东芝公司(Toshiba Corp.)宣布计划关闭3座半导体制造厂,将其分离式、模拟与影像IC的生产整并于其它3座半导体厂。同时,东芝并将在2012年1月以前为其部份半导体厂进行减产,包括ASIC与MCU制造产线。
此次组织重整将使东芝在日本国内的6座生产据点整并成3大制造厂:姬路半导体(Hijimeji Operations Semiconductor;兵库县揖保郡);加贺东芝电子(Kaga Toshiba Electronics Corp.;石川县能美),以及丰前东芝电子(Buzen Toshiba Electronics Corporation;福岗县丰前) 。
经过重整后的Hijimeji Operations Semiconductor将成为东芝公司电源半导体与小型讯号组件的开发中心,Kaga Toshiba Electronics则将成为电源半导体前端制程的主要据点,并将增加200mm晶圆制造产能,以及扩展至包括光学半导体制造的产线。Buzen Toshiba将成为光学半导体组装与封装的开发中心,但也为特定产品进行生产,其余产品的制造则改采外包方式,东芝表示。
这一波减产行动将影响到东芝的六座制造厂:生产模拟半导体与影像传感器的大分工厂(Oita operations);生产分离式半导体的Himeji Operations Semiconductor;生产光学组件的Kitakyushu Operations;生产ASIC与MCU的岩手东芝电子(Iwate Toshiba Electronics);以及生产独立式半导体组件的Kaga Toshiba Electronics与Hamaoka Toshiba electronics。
此外,东芝的几座厂房将在明年初以前进行减产。Oita operations将于今年年底前停工六天以及进行减产措施。Himeji Operations Semiconductor与Kitakyushu Operations也将停工两周。东芝表示将在2012年初重新评估市况及所需产能。
编译:Susan Hong
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
参考英文原文:Toshiba to close wafer fabs, slow IC production,by Peter Clarke
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Toshiba to close wafer fabs, slow IC production
Peter Clarke
LONDON – Toshiba Corp. has announced it plans to close three manufacturing facilities and consolidate much of its discrete, analog and imaging IC production into three others, as part of a response to a fall off in demand for consumer products from the western hemisphere. At the same time Toshiba said it would cut production at some of its semiconductor facilities, including one making ASICs and MCUs, from now until early January 2012.
Toshiba said the slowdown was notably in demand for PCs and TVs in Europe and the United States.
As a result, in the first half of its 2012 fiscal year Toshiba plans to close wafer fabs used for optical components in Kitakyushu and Hamaoka as well as an assembly plant used for power semiconductors at Mobara. The company added that regular employees at the affected facilities will, in principle, be redeployed within Toshiba Group.
Toshiba did not disclose how many permanent and contract staff would be affected by the closures.
The re-organization will concentrate manufacturing at three major facilities: Hijimeji Operations Semiconductor (Ibo-gun, Hyogo prefecture); Kaga Toshiba Electronics Corp. (Nomi, Ishikawa prefecture); and Buzen Toshiba Electronics Corporation (Buzen, Fukuoka prefecture).
After the re-organization Hijimeji Operations Semiconductor will be a development center for power semiconductors and small signal devices, Toshiba said.
Kaga Toshiba Electronics will be a main location for power semiconductor front-end process and will increase the 200-mm wafer manufacturing capacity of its 200-mm and expand production to include optical semiconductor manufacturing. Buzen Toshiba will become a development center for the assembly and packaging of optical semiconductors but with production limited to certain products while the rest is outsourced, Toshiba said.
The production slow down will affect six facilities in all: Oita operations, which produces analog semiconductors and image sensors; Himeji Operations Semiconductor, which produces discrete semiconductors; and Kitakyushu Operations, which produces optical semiconductor devices; Iwate Toshiba Electronics, which produces ASICs and MCUs; and Kaga Toshiba Electronics and Hamaoka Toshiba electronics, which both produce discrete semiconductors.
Oita will have a 6-day shutdown around the end of the year as well as running at reduced levels. Himeji and Kitakyushu would both be put on a two-week shutdown, Toshiba said.
Toshiba said it would re-assess required production levels early in 2012.