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惠普 (HP) 稍早前任命Meg Whitman为新任CEO,该公司重申新任领导者将继续前任CEO Leo Apotheker稍早前所制订的策略。 这位新人能否让HP重现往日光辉?

惠普 (HP) 稍早前任命Meg Whitman为新任CEO,该公司重申新任领导者将继续前任CEO Leo Apotheker稍早前所制订的策略。 Ray Lane被任命为董事会执行主席。他表示在当前惠普董事惠广受批评之际,Whitman是出任此一要职的最佳人选。另外,惠普还计划任命一名独立董事。 Whitman和Lane均表示,他们将继续Apotheker在今年8月18日所宣布的决策──考虑分拆PC事业部、中止WebOS平板和智能手机业务,以及以大约117亿美元并购服务器软件厂商Autonomy。 Whitman表示,HP董事会仍在评估是否分拆PC部门,今年底前会做出最终决定。Autonomy的并购事宜也会在今年底前完成。 “唯有做出一些成果才能为这家公司重建信心,而这正是我打算去做的,”Whitman说。 Lane指出,董事会开除Apotheker的理由是因为他缺乏团队精神,连续几季财务绩效不佳,而且缺乏策略目标的沟通。他同时为遭到华尔街分析师抨击仅给予Apotheker不到一年任期的董事会进行辩护。 Lane拒绝透露董事会的相关时程表,但他用更宽广的角度进行了说明。 除了去年空降的Apotheker,在其CEO考虑人选列表中,“我们考虑了几个[内部]名单,但有些人尚未准备好,”Lane说。他接着表示,“我和其它董事会成员也考虑过任命临时执行长,但我知道,最强的候选人就是Meg。” “她非常果决且擅长交际,”Lane说。“我想惠普的员工都乐意与她同一阵线,因为她很快就能融入员工之中,”他补充道。 Lane也为董事会聘任最近几任CEO,包括Mark Hurd和Carly Fiorina而招致广泛批评进行了辩护。一份报导称惠普去年聘用Apotheker时,许多董事会成员甚至没见过他。 “我对董事会,以及董事会中齐心合作的每一个成员都引以为傲,”Lane说。“我们的执行方法需要改进,我们也决定让Meg Whitman带领我们来进行,”他表示。 “现在的董事会并未选择Leo,超过半数的董事会成员是自Leo后才加入的,”Lane说。惠普的董事会在今年加入了8个新成员,包括Whitman在内。他指出,董事会以候选人是否是合适人选进行客观辩论,最终会选出拥有良好领导记录的人选。 “除了Meg,我还想不出可以让谁来带领这家公司,”他说。 Whitman承诺将尽快推动HP PC业部部门的决策。 “我们所能做的是尽快做出有关PC部门的决策,”她说。“这可不像美酒可以愈陈愈香,”她形容道。 “这家公司最主要业务仍然是硬件部份,我希望能强调我们在硬件业务方面的承诺,”她补充说。 Technology Business Research, Inc.分析师Krista Macomber指出,惠普应该保留PC业务。“PC和惠普其它业务之间具有互补效益,能扩展这家公司的规模,并让惠普充份运用其销售优势与生态系统,”Macomber在一份报告中说。 Whitman表示,她已经会晤了一些惠普的高阶主管,但还未与其它职员见面。“员工们希望被领导,这个组织已经经历太多事件了,他们很希望这家公司仍能成为硅谷成功的标志,”她表示。 本文下一页:惠普如何再度成为硅谷之光 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载

惠普放弃PC和webOS业务,新CEO hold不住了?

