日本大厂富士通(Fujitsu)旗下的研究部门 Fujitsu Laboratories ,日前于美国加州举行的年度北美技术论坛上展示了一系列最新研发成果,包括世界级的超级计算机、智能手机、甚至还有机器小熊。
富士通拥有1,300名研发人员规模的团队,专注于“以人为中心的智能社群(human-centric intelligent society)”的广泛研发题材,以支持母公司涵盖手机、服务器、半导体组件的各种产品线。该研发团队最近的工作还包括开发云端服务相关应用程序,以及可为系统产品提供附加价值的社交网络服务。
 Fujitsu Laboratories 总经理 Tatsuo Tomita |
Fujitsu Laboratories总经理Tatsuo Tomita表示:“软件很重要,而且其重要性在未来将更显着,需要与硬件相互平衡搭配。”富士通在论坛现场展示了自家开发的10 petaflops 超级计算机 K Computer 主机板,该套系统是以一种设计新颖的“豆腐”互连芯片,将超过6万8,000个Sparc架构CPU连结起来。
开发“豆腐”的富士通工程师Yuichiro Ajima表示,该种互连芯片吞吐量可达20 Gbytes/second ,能在仅约1微秒(microsecond)的时间直接连结距离最近的两颗CPU,不需要透过系统的内存。

Yuichiro Ajima 与内含“豆腐”互连芯片的K Computer主机板mJsesmc
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富士通也展示了一款性能为56 GSamples/second 的8位模拟数字转换器(
ADC), 该款65纳米制程芯片可做为接收来自100G光学传输网络讯号的前端组件,并将接受到的讯号馈入SerDes芯片与
DSP进行处理。该公司也展示了一款 40纳米版本的 65 GSamples/s ADC,研究人员目前正在研发一款性能号称可达到80 GSamples/s的28纳米版本组件。

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富士通的绘图处理技术实力也是众所周知,该公司在现场展示了一种装设于汽车上、能以4支摄影机提供驾驶人360度视野的新应用;该系统采用富士通最新的 ARM Cortex A9核心GPU,支持该公司开发的360度照片拼接(photo-stitching)算法。据了解,该技术已经获得试用日本车厂丰田(Toyota) 电动车Prius的后装市场附加配备采用,此外一家日本巴士业者也正在评估将这种技术应用于车队。

可应用于360度车用摄影机的GPU mJsesmc
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• 从富士通的MCU本地化设计方案看家电的“节能/智能”化趋势mJsesmc
在数年前,富士通曾领先推出掌纹辨识方案,利用其红外线成像技术来读取手掌微血管,以做为独特的身分辨识方法;现在该公司将上述技术做为指纹辨识方案的附加 安全功能。下图左的USB模块就是可提供辨识方案的组件,尺寸适合笔记本电脑使用;富士通除了展示一款内建该模块的笔记本电脑,并透露未来将有尺寸更小、 适合智能手机或平板装置应用的版本问世。

适用可携式装置的小型掌纹辨识模块 mJsesmc
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在 2012年的CES展上,有一家公司设计了能防水的手机壳,颇受瞩目;富士通也有这类的技术,并且曾与日本电信业者DoCoMo合作推出防水智能手机。 根据Fujitsu Laboratories美国办公室总监Motoya Suzuki表示,该公司已经开发出防水手机壳的模型,一旦有新型智能手机设计出炉,就能更容易地修改现有模型、为新型手机添加防水功能;最新的防水机 壳功能包括更容易开启耳机插孔或是其它连接埠的防水封条。

此外富士通新开发的Honeycomb 版本Android平板装置,也采用了防水技术;目前该装置已经在日本透过DoCoMo开卖,价格约600美元。该款平板装置不仅防水,机壳采用超薄与轻量化设计,并配备高功率扬声器。

