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根据业界消息,苹果(Apple)延聘了一位资深技术专家,协助该公司在以色列建立研发中心,也是该公司第一座在美国加州总部之外的研发中心。 稍早之前,也有消息传出苹果正在洽谈收购以色列内存控制器IC开发商Anobit。这项消息也与苹果向来偏好对自家产品所需技术握有更多掌控权的策略符合;该公司在2008年收购P.A. Semi,以及在2010年收购Intrinsity,都是为了强化自有IC设计能力。 据了解,苹果延揽Aharon Aharon领导该以色列研发中心;Aharon目前是以色列一家穿墙式雷达成像技术(through-the-wall radar imaging)开发商 Camero Technology 的董事长,并曾担任该公司执行长6年时间。Aharon也曾任职于Discretix、Zoran与IBM等公司。 但该以色列研发中心地点尚未确定,Aharon将会在苹果加州总部待几个月,然后回到以色列招募研发中心员工;据消息来源表示,无论收购Anobit一案成不成,该研发中心都会成立。而这将是苹果第一座位于美国海外的研发中心,特别引人瞩目。 编译:Judith Cheng 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文: Report: Apple ups ante with Israel R&D center,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} Report: Apple ups ante with Israel R&D center Peter Clarke LONDON – Apple has hired a veteran technologist to help it set up an R&D center in Israel, its first R&D center outside California, according to a Globes report that references "sources." The move is additional to – but may be complementary to – Apple's reported intention to acquire Anobit Technologies Ltd. (Herzliya, Israel), a developer of memory controller ICs that it is claimed can enhance the endurance of NAND flash memory. It also appears to be in line with an Apple policy of taking more control of its technology base. The company has made purchases of P.A. Semi in 2008 and Intrinsity Inc. in 2010 to help with its IC design capability. Apple taking a stake, or 100 percent, of Anobit fits that strategy. Apple has recruited Aharon Aharon to lead the Israel development center, the report said. Aharon is currently chairman of Camero Technology Ltd. (Kfar Netter, Israel), a developer of through-the-wall radar imaging technology, having previously been CEO there for six years. He was also previously chairman of Discretix Technologies Ltd. (Kfar Netter, Israel) and prior to that was with Zoran Corp. rising to the position of COO. Aharon spent 13 years from 1983 to 1996 as a researcher and then senior manager at IBM's Haifa research laboratory. It was not stated what the location or focus of the Israel R&D center will be. Aharon will spend several months in Apple's headquarters in Cupertino, California, before returning to Israel to begin recruiting staff, the report said. This will happen regardless of whether Apple acquires Anobit or not, the report added. The move is significant because, at present, Apple does no strategic development outside its California headquarters, and the planned Israel center will be Apple's first offshore research.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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