近日宣告破产的柯达,曾经在二次世界大战结束后力推消费主义的美国市场扮演要角,今昔的强烈对比,让我跌入了对这家历史悠久的公司的回忆之中。柯达曾在1937年推出售价33.5美元的“Senior Six-16”。当时这可不便宜。我猜我父亲是在它降价后才买的,因为紧接着在1939年,柯达就推出了新型号。
我希望,下列的几张照片能够说明,这款可折叠的 Senior Six-16 ,就好比是那个年代的“iCamera”──当然,这并不是说在当时这款相机便已经引领人们的生活潮流。iCamera只是一个比喻,让现代人更容易了解罢了。
圆弧造型、方便使用、易于携带且可靠性高,是这款相机的主要特色。只要轻松将吊带背在肩上,就可以轻松拍摄照片了。你可以用“垂直”模式拍摄雄伟的红杉林照 片;或是用“水平”模式(今天所谓的“风景模式”)将所有小孩都收进你的镜头之下。柯达的光学取景器在这两种模式下都能呈现良好效果。

在1930年代末期,柯达接连推出两款新相机。其中“Senior Six-16”具备“Anistigmat”镜头,在当时被归类于高阶相机之列。7Rxesmc

柯达“Senior Six-16”的镜头开启后会弹出到锁定位置。7Rxesmc
本文下一页:Senior Six-16的内部构造
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• CES回顾:发现摊位中的亮点
• 柯达出售影像传感器事业部给Platinum Equity公司
• 柯达宣布高达2900万像素的行间传输CCD图像传感器7Rxesmc
Senior Six-16的内部构造


“Senior Six-16”的内部构造看来相当简单。7Rxesmc
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
• CES回顾:发现摊位中的亮点
• 柯达出售影像传感器事业部给Platinum Equity公司
• 柯达宣布高达2900万像素的行间传输CCD图像传感器7Rxesmc

包括外盒、相机和说明书的完整「Senior Six-16」。7Rxesmc


本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
• CES回顾:发现摊位中的亮点
• 柯达出售影像传感器事业部给Platinum Equity公司
• 柯达宣布高达2900万像素的行间传输CCD图像传感器7Rxesmc


编译: Joy Teng
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
参考英文原文: Slideshow: Homage to a camera and its maker ,by George Leopold
• CES回顾:发现摊位中的亮点
• 柯达出售影像传感器事业部给Platinum Equity公司
• 柯达宣布高达2900万像素的行间传输CCD图像传感器7Rxesmc
Slideshow: Homage to a camera and its maker
George Leopold
The demise of Kodak has prompted a flood of reminisces about the great old camera company based in Rochester, N.Y., and what it has meant to Americans.
It meant a lot: shoe boxes full of memories and family histories; 35-mm color photos and slides so gorgeous they inspired a pop song (“They give us those nice bright colors, they give us the greens of summers”); stark, haunting black and white photos conveying the events of the day or the harsh realities of the world.
The end of Kodak and the central role the iconic company played in post-World War II consumerist America prompted me to pull out the Old Man’s Kodak. The “Senior Six-16,” according to the manufacturer, hit the market in 1937 and sold for $33.50. That was a lot of money in those days. I’m guessing my father bought it after the price dropped since it was replaced by a newer model in 1939.
Perhaps the ol’ Shutter Bug used some of his Army Air Corps back pay accumulated overseas during World War II?
As I hope the slideshow that follows attests, the fold-up Senior Six-16 must’ve been the iCamera of its day – except, of course, it didn’t represent a lifestyle, merely a signal to the Joneses that you were keeping up.
Sleek, easy to use, portable and reliable. Just sling the case over your shoulder and scout for a nice back drop for picture taking. Shoot a “vertical” picture to capture majestic Red Woods; “horizontal,” or what we now call “landscape” format, to squeeze all the kiddies into the shot. Kodak’s optical view finder worked great in either mode.
The ability to take a portable camera on a family vacation must have been the mid-20th century equivalent to asking Siri for directions to the nearest gas station.
In the end, Kodak couldn’t keep up with the pace of change in digital photography. But the company was a trail blazer in designing easy-to-use consumer products for the masses. Companies like Apple owe a great debt to the design gurus at Kodak.
And who knows? Perhaps Kodachrome will have a comeback akin to vinyl records.
By the late 1930s, Kodak was introducing a new camera model after two years. The "Senior Six-16" was considered a high-end camera in its day, featuring an "Anistigmat Lens".
Kodak's Senior Six-16
The Kodak Senior Six-16 popped open to its full, locked position.
The inside back cover of the camera, instructing the owner to use Kodak 616 film.
The not very complicated inner workings of the Kodak Senior Six-16
Kodak's Senior Six-16
The whole package: carrying case, camera and owner's manual.
Foolproof instructions.
The versatile viewfinder optics allowed for horizontal or vertical photos.