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台积电(TSMC)资深研发副总裁蒋尚义(Shang-Yi Chiang)在日前表示,在接下来十年以FinFET技术持续进行半导体制程微缩的途径是清晰可见的,可直达 7nm节点;但在 7nm节点以下,半导体制程微缩的最大挑战来自于经济,并非技术。

晶圆代工大厂台积电(TSMC)资深研发副总裁蒋尚义(Shang-Yi Chiang)在日前于美国举行的ARM技术论坛(TechCon)上表示,在接下来十年以FinFET技术持续进行半导体制程微缩的途径是清晰可见的,可直达 7nm节点;但在 7nm节点以下,半导体制程微缩的最大挑战来自于经济,并非技术。 蒋尚义表示,他有信心半导体产业将在接下来十年找到克服7nm以下节点技术障碍的解决方案;但也指出,新技术虽然能实现7nm以下节点制程芯片量产,却可能得付出高昂代价:“当制程节点演进,我们也看到晶圆制造价格比前一代制程增加了许多。”


在ARM技术论坛的另一场专题演说中,EDA供货商Cadence Design Systems旗下Silicon Realization部门的资深研发副总裁徐季平(Chi-Ping Hsu),演示文稿了半导体制程从32/28nm节点过渡到22/20nm节点的制程技术研发成本增加幅度;他举例指出,如果32/28nm节点需成本是12亿美元,来到22/20nm节点,该成本规模将增加至21至30亿美元。 至于芯片设计成本,则会从32nm节点所需的5,000万至9,000万美元,在22nm节点增加至1.2亿至5亿美元。徐季平并指出,在32nm节点,芯片销售量需要达到3,000至4,000万颗,才能打平成本;但到了20nm节点,该门槛会提高至6,000万至1亿颗。


FinFET是一种 3D晶体管技术,目前正初步获得芯片制造商的采用;大厂英特尔(Intel)则是将其3D晶体管技术称为“三闸(tri-gate)”,业界预计该公司将在今年底推出采用3D晶体管技术所生产的22nm芯片样品。 蒋尚义表示,22nm节点会是半导体产业采用平面晶体管技术(planar transistor)的最后一个时代:“在此之后,该技术就会功成身退。” 编译:Judith Cheng 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:TSMC's R&D chief sees 10 years of scaling,by Dylan McGrath


{pagination} TSMC's R&D chief sees 10 years of scaling DylanMcGrath SANTA CLARA, Calif.—The path is clear for continued semiconductor scaling using FinFETs for the next decade, down to the 7-nm node, according to Shang-Yi Chiang, senior vice president of R&D at foundry giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Beyond 7-nm, the most pressing challenges to continued scaling will come from economics, not technology, Chiang said in a keynote address at the ARM TechCon event here Tuesday (Oct. 25). Chiang (above) said he has faith that the semiconductor industry will solve technical hurdles associated with moving past 7-nm over the next decade, but acknowledged that the new technologies might make volume manufacturing of chips with critical dimensions smaller than 7-nm cost prohibitive. "From node to node, we have found the wafer price has increased much more than previous nodes," Chiang said. In another ARM TechCon keynote later, Chi-Ping Hsu (right), senior vice president of R&D at in EDA vendor Cadence Design Systems Inc.'s Silicon Realization Group, presented data on dramatic cost increases associated with moving from the 32/28-nm node to the 22/20-nm node. The amount of money invested by the semiconductor industry in process R&D, for instance, jumped from $1.2 billion at 32/28 to between $2.1 billion and $3 billion at 22/20, Hsu said. Design costs for a chip jump from $50 million to $90 million at 32-nm to $120 million to $500 million at 22-nm, Hsu said. At the 32-nm node, a chip needs to sell about 30 to 40 million units to recoup the costs associated with it, Hsu said. At the 20-nm node, the "breakeven" point jumps to between 60 and 100 million units, Hsu said. FinFETs are three-dimensional transistors in the early stages of being adopted by chip makers. Intel Corp., which refers to its 3-D transistor technology as "tri-gate," is expected to begin sampling 22-nm chips with 3-D transistors later this year. Chiang said the 20-nm node will be the last generation at which the semiconductor industry can possibly use a planar transistor. "After that, it will run out of steam," Chiang said.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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