{pagination} 观点:惠普如何再度成为硅谷之光? 最近,笔者在一些场合中遇到惠普的工程师时,通常会先从痛苦的鬼脸做为招呼的开端,然后再转变成笑脸,接下来便是长谈了。此一场景的背后代表着多么可怕的处境? 现阶段,惠普的工程师和管理人员们,都需要一个能静静在他们背后提供策略的CEO,且必须提供能‘真正’解决眼前困境的决策。 在热门的移动小型装置,以及大型云端服务的两极化市场之间,惠普正处于尴尬的中间地带。这家公司没有智能手机或平板电脑,甚至表示将拋弃其领先全球的笔记本和PC部门。惠普拥有稳定的服务器、网络和储存产品,但却没有能将之连结在一起的云端服务业务。 最重要的是,它拥有世界级的工程和管理团队,但却没有可信任CEO来带领他们。 惠普创办人写过一本有关该公司以创新管理让这家公司成为硅谷徽章的书。现在,时势已大不相同了。今天的惠普是一家规模1,270亿美元的庞然大物,在微薄的利润率以及由其它公司掌控技术的条件下维持其PC业务的领先地位。 未来的道路有千万种可能,但唯一清楚的事,是每条路都不容易走。 根据纽约时报的一篇报导,这家公司最直接的问题,似乎是一个功能不良的董事会。 一个月前,我曾写过一篇文章,说明为何我不认为当时的执行长Leo Apotheker可以挽救惠普。现在他被换下,由Meg Whitman接任,这位前任eBay首席执行官也曾经参选加州州长。 惠普曾拥有自己的交响乐团。但下一任CEO可能要从历史中获得更多提示──这家公司需要真正的领导者,而非社交名流。 当惠普实验室的新任领导者为该单位注入更多活力时,这个企业便展现出截然不同的转变。其忆阻器(memristor)和传感器网络已经取得了迄今最傲人的成绩。 惠普的服务器部门则持续收购3Com、3Par公司,但在此同时,其内部发展也未曾停歇,例如,惠普针对下一代高度整合的计算机-网络-储存基础架构进行了全面性的开发工作。不过戴尔、IBM和思科也在做同样的事。 许多厂商都竞相开发下一代系统,参赛者必须具备世界级的水准,以确保其各自独立运作的工程和事业单位能共同规划出足以致胜的发展蓝图。这也是新任CEO应该做的,或是至少应该维持这些单位合作而不分散。 拟订行动策略则是更加艰巨的工作。在面对智能手机和平板热潮时,惠普的反应甚至比诺基亚(Nokia)更加迟缓。或许惠普应该保留WebOS团队,尽快跳到Android行列,并同时开创其它的市场机会。 除此之外,这家公司还有文化问题。惠普拥有极其庞大的员工数量和丰富的文化但历经 Carly Fiorina, Mark Hurd 和 Leo Apotheker 几任CEO之后,这家公司的人才和历史文化方面的优势,几乎都已经要消磨殆尽了。 惠普办公室位在苹果和Google之间,也正是当前行动和云端革命的发源地。该公司仍然是一颗宝石…虽然已经蒙尘,但在硅谷,仍然有很多种方法能让它再度发亮。 无论你是惠普员工、曾经任职惠普,或仅是在观察这家公司,都欢迎一同讨论,你认为下一任惠普CEO应该怎么做。 编译: Joy Teng 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文: HP keeps strategy, names Whitman CEO; HP: How to polish a Silicon Valley gem;by Rick Merritt

惠普放弃PC和webOS业务,新CEO hold不住了?

{pagination} HP: How to polish a Silicon Valley gem Rick Merritt SAN JOSE, Calif. – When I meet Hewlett-Packard engineers at events these days the greeting usual starts off with a painful grimace that quickly breaks into a laugh and a long talk. How horrible can this thing get? At this stage, HP's engineers and managers need a chief executive that can quietly get behind them to provide the corporate blocking and tackling needed to help them solve some really, really big problems. In a market increasingly split between hot mobile gadgets and enabling cloud services, HP stands in an awkward middle space. It has no smartphone or tablet products and it has indicated it may not even want its world-leading notebook and desktop group. It has solid server, networking and storage products but no cloud service business to wrap around them. Most importantly, it has a world-class team of engineers and managers and no credible CEO to lead them. HP's founders' wrote the book on managing innovation in a humble, engaged way as they created a Silicon Valley icon. Now it's a different day. HP is a $127 billion behemoth, leading in a PC business with razor thin margins and based on technologies controlled by other companies. The way forward is anything but clear, and in no way easy. The company's immediate problem appears to be a dysfunctional board of directors, based on a fascinating report from the New York Times. I weighed in a month ago about why I don't think Leo Apotheker, the current CEO, can save HP. He is now set to be replaced, reportedly by Meg Whitman whose credentials are mixed at best after her failed run for California governor and difficulties in her final days at eBay. Once upon a time HP had its own symphony orchestra (pictured below). The next CEO could take a cue from that history and be more of a conductor and less of a celebrity. The changes come at a time when HP Labs has been reinvigorated by a new leader. Its achievements in memristors and sensor networks mark some of its best work to date. Its server group is in the hunt. HP has acquired with companies such as 3Com, 3Par and its own internal developments all the pieces it needs for the next generation of highly integrated computer-networking-storage infrastructure. But so have Dell, IBM and Cisco. There's a race on to get to this next generation system of systems. The contestants need to have world-class focus to ensure their separate engineering and business teams jointly plan a winning road map. That's work a new CEO should enable—or at least not distract. Creating a mobile strategy is a harder job. HP is behind even Nokia in responding to the smartphone and tablet era. It should probably keep its WebOS team and quickly jump on the Android bandwagon while it waits for the next discontinuity to create another market opening. Then there's the culture issue. HP has great people and a rich heritage. The struggles it has been through with Carly Fiorina, Mark Hurd and Leo Apotheker have strained both the people and the history almost to the breaking point. Almost. HP's corporate offices stand right in between Apple and Google, ground zero of today's mobile and cloud revolutions. The company is still a gem, albeit a tarnished gem, in a Silicon Valley that's in many ways richer than ever. Whether you are an HP employee, an alumn or just an observer, I'd love to hear what you think the next CEO ought to do to polish it.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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