根据ABI Research的一个新的拆解报告,华为产品中的HSPA基带芯都是自产自销的。该芯片的发现引起了大家的猜测:在这个LTE迅速崛起的年代,华为在基带市场的野心究竟有多远?
ABI拆解报告显示,华为目前生产的宽带CDMA外部调制解调器E173,实际上用了两款不同的基带方案。其中一个版本采用的是Qualcomm MSM6290的HSPA芯片组,另一版本则是华为海思自己设计的基带。
“现在的问题是:华为会将其内部的解决方案应用到哪些调制解调器和手机产品上,”ABI公司工程副总裁James Mielke表示。“华为基带虽然不使用高通的高收缩工艺技术,但华为芯片可能会做得相当便宜,这会很有卖点。”他补充说。
最近EE Times的一份加密报告中,透露了华为海思的一些情况。 海思成立于1991年,当时叫做华为ASIC集团,它在2004年10月正式成为华为旗下部门,并更名为海思。迄今为止,它已完成超过120颗芯片的设计,并称出货已达1.5亿。
华为的HSPA芯片的产品路线图目前还不清楚,但HSPA +,以及LTE是肯定会出现的。 ABI表示,目前发现有28种商业网络正采用FD-LTE模式,但还没有网络使用TD-LTE。目前中国移动和高通等合作伙伴正在共同开发一个新的模式。
“一个需要解决的棘手问题是,LTE设备对各种频谱波段漫游跨越的能力,” ABI公司的LTE研究的负责人Aditya Kaul表示,“在未来几年预计LTE将会被广泛采用,这也需要更多的产业合作来共同解决这一问题。”他补充说。
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参考英文原文:Huawei rolls baseband as LTE expands,by Rick Merritt
• ThunderBolt拆解:昂贵的LTE零件能否搏回票价?
• 宏达电首款LTE手机成本为何比iPhone 4贵5成以上?
• 美国将走在LTE部署的前端,甩开欧亚几条街zgNesmc
Huawei rolls baseband as LTE expands
Rick Merritt
SAN JOSE, Calif. – China telecom giant Huawei Technologies is producing its own HSPA baseband silicon, according to a new teardown report by ABI Research. The discovery of the chip raises questions about how far Huawei's ambitions extend in basebands at a time when LTE networks are o the rise.
Huawei makes two wideband CDMA external modems, both sold as the E173. One version uses a Qualcomm MSM6290 HSPA chipset, the other uses a baseband designed by Huawei's HiSilicon division and both are subjects of ABI teardown reports.
Since the modem's release in late 2010, the Huawei HSPA baseband has appeared in two other products, ABI said.
"The question is: what portion of Huawei’s modems and handsets will shift to its internal solutions," said James Mielke, vice president of engineering at ABI. "The Huawei baseband does not use as high a shrink process technology as the Qualcomm, but the Huawei chip is considerably less expensive and that may be the driving force," he added.
A recent EE Times Confidential report profiled Huawei's HiSilicon group. Formed in 1991 as Huawei's ASIC group, it became a full division of Huawei under the HiSilicon name in October 2004. To date it has completed more than 120 chip designs and claims to have shipped 150 million units.
The roadmap for Huawei's HSPA chip is unclear, but HSPA+ and LTE versions would be natural follow-ons. ABI said it currently tracks 28 commercial FD-LTE networks. No networks have gone live using TD-LTE, a variant currently being co-developed by partners including China Mobile and Qualcomm among others.
"A challenging issue to tackle will be the ability of LTE devices to support roaming across the various spectrum bands," said Aditya Kaul, who leads ABI's LTE research, "More industry collaboration is expected in the next few years as LTE achieves widespread adoption," he added.