亚马逊公司( Inc.)周三推出了Kindle Fire平板电脑,其价格不到iPad的一半。但内部人事指出,亚马逊仍将从Kindle的硬件获得销售利润,但可能只有苹果iPad或黑莓PlayBook的三分之一到四分之一。根据UBM TechInsights的估计,Kindle平板的BOM估值约150美元。
根据这个成本,亚马逊平板硬件销售的利润估计为49美元。相比之下,UBM TechInsights估计苹果和RIM的平板利润在150到200美元之间。
“这可以看作是对所有Android平板制造商的一个重大打击,对于Kindle的低价真的没辙。而且他们还缺少Amazon数字媒体店面的内容。”UBM TechInsights商业智能部副总裁Jeffrey Brown表示(博闻下属部门,EE Times出版商)。
在Kindle推出之前,就有报道说亚马逊由于急着将产品推向市场,所以其设计灵感主要是来自7英寸的Playbook,这点已经有拆解报告可以左证。 UBM TechInsights估计Playbook的成本价格为170美元。
“亚马逊Kindle的形状和形式都与黑莓Playbook看起来相似,但它的内性能大打折扣,以便降低价格。” Brown说。
“我们预计,Kindle Fire的双核处理器会是TI的OMAP 4430,跟Playbook一样,它也会使用SanDisk和东芝的闪存,我们觉得两者相似之处远不止这些。”他说。
Kindle取消了前面500万像素和后面300万像素的摄像头,这样就比Playbook的成本减少了10.50美元。仅使用内存8 GB的内存,节约8美元。取消蓝牙,GPS和麦克风支持,又省下1.5美元……UBM TechInsights在报告中指出。
“亚马逊进入平板领域的真正优势是,有一个直接,既定的Amazon.com销售模式可以用,而其余的Android竞争对手没有。” Brown表示, “亚马逊也有很高的知名度和丰富的内容,这使他们在与苹果竞争中处于相同高度。”
Luffy Liu
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参考英文原文:Kindle Fire profitable at estimated $150 BoM, by Rick Merritt
• 那些“非苹果”的平板电脑们
• Tablet 2011下半:苹果死守6成市占,超薄设计崛起
• iPad的头号劲敌?Amazon Tablet最有可能ovIesmc
Kindle Fire profitable at estimated $150 BoM
Rick Merritt
SAN JOSE, Calif. – Amazon will make a profit on hardware sales of its Kindle Fire, but probably only a third to a quarter as much as the Apple iPad and Playbook, according to estimates from UBM TechInsights that peg new tablet's bill of materials at $150.
With those costs, Amazon will make an estimated $49 profit on sales of its tablet hardware. By contrast, UBM TechInsights estimates Apple and RIM make $150 to $200 in gross profits on their tablets.
"This can be viewed as a major blow to all Android tablet manufacturers who really have no way to compete since the channel mark-up would require companies put their tablets at or below cost to beat the Kindle Fire price--and they still all lack the content that the Amazon storefront has," said Jeffrey Brown, vice president of business intelligence at UBM TechInsights, a division of UBM LLC, the publisher of EE Times.
Before the launch of the Kindle Fire, reports circulated that Amazon was rushing the product to market and, as such, taking its design cues mainly from the 7-inch Playbook, already the subject of teardown reports. UBM TechInsights estimated the bill of materials for the Playbook at $170.
"The Amazon Kindle Fire looks similar in fit and form to the Blackberry Playbook, but it’s been stripped of its bells and whistles to help bring down the price," said Brown.
"We expect that the Kindle Fire's dual-core processor will be the TI OMAP 4430, just like the Playbook, it will use similar flash memory from SanDisk and Toshiba and we don’t expect the similarities to stop there," he said.
The Kindle Fire cuts $10.50 from the Playbook costs by leaving out 5 and 3 MPixel front- and rear-facing cameras. Amazon saves $8 by using 8 Gbytes less memory than RIM, and another $1.50 by cutting out Bluetooth, GPS and microphone support, UBM TechInsights said.
"The real benefit for Amazon in entering the tablet space is the advantage of a direct, established, sales model on versus the rest of its Android competitors," said Brown. "They also have name recognition and a wealth of content behind the device which puts them on a level with Apple," Brown said.