根据UBM TechInsights与Displaybank等公司针对几家公司及其专利组合所做的一些分析,在Android合作伙伴、苹果(Apple)与微软(Microsoft)等公司之间持续进行的专利侵权战中,目前仍看不到明显可胜出的最后赢家。
UBM TechInsights公司日前发布一份报告分析了Google以125亿美元收购摩托罗拉行动公司(Motorola Mobility)交易中期望取得的近17,000项专利。Displaybank也发布几项有关行动显示技术的报告,其中包括深入探讨苹果公司在多点触控屏幕方面的一项关键专利技术。
 美国专利商标局周二向苹果授予了“滑动解锁”手势的专利。这一技术最先出现在第一代iPhone中,不过目前已被许多产品使用。如今苹果拿下了这一专利,其他手机公司恐怕要当心了 |
UBM TechInsights在报告中指出,“尽管透过摩托罗拉的专利与Moto经验丰富的IP团队,Google可望更能有效地捍卫其Android合作伙伴,但收购摩托罗拉的专利组合,并不见得能为其带来明显的优势。”事实上,这项交易“还可能使这个合并后的企业体成为更直接的目标,”UBM TechInsights强调。
终究,专利战只是一个数字游戏,IP咨询公司Chipworks公司CEO Terry Ludlow表示。摩托罗拉公司的专利组合“或许可让Google取得一种‘恐怖平衡’的互保原则,从而为双方带来相互授权的最终和解”,Ludlow说。“而苹果公司也不可能使三星公司从此退出手机业务,因为这其实只是一个谁付多少钱给谁的问题罢了。”他补充说。
相较于最近出售一系列专利组合给苹果和微软等合作伙伴的北电专利组合而言,摩托罗拉的专利产品组合具有更多10倍比例的优势。“但是,其中许多所谓‘不得不使用的技术’(Standards-essential patents)专利还有其值得商榷之处,”Ludlow说。“有些标准组织允许自我声明何者为核心专利,但有的组织则交由评审小组进行审查以决定是否为必要的专利。”他补充说。
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具体地说,苹果公司希望寻求限制三星Galaxy S 4G、Infuse 4G与Galaxy 10.1平板电脑的禁制令。McAndrews Held & Malloy Ltd.公司一位设计专利律师Chris Carani表示,如果法院发布这项禁制令,那么可能一直到明年夏天法院审理以前,三星公司的产品都得在市场上停售。
Carani表示,负责这一诉讼案的法官认为三星的平板电脑产品其实已经对苹果的设计专利构成了侵权,然而,她也指出,由于和1994 Knight-Ridder平板设计专利类似,苹果的其中一项设计专利很可能会因此无效。
编译:Susan Hong
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
参考英文原文:Reports examine mobile patent wars,by Rick Merritt
• 乔布斯临终锦囊,保苹果继续称霸两年
• 人类已阻止不了大屏手机,我们该做些什么?
• 日系大厂合并LCD业务,苹果终于摆脱三星?i2hesmc
Reports examine mobile patent wars
SAN JOSE – No clear winners are expected in the ongoing patent infringement battles among Android partners, Apple and Microsoft, based on new reports analyzing some of the companies' patents.
UBM TechInsights has released a report analyzing the nearly 17,000 patents Google hopes to buy as part of its $12.5 billion bid to acquire Motorola Mobility. Displaybank has released a handful of reports on mobile displays, including one examining a key Apple patent on multi-touch screens.
Meanwhile, a U.S. judge suggested at least one of Apple's design patents on the look and feel of its iPad may not be valid. The case is one of several Apple has brought against Samsung in courts around the world trying to prevent it from selling Android smartphones and tablets.
Separately, Motorola is named in 46 recent patent infringement cases citing 302 patents. Motorola has sued Apple or Microsoft for patent infringement in 12 of those cases, all filed in the past year.
Google will be better able to defend Android partners using the Motorola patents and Moto's seasoned intellectual property team, but it "does not have a clear advantage with this [Motorola] portfolio acquisition," UBM TechInsights said in its report. In fact the deal "likely makes this combined entity a more direct target," it said.
The report found Motorola Mobility has a total of 12,901 active patents, including 7,909 U.S. patents and 2,315 pending U.S. applications. The biggest groups--4,429 patents--are broadly in communications with smaller groups in encoding (414), video processing (298), power management (286), security (211) and user interface (91).
The U.S. patents should hold up well over time. Five years out 6,947 of the patents will still be valid including the vast majority of the patents in all the major categories.
Separately, market watcher Displaybank released a report examining a new multi-touch U.S. patent Apple was granted in June. It "encompasses broad topics related to technology of operating almost any picture that moves on [a] touch screen [and] is a strong, hard-to-avoid patent," it concluded.
In the end, patent wars are a numbers game, said Terry Ludlow, chief executive of ChipWorks, an IP consulting firm that has not conducted a specific analysis of the mobile portfolios.
The Motorola portfolio "probably gets [Google] to the level of mutually assured destruction, so they could end up with a cross license," Ludlow said. "Apple is not going to keep Samsung out of the handset business, it's just a question of who is going to pay whom and how much," he added.
"It's going to be a hard fight, but no one is going to win," said Ludlow, citing separate battles between Nokia and Apple that concluded with a settlement. "It will be a debate in court and parallel discussions in the licensing rooms, and in the end there will be cross licenses," he said.
In a recent analysis of the number of patents cited as essential to an industry standard, the Motorola portfolio had a 10:1 ratio advantage over a Nortel portfolio recently sold to a group of partners including Apple and Microsoft, Ludlow said.
"But standards-essential patents are a bit debatable," said Ludlow. "Some standards groups let you self-declare what's an essential patent and others have independent panels that review them and decide which are essential," he added.
Design patents in the spotlight
Apple is adopting a unique tactic in its lawsuits against Samsung, citing design patents that describe how products look. One design patent expert said the move is risky given Apple's minimalist industrial designs.
"How do you enforce a patent on what is essentially a rectangle," said Chris Carani, a design patent attorney with McAndrews Held & Malloy Ltd. (Chicago), referring to the iPad.
"Design patents traditionally haven’t been used that much in patent wars, so [Apple's move] is coming a bit from left field," said Ludlow. "How close to the [Apple] design [Samsung is] will be debate in court," he added.
In the U.S. case, Apple is asking the court to bar the Samsung tablets and smartphones from the market based on allegedly infringing three Apple design patents and one utility patent.
Specifically Apple seeks to bar Samsung’s Galaxy S 4G and Infuse 4G phones and Galaxy 10.1 tablet. If the court grants an injunction it could keep the products off the market until a trial is held, probably next summer, Carani said.
In "tentative thoughts" that do not indicate a ruling, the judge in the case said she thought the Samsung tablet does infringe Apple's design patents. However, she also said one of the design patents could be invalid due to similarities to a 1994 Knight-Ridder tablet design patent, Carani said.