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电视与机顶盒芯片供货商 Trident Microsystems 宣布将裁员275人,以降低财务收支平衡门槛,预计于2012年初展开,这也是该公司实现复兴的重要步骤之一。

电视与机顶盒芯片供货商 Trident Microsystems 宣布将裁员275人,以降低财务收支平衡门槛;该公司目前员工总数为1,275人,表示将裁减的职务将包括所有业务部门,预计于2012年初展开,这也是该公司实现复兴的重要步骤之一。 Trident 预期,藉由此裁员与其它成本削减策略,一年可为该公司节省4,000万~4,800万美元的成本,并可将其年度营收的EBITDA损益平衡水准降低至3.4亿美元至3.6亿美元。Trident预估,此组织重整计划费用在800万到1,000万美元之间,其中有200万美元将显现于9月30日截止的财季。 “着眼于新设计案正进入量产,以及整体经济环境疲软,我们正在采取果断的行动,为Trident迈向2012年的成功争取更有利的位置;”Trident执行长Bami Bastani表示。在两年前,恩智浦半导体(NXP)将电视与机顶盒芯片业务转让给Trident,代价是后者的六成股份,但目前不清楚恩智浦手上所持有的Trident股票比例。 编译:Judith Cheng 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载


参考英文原文: Trident to cut 20% of staff to lower costs,by Peter Clarke {pagination} Trident to cut 20% of staff to lower costs Peter Clarke LONDON – Trident Microsystems Inc., a provider of chips for TVs and set-top boxes, has announced that it plans to lay off about 275 employees out of a total of 1,275 so that is can lower its financial breakeven point. The jobs will be cut in all functional areas and are due to go by early in 2012, the company said They are described as a key step in the company's turnaround strategy. As a result of these cuts and other cost saving measures Trident (Sunnyvale, Calif.) expects to reduce its annual costs by between $40 million and $48 million and reduce its EBITDA breakeven level to approximately $340 million to $360 million in annual revenues. Trident said it expects to incur between $8 million and $10 million in restructuring charges, including approximately $2 million to $3 million in the current quarter ending Sept. 30. "We are taking decisive actions to better position Trident for success as we enter 2012, given the current mass production timing of our new design wins and the soft economic environment," said Trident's chief executive officer Bami Bastani, in a statement. Two years ago a deal saw NXP Semiconductors BV (Eindhoven, The Netherlands) transfer its television and set-top box chip business to Trident in return for a 60 percent stake in the company. It is not clear what percentage NXP currently holds in the publicly traded Trident.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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