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McClean报告更新了2011上半年全球前二十大半导体供货商排行榜(以营收计),其中排名第一的英特尔(Intel)拉开了与第二大厂商三星电子(Samsung Electronics)之间的差距,其上半年业绩比三星高出43%。

市场研究机构 IC Insights 基于全球经济景气衰弱,调降了对 2011年半导体产业营收预测数据。该机构将原先对全球半导体产业2011年营收成长率的10%预测值,下修为5%;此外将2011年IC出货成长率由原先预测的10%,下修为4%。 在新发布的年中McClean 报告中,IC Insights 列举了一连串引发经济景气衰退的事件,包括311日本大地震、中东政局动荡、美国的天灾以及欧、美政府债务危机等等;这些事件让2011上半年的全球经济成长率与去年同期相较明显趋缓,也拖累了电子与半导体市场的成长。 “虽然这些负面事件本身带来的冲击并不是很严重,但综合起来仍让上半年全球经济发展趋缓;”IC Insights总裁Bill McClean表示。根据IC Insights的观察,全球国内生产毛额(GDP)成长率在2010年达到4.6%之后,已经开始严重下滑;第二季全球GDP成长率估计为3.1%,但金额比2010年同期减少了33%,与代表经济衰退的2.5%成长率之间差距不到1%。 但IC Insights仍表示,全球GDP成长率表现在今年下半年应该会好转,主要是因为日本震后的投资需求,以及美国经济景气转强。 年中McClean报告也更新了2011上半年全球前二十大半导体供货商排行榜(以营收计),其中排名第一的英特尔(Intel)拉开了与第二大厂商三星电子(Samsung Electronics)之间的差距,其上半年业绩比三星高出43%。整体看来,全球前二十大半导体供货商上半年销售业绩比去年同期成长8%,比全球半导体产业上半年成长率4%高出4个百分点。 本文下一页:2011上半年全球TOP20半导体供货商排行榜


{pagination} 另外值得一提的是,绘图芯片供货商Nvidia挤下日本同业Panasonic,重回全球前二十大半导体供货商之列,虽然Nvidia的上半年销售业绩只比去年同期成长1%。

IC Insights的2011上半年全球前二十大半导体供货商排行榜04Eesmc

编译:Judith Cheng 参考原文: IC Insights lowers chip growth forecast,by Dylan McGrath


{pagination} IC Insights lowers chip growth forecast Dylan McGrath Market research firm IC Insights Inc. lowered its forecast for semiconductor industry growth in 2011, citing a weak global economy. IC Insights (Scottsdale, Ariz.) said it now projects that global semiconductor revenue will increase 5 percent this year, down from an earlier forecast calling for 10 percent growth. The firm also lowered its projection for 2011 integrated circuit (IC) growth to 4 percent from 10 percent. In a mid-year update to the firm's McClean Report, IC Insights maintains that a series of economic setbacks—including the March 11 earthquake in Japan, the Arab Spring political uprising in the Middle East, a surge in natural disasters in the U.S. and government debt concerns in the U.S. and Europe—caused quarterly worldwide economic growth to slow significantly in the first half of 2011 as compared to 2010 and in turn served to slow worldwide electronics and semiconductor industry market growth. "While any of these negative events by themselves may not have had a serious impact, combined, they served to noticeably slow the worldwide economy in the first half of this year," said Bill McClean, president of IC Insights, in a research bulletin. Worldwide GDP figures have been on fairly steep decline since reaching 4.6 percent in 2010, IC Insights said. The second quarter GDP estimate of 3.1 percent is 33 percent lower than it was in the second quarter of 2010 and less than 1 percent over the 2.5 percent global recession mark, IC Insights said. IC Insights said it expects worldwide GDP growth to be better in the second half of the year than it was in the second half due to post-earthquake investment by Japan and a stronger economy in the U.S. Also in the mid-year update to the McClean report, IC Insights updated its list of the top 20 semiconductor supplier by revenue in the first half of 2011. Intel Corp. extended its lead over No. 2 chip supplier Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., registering 43 percent better sales than Samsung in the first half of the year, IC Insights said. In total, the top 20 semiconductor suppliers showed an 8 percent increase in first half sales compared to the first half of 2010, IC Insights said. This growth rate was 4 points better than total worldwide semiconductor industry growth of 4 percent in the first half of the year compared to 2010, IC Insights said. Nvidia Corp. returned to the top 20—supplanting Panasonic Corp.—despite a first half sales increase of only 1 percent compared to 2010, IC Insights said.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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