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美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)的判决让苹果在与台湾HTC的官司中获得险胜。苹果控告安卓(Android)智能手机生产商HTC侵犯其专利权。另外,英国电信也加入到移动专利战之中,在美国特拉华一家联邦地方法院控告谷歌侵犯了其六项专利。 HTC必须在4月19日之前停止侵犯一项利用触摸电话号码或日期来拨出电话或者建立日程的专利。观察家表示,HTC可以绕过这个专利,或者暂时从其手机中删除该功能,以避免影响其手机销售。 ITC没有裁定苹果的其它九项专利受到侵犯。其中一些专利,包括一项关于信号处理技术的专利,HTC比较难以绕开。 “这项裁决根本不足以迫使HTC近期内退出美国市场,”Florian Mueller表示,“苹果将来需要提高命中率,而且必须维护影响力比这个大得多的专利权。” Florian Mueller经营的一个网站密切追踪移动专利战情况。 苹果等主要智能手机厂商、安卓伙伴厂商和微软之间有将近100起诉讼案,ITC的这个案件只是其中之一。Mueller表示,这些案件的影响可能需要一两年才能看出眉目。 同时,英国电信也加入战团。它控告谷歌在Android等软件中侵犯了它的六项专利。被侵权的专利涉及创建网络服务和信息导航等技术。 编译:Luffy Liu 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Apple wins narrow victory against HTC,by Rick Merritt


{pagination} Apple wins narrow victory against HTC Rick Merritt SAN JOSE, Calif. – The U.S. International Trade Commission handed Apple a narrow victory in its suit alleging the Android smartphones of Taiwan's HTC violates Apple's patents. Separately, British Telecom joined the mobile patent wars, alleging in a suit in U.S. District Court in Delaware that Google violates six of its patents. HTC has until April 19 to stop violating a patent on making a phone call or a calendar entry by tapping on a phone number or date. Observers said HTC can work around the patent or temporarily eliminate the feature from its phones to avoid disruption of its sales. The ITC did not find infringement on any of the other nine patents in the Apple case. Some of those patents, including one on signal processing techniques, would have been harder for HTC to work around. "This ruling falls far short of anything [that] would force HTC out of the U.S. market in the near term," said Florian Mueller, who runs a Web site that closely follows the mobile patent wars. "Apple will need a higher hit rate in the future, and it will have to enforce patents that are greatly more impactful than this one," Mueller wrote. The ITC case is one of nearly 100 between top smartphone players such as Apple, Android partners and Microsoft. It could take a year or two before the impact of the cases becomes clear, said Mueller in an interview for an EE Times-Confidential analysis. Meanwhile, British Telecom joined the fray. It charged Google violated six patents in its Android and other software. The patents cite ways to create networked services and navigate information on them.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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