销售数字。因此从年均增长来看,2010年4月比2009年4月同比增长0.2%,而2011年4月则下跌了0.3%。 WSTS还发布了三个月的平均数据,采用了美国半导体产业协会(Semiconductor Industry Association, SIA)和欧洲半导体产业协会(European Semiconductor Industry Association, ESIA)公布的数字。这使得我们看到任何即定月份的平均销售额同时,还可以对比前两个月的平均销售额。SIA和ESIA喜欢目前这种数据呈现的模式,因为它的图形表现平滑,通常在季度开始处于波谷,季度结束时出现波峰。然而,平均数的做法也容易忽略了一些全球性或区域性的突发性销售额急剧下降或上升。 如果不与去年做比较,5月实际芯片销售额比4月份还是有0.4%增长的,4月份的销售额为23.41亿美元。 但是回顾过去十年WSTS的数据,我们会发现这一数字还是大大不如以前。从2001年到2010年,5月芯片市场的销售额平均要比4月高4.2%。最差是在2001年,5月比4月下降了4.8%,最好是2006年的12.4%连续增长。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:WSTS: Chip market shrinking year-on-year, by Peter Clarke


{pagination} WSTS: Chip market shrinking year-on-year Peter Clarke LONDON – Global chips sales in May were $23.49 billion, down by 1.7 percent on the sales recorded for May 2010, according to figures from the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics organization. And thanks to modifications made to the previous month's figures by WSTS, this is the second month on the bounce in which the global chip market has been smaller than it was in the same month in the year before. In its spreadsheet update including figures for May, WSTS reduced March actual sales figures to $28.19 billion from $28.34 billion and reduced April actual sales figures to $23.41 billion from $23.52 billion. As a result April 2011 sales are now shown to be down 0.3 percent on April 2010 whereas before they showed an annual increase of 0.2 percent. WSTS also produces three-month-average figures which are published by the Semiconductor Industry Association and the European Semiconductor Industry Association. This makes the sales of any given month the average of the sales for that month and the previous two months. The SIA and ESIA prefer to present this data as it smoothes out the actual data that usually show troughs at the beginnings of the quarters and peaks at the ends of the quarters. However, averaging also masks the impact of sharp falls or jumps in any one month's global or regional chip sales. On a sequential basis May actual chips sales were up by 0.4 percent on the $23.41 billion sales recorded for April. This is considerably below most of the results provided by the previous ten years WSTS data. From 2001 to 2010 the May actual chip market has, on average, been 4.2 percent higher than that of April. The worst case was a 4.8 percent sequential fall in 2001 and the best case a 12.4 percent sequential spike in growth in 2006.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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