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市场研究机构IDC日前调降对 2011年 PC 微处理器出货量的成长率预估,由原先的10.3%下修为9.3%;这意味着发达地区的经济问题已经对消费性PC需求产生影响。

市场研究机构 IDC (International Data Corp.)日前调降对 2011年 PC 微处理器出货量的成长率预估,由原先的10.3%下修为9.3%;这意味着发达地区的经济问题已经对消费性PC需求产生影响。 根据IDC的统计,2011年第二季 PC 微处理器出货较第一季减少了3%,与2010年同期相较,成长率则不到1%;在销售金额方面,PC微处理器市场第二季营收规模为94.9亿美元,较第一季减少4%,与去年同月相较则成长5%。 “2011年第一季的表现优于之前大多数的第一季情况,是因为额外的日历周(the extra calendar week);”IDC半导体/个人计算机研究总监Shane Rau表示:“因此第二季的季成长率表现并不令人意外,如果把额外的周数去除,该市场第二季表现会呈现微幅季成长的情形。“ IDC指出,由于英特尔(Intel)与 AMD 都陆续推出整合绘图处理功能的新一代微处理器,第二季这类产品已经占据整体PC微处理器出货的六成以上;其中英特尔的整合型处理器市占率达到88%,但该数字在第一季为92.2%;至于AMD整合型处理器的第二季市占率,则由第一季的7.8%成长为12%。 《国际电子商情》 Intel与AMD在PC处理器市场的势力消长 英特尔在整体PC处理器的市场占有率,在第二季由第一季的80.8%缩水为79.3%;AMD的第二季市占率则略有成长,从第一季的18.9%来到20.4%。至于在移动PC处理器部分,英特尔第二季市占率为84.4%,较上一季的86.3%略减;AMD的移动PC处理器市占率,则由第一季的13.4%,在第二季达到15.2%。 在台式PC处理器部分,英特尔第二季市占率为70.9%,较第一季的72.4%略有退步;AMD台式PC处理器的第二季市占率则为28.9%,该数字上一季为27.4%。在服务器与工作站处理器部分,英特尔的第二季市占率高达94.5%,上一季为93.3%;AMD在该市场仅有5.5%的占有率,较第一季的6.1%略为退步。 编译:Judith Cheng 参考原文: IDC cuts PC microprocessor forecast,by Dylan McGrath


{pagination} IDC cuts PC microprocessor forecast Dylan McGrath International Data Corp. (IDC) Tuesday (Aug. 2) cut its forecast for 2011 PC microprocessor shipment growth to 9.3 percent from 10.3 percent, saying economic headwinds in developed regions that are affecting consumer PC demand. PC microprocessor shipments declined 3 percent in the second quarter compared with the first quarter and were up less than 1 percent compared to the second quarter of 2010, according to the latest PC microprocessor market share study from IDC. In terms of sales, the PC microprocessor market was worth $9.49 billion in the second quarter, down 4 percent compared to the first quarter and up 5 percent compared to the second quarter of 2010, IDC said. "The first quarter of 2011 was better than most first quarters due to the extra calendar week," said Shane Rau, director of semiconductors/personal computing research at IDC, in a statement. "So the sequential comparison isn't surprising. If we took off that extra week, the performance between the two quarters probably would've seen a seen a slight sequential uptick from 1Q to 2Q." Both Intel Corp. and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) continue to ramp new microprocessors with integrated graphics processors, IDC noted. The firm said processors with integrated graphics accounted for more than 60 percent of total PC processor unit volume in the second quarter. Intel held 88 percent market share for processors with integrated graphics in the second quarter, down from 92.2 percent in the first quarter, while AMD's share for these types of devices grew to 12 percent from 7.8 percent, IDC said. Intel's share of the overall PC processor market declined to 79.3 percent, down from 80.8 percent in the first quarter, IDC said. AMD held 20.4 percent of the PC processor market in the second quarter, up from 18.9 percent in the first quarter, IDC said. Intel had 84.4 percent market share in mobile PC processors in the second quarter, down from 86.3 percent in the first quarter, IDC said. AMD held 15.2 percent share of the mobile PC processor market in the first quarter, up from 13.4 percent in the first quarter, according to IDC. Intel had 70.9 percent of the market for desktop PC processors in the second quarter, down from 72.4 percent in the first quarter, IDC said. AMD's share of the desktop market improved to 28.9 percent in the second quarter from 27.4 percent in the first quarter, according to IDC. In PC servers and workstations, Intel claimed 94.5 percent processor market share in the second quarter, up from 93.9 percent in the first quarter, IDC. AMD had just 5.5 percent of the workstation and server market in the second quarter, down from 6.1 percent in the first quarter, IDC said.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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