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编译:Judith Cheng
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参考英文原文: Gallery: Fujitsu from supers to teddy bears,by Rick Merritt
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• 从富士通的MCU本地化设计方案看家电的“节能/智能”化趋势mJsesmc
Gallery: Fujitsu from supers to teddy bears
Rick Merritt
SANTA CLARA, Calif. – Fujitsu’s corporate labs demoed a sampler of its latest work in everything from world-class supercomputers to smartphones—and even a robotic teddy bear—at an annual North America forum here.
The 1,300 person R&D group takes a broad focus on what it calls the “human-centric intelligent society” to cover the far-flung markets of its corporate parent which sells everything from servers to cellphones and semiconductors. These days the work includes developing applications in cloud services and social networking that add value to its systems.
“Software is important and will be more important in the future, but it’s a balance in combination with the hardware,” said Tatsuo Tomita, president of Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. in an interview.
Front and center on the demo floor was a motherboard (below) from the K Computer developed by Fujitsu. It is currently rated the world’s most powerful system at more than 10 petaflops, thanks in large part to a novel interconnect design that links together more than 68,000 Sparc-based CPUs from Fujitsu.
The so-called Tofu interconnect has a total throughput of about 20 Gbytes/second. It can directly link the nearest two CPUs in as little as a microsecond because it does not need to go through system memory, said Yuichiro Ajima, the Fujitsu engineer who developed the chip.
Like the processors on the motherboard, the 18x18mm Tofu chip (left) is water cooled to a temperate 35 degrees C or lower to ensure reliability. Ajima started work on the Tofu design in 2006 and is already embarked on a follow on, called Tofu II. He is not allowed to share the performance target for the system it is expected to power in 2014.
Yuichiro Ajima with the Tofu-powered K Computer motherboard.
Fast ADC drives to 40G Ethernet
Fujitsu demoed a 56 GSamples/second 8-bit analog-digital converter at the forum. The 65 nm chip is geared for work as a front-end block receiving optical signals from 100G optical transport networks and other links and feeding them to a serdes and DSP for processing.
The company is also sampling a 40 nm version that can take in 65 GSamples/s. In the lab, engineers are working on a 28 nm version that will hit 80 GSamples/s.
GPU powers 360-degree car camera
Fujitsu is also known for its graphics processing technology, demonstrated here in a new application for giving a driver a 360-degree view from four cameras mounted on a car. The demo uses Fujitsu’s latest GPU (left) which includes an ARM Cortex A9 core and a few special gates for handling the company‘s 360-degree photo-stitching algorithms.
The technology is already available in Japan as an after-market add-on for the Toyota Prius. A Japanese bus company is also evaluating the technology for use in its fleet.
Palm recognition comes to notebook
Fujitsu pioneered the field of palm recognition several years ago, applying its infrared imaging technology to reading the pattern of veins in a palm as a unique way to identify someone. The company sees it as an additional security factor that can be added to fingerprint recognition.
The latest twist is a USB module (left) that handles the recognition and is now small enough to fit into a notebook computer. Fujitsu is already showing one of its notebooks with the module built in and promising even smaller versions of the module that could someday appear in its smartphones and tablets.
Fish phones and thin tablets
One of the hot stories out of CES this year was about a company that designed a novel case to make mobile devices waterproof. Fujitsu has had such technology for some time in its smartphones sold through the DoCoMo network in Japan, said Motoya Suzuki, a director in the Sunnyvale, Calif., office of the labs.
Indeed, Fujitsu has created models and simulations of its waterproof cases so that when it designs new smartphones they can more easily add the waterproof feature by tweaking the existing models. The latest innovation includes watertight seals easily opened to reveal headphone jacks and other ports.
Fujitsu’s new Honeycomb Android tablet (below) also uses the waterproof technology. Available only through DoCoMo’s Japan network for the equivalent of about US$600, the system sports a thin and light case with relatively high-powered speakers for a tablet.
Look out Aibo, here comes Teddy
Sony’s pet robotic dog Aibo has had its 20 minutes of fame. Now it’s time for Fujitsu’s teddy bear.
It’s just a prototype, say designers who are testing it with senior citizens in Japan. The bear has a camera with face recognition technology embedded in its nose and a dozen touch sensors throughout its body as well as several motors powering as many as 300 different behaviors.
The bear is designed to watch seniors and interact with them, drawing them out of isolation and potentially providing warnings if something is wrong with the senior. The robotic bear is a USB peripheral that plugs into a PC.