该公司第一次把其软件应用到手机中是2007年,日本的Docomo(多科莫公司,日本的移动运营商)。它的手机客户还包括HTC,摩托罗拉,诺基亚,NEC,索尼爱立信,三星和LG。使用它授权产品的公司还包括微软(Xbox 360),松下,三洋,索尼,IBM和英特尔。
去年,该公司展示了其软件在Android和Symbian环境上运行的效果。它还支持功能手机的Linux,Nucleus,Windows Mobile和高通的BREW。
高通执行副总裁兼集团总裁Steve Mollenkopf在一份新闻稿中表示,“应用处理器正在使消费者的家庭娱乐和移动设备界面进入一个新时代,我们的收购将加强高通的智能手机产品组合,使我们的客户推出新的和引人注目的用户体验产品。”
2008年,任天堂的Wii和苹果iPhone登场,加热了手势识别市场。日立和其他一些公司在2009 CES上展示了Canesta和其他芯片商的手势界面方案。同年6月,微软发布的Kinect,成为历史上卖得最快的消费电子产品之一,进一步推动了手势识别的软件开发。
Luffy Liu
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参考英文原文:Qualcomm buys gesture-recognition technology,by Rick Merritt
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Qualcomm buys gesture-recognition technology
Rick Merritt
SAN JOSE, Calif. – Qualcomm Inc. acquired some assets of GestureTek, a developer of gesture recognition technology. The chip maker said it plans to put the gesture recognition technology into its "current and next-generation Snapdragon processors" for smartphones, tablets and other consumer devices.
Qualcomm bought unspecified intellectual property assets related to gesture recognition, as well as some engineering resources from the company that was founded in 1986. GestureTek retains some of its assets and will continuation its business in gesture-enabled digital signs. The companies did not disclose financial details of the transaction.
Prior to the deal, GestureTek said it owned eight broad patents on camera- and video-tracking that issued starting in 1996 and said it had applied for 37 others. It has developed gesture-recognition technology for displays and surfaces used in markets spanning handsets, digital signage and heath care.
The company first got its software into handsets in 2007 in a deal with Japan's DoCoMo. It also is used in handsets from HTC, Motorola, Nokia, NEC, Sony Ericsson, Samsung and LG. Licensees for other products include Panasonic, Microsoft (Xbox 360), Sanyo, Sony, IBM, and Intel.
Last year the company demonstrated its software running on Android and Symbian environments. It also supports Linux, Nucleus, Windows Mobile and Qualcomm's Brew for feature phones.
"Applications processors are enabling a range of new ways for consumers to interface with their home entertainment and mobile devices," said Steve Mollenkopf, executive vice president and group president, Qualcomm, speaking in a press release. "Our acquisition will strengthen Qualcomm's smartphone product portfolio and enable our customers to launch products with new and compelling user experiences," he added.
Gesture recognition technology will be integrated into Qualcomm's current and next-generation Snapdragon processors, giving OEMs the capability to produce smartphones, tablets and home entertainment devices with user interfaces based on natural human gestures.
The debut of the Nintendo Wii and Apple iPhone heated up the market for gesture recognition starting in 2008. Hitachi and others showed such interfaces at CES in 2009 powered by chips from Canesta and others. Microsoft Kinect, one of the fastest selling consumer products in history, further spurred work in gesture recognition with a software developers kit released in June.