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Q3 DRAM供货商排行榜:三星市占45%创纪录

根据市场研究机构IHS iSuppli的最新报告,韩国三星电子(Samsung Electronics)在2011年第三季的全球DRAM市场取得创纪录的45%市占率,比第二季进步了3.5%;这家长期稳居全球第一大的DRAM供货商当季表现也大幅超越整体市场表现。

根据市场研究机构IHS iSuppli的最新报告,韩国三星电子(Samsung Electronics)在2011年第三季的全球DRAM市场取得创纪录的45%市占率,比第二季进步了3.5%;这家长期稳居全球第一大的DRAM供货商当季表现也大幅超越整体市场表现。 “三星一直以来都是 DRAM 产业的资本支出最大户,使该公司降低成本并比竞争对手更快推出先进产品;”IHS iSuppli首席DRAM与内存市场分析师Mike Howard表示:“因为如此,三星更能承受第三季产品平均销售价格(ASP)下跌的冲击,当季整体DRAM产品ASP下跌幅度达到26%。” Howard指出,三星的DRAM产品 ASP在第三季的下跌幅度仅17%,同时间出货量成长了9%:“基于这些优势,三星电子因此能进一步将其DRAM霸业推向史上最高峰。”根据IHS iSuppli的统计数据,三星近几年在DRAM市场的占有率呈现稳定成长趋势,由2007年的28%到2008年的30%,又进一步在2009年与2010年成长至34%与37%。 整体DRAM市场 ASP在第三季下跌了26%,而自2009年初以来,DRAM市场ASP就呈现每季平均下滑2%的趋势;衰弱的价格使得DRAM产业第三季营收减少了15.8%,来到68亿美元,该数字在第二季为81亿美元。“第三季DRAM需求受PC买气虚弱影响而减少──PC目前仍是DRAM的主要应用市场;”Howard表示:“消费者对PC的采购欲望受到低迷经济景气的压抑,同时间还有来自平板装置的竞争。” 《国际电子商情》 本文下一页:第三季全球DRAM供货商排行榜 本文授权编译自EETIMES,版权所有,谢绝转载!


{pagination} 第三季全球DRAM供货商排行榜 以其它DRAM厂商表现来看,美商美光(Micron)在第三季的成绩在某些方面甚至超越三星,前者当季DRAM产品ASP只比上一季下跌3.8%,此外在DRAM市场的占有率由第二季的10.6%,成长至12.1%;美光在第三季排名全球第四大DRAM供货商,紧追排名第三的尔必达(Elipda Memory)。 第三季尔必达在DRAM市场的占有率由上一季的14.6%,退步为12.1%,该公司当季出货量成长了16%,DRAM产品ASP大跌39%。排名全球第二大DRAM供货商的海力士(Hynix)第三季市占率亦呈现下滑,由上一季的23.4%缩水为21.5%,当季营收15亿美元;IHS并指出,海力士第三季DRAM产品 ASP下跌29%,低于整体市场水准。 而第三季排名全球第五大DRAM供货商的是台湾业者南亚科技(Nanya Technology),当季市占率由第二季的4.7%缩减为3.6%,主要是受到该公司惨跌32%的DRAM产品 ASP冲击;此外南亚科第三季DRAM出货量成长7%,稍低于整体DRAM出货量成长率13%。 IHS表示,持续将主力放在一般应用DRAM市场的南亚科,在接下来几季恐怕仍将面临艰苦的生存战,主因是此一领域仍然处于供过于求状态。在其它台湾DRAM 厂商中,排名全球第六的华邦(Winbond)是少数市占率成长的一家,得与三星与美光齐名;排名第七大的茂德(ProMOS)市占率跌到1%以下;排名第八大的力晶(Powerchip)则在第二季停止出货品牌DRAM产品之后,业绩稍有起色。 编译:Judith Cheng 本文授权编译自EETIMES,版权所有,谢绝转载! 参考原文: IHS: Samsung grabbed record DRAM share in Q3,by Dylan McGrath


{pagination} IHS: Samsung grabbed record DRAM share in Q3 Dylan McGrath Despite an 8.9 percent DRAM revenue decline compared to the third quarter, South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. held a record 45 percent market share in DRAM in the third quarter, according to market research firm IHS iSuppli. Samsung (Seoul, South Korea), the No. 1 supplier of DRAM for some time, expanded its market share by 3.5 percent compared to the second quarter, handily outperforming the industry as a whole in the third quarter, according to IHS. "Samsung perennially has the DRAM industry’s largest capital expenditure budget, allowing it to reduce costs and offer advanced products more quickly than the competition," said Mike Howard, principal analyst for DRAM and memory at IHS, in a statement. “Because of this, the company was better able to absorb the decline in average selling prices (ASP) in the third quarter, which fell 26 percent for the DRAM industry as a whole." According to Howard, Samsung's DRAM ASP fell by just 17 percent in the third quarter, while its shipments increased by 9 percent. "With these advantages, the South Korean electronics giant was able to expand its DRAM market leadership to the highest margin in company history," Howard said. Samsung’s share of DRAM market revenue has been rising steadily in recent years, growing from 28 percent in 2007 to 30 percent in 2008, to 34 percent in 2009 and 37 percent in 2010, according to IHS. The 26 percent ASP decrease for the overall DRAM market in the third quarter compares to an average quarterly decline of 2 percent since the beginning of 2009. The extraordinarily weak pricing caused DRAM industry revenue in the third quarter to decline by 15.8 percent to $6.8 billion, down from $8.1 billion in the second quarter, IHS said. "DRAM demand in the third quarter was undercut by anemic sales of PCs—which represent the primary market for the memory type," Howard noted. "The consumer appetite for PCs has been dampened by weak economic conditions combined with competition from media tablet devices." U.S.-based Micron Technology Inc. posted an even better performance than Samsung in the third quarter, IHS said. Micron's DRAM sales fell by only 3.8 percent sequentially in the third quarter, while the company increased its DRAM market share to 12.1 percent from 10.6 percent in the second quarter, IHS said. The third quarter performance by No. 4 ranked DRAM vendor Micron was enough to put it in a virtually tie with the No. 3 vendor, Japan's Elipda Memory Inc., which saw its DRAM market share decline from 12.1 percent in the third quarter from 14.6 percent in the second quarter, according to IHS. Elpida’s shipments were up 16 percent in the third quarter, but its ASP plummeted a steep 39 percent, IHS said. Like Elpida, second-place Hynix Semiconductor Inc. of South Korea suffered a loss of market share in the third quarter. With revenue of $1.5 billion, Hynix had 21.5 percent share, down from 23.4 percent, IHS said. Hynix's ASP fell faster than the industry average, sinking 29 percent during the period, IHS said. Fifth-ranked DRAM vendor Nanya Technology Corp. of Taiwan saw its third quarter market share decline to 3.6 percent from 4.7 percent in the second quarter— a significant drop largely driven by the supplier’s relatively weak ASP, which fell 32 percent, IHS said. Nanya’s shipment growth of 7 percent also was slightly lower than the industry average of 13 percent, IHS said. Nanya continues to be heavily exposed to the commodity DRAM market and will find the next few quarters an uphill climb, especially as this segment is expected to remain in a slightly oversupplied position, according to IHS. Rounding out the Top 8 were Winbond Electronics Corp., one of the few market share gainers along with Samsung and Micron, in sixth place; ProMOS Technologies Inc., down to less than 1 percent share; in seventh place; and Powerchip Technology Corp., rebounding after not shipping any branded DRAM in the second quarter, in eighth, IHS said. All three companies are based in Taiwan.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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