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英特尔(Intel)即将成为市值500亿美元的公司,在2011年涨幅高达23%,在市场分析公司IHS的20大芯片厂商排名中,IHS初步预测英特尔在全球芯片产业的市场份额将由2010年的13.2%增长至2011年的15.9%。 考虑到过去几年里,英特尔的市场一直在被三星侵蚀,此次的成就格外引人注目。IHS估计整个市场从2010年的3070亿美元增长至今年的3128亿美元,涨幅1.9%。除英特尔外,只有高通和安森美半导体的增长幅度超过此数。 不过2011年排名也受到收购的影响。英特尔的排名有自己收购英飞凌、高通收购Atheros、安森美从松下手中收购三洋半导体。 Dale Ford在一份声明中表示:“在年景不佳的半导体市场,英特尔全线取得成功,扩张自己的核心微处理器和存储业务的同时完成一项大型收购。这使得英特尔增幅超过市场、拉开与竞争对手的距离、不为经济形势和日泰两国天灾所动摇。” 《国际电子商情》 本文下一页:经济形势疲软影响芯片产业 本文授权编译自EETIMES,版权所有,谢绝转载!

IC Insights:2011年半导体厂商TOP20排名预测Vweesmc

{pagination} 经济形势疲软影响芯片产业 英特尔正从微处理器和NAND闪存中收益。IHS认为这两块是2011年当红的领域,正带来两位数的增长。 三星也在从NAND闪存销售中获利。除NAND闪存以外,三星目前也在应用处理器、CMOS图像传感器、显示驱动电路占据领先地位。但三星正被DRAM业务所拖累。IHS预计DRAM市场将在2011年缩水27%。 根据IHS的数据,除NAND闪存以外,整个存储市场2011年表现不佳。EEPROM、SRAM和NOR闪存的销售额今年下滑幅度都将达到两位数。因此存储供应商将遭到重大损失,比如海力士(Hynix)、美光(Micron)、Elpida的营收分别下降14.2%、17.3%和40.2%。 根据2011年初步市场份额数据,IHS预测全球半导体市场将增长1.9%,高于此前1.2%的预测。 IHS预测“极端疲软”的经济状况将使得2012年芯片市场继续保持较低的个位数增长,营收增长的反弹将等到2013年以后。 本文授权编译自EETIMES,版权所有,谢绝转载! 参考原文:Intel bounces back in 2011 chip company ranking

IC Insights:2011年半导体厂商TOP20排名预测Vweesmc

{pagination} Intel bounces back in 2011 chip company ranking Peter Clarke Intel is set to be a nearly $50 billion company and have enjoyed 23 percent growth in 2011 as it increases its lead of the top 20 chip company ranking produced by market research firm IHS. This takes Intel's market share of the global chip industry to 15.9 percent in 2011, up from 13.2 percent in 2010, in the preliminary market share estimate from IHS. Intel's achievement is the more remarkable given that it has been losing market share to Samsung over several years and that IHS has 2011 as a 1.9 percent growth year achieving $312.8 billion total up from $307 billion in 2010. Only Qualcomm and On Semiconductor will show higher percentage growth in 2011, according to IHS. However, this then reveals that acquisitions were a key driver of progress in the 2011 ranking. Intel put on weight thanks to the acquisition of Infineon's wireless business unit, Qualcomm acquired Atheros Communications and On Semiconductor took over Sanyo Semiconductor from Panasonic. "In a challenging year for the semiconductor market, Intel achieved success on all fronts, expanding its core microprocessor and memory businesses, while also capitalizing on a major acquisition," said Dale Ford, in a statement. "This allowed the company to outgrow the market and expand its lead over its closest competitors, defying the impact of weak economic conditions and catastrophic natural disasters in Japan and Thailand." Weak economy to drag on chips Intel is benefiting from its presence in microprocessors and NAND flash, two product areas that IHS considers "hot" in 2011 and set to generate double-digit revenue growth. Samsung is also benefiting from NAND flash sales, in which it is the world's leading supplier as well as progress in applications processors, CMOS image sensors and display driver ICs, but this is offset by its exposure to the DRAM market. IHS expects the DRAM market to decline by 27 percent in 2011. Memory in general, and with the exception of NAND flash, was a poor market to be in during 2011, said IHS. Global revenue for EEPROM, SRAM and NOR flash memory all will decline by double-digit percentages this year. Consequently, some of the biggest decreases will be suffered by memory suppliers, such as Hynix Semiconductor Inc., Micron Technology Inc. and Elpida Memory Inc. whose revenue will fall by 14.2 percent, 17.3 percent and 40.2 percent, respectively. Based on its preliminary 2011 market share research IHS has raised its forecast for global semiconductor market growth to 1.9 percent, up from the previous outlook of a 1.2 percent increase. IHS is predicting that the "extremely weak" economic conditions will keep 2012 chip market growth at a low single-digit percentage and any rebound in revenue growth will be delayed until 2013.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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