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韩国三星电子20日宣布分拆LCD面板业务,成立单独子公司“三星显示器”(Samsung Display Co.),新公司将于今年4月1日正式成立。

国际电子商情报道,全球最大的液晶面板(LCD)生产企业韩国三星电子20日宣布分拆LCD面板业务,成立单独子公司“三星显示器”(Samsung Display Co.),新公司将于今年4月1日正式成立。 不过虽然三星作出了这个决定,不过仍然需要等待股东会的同意。而在另一边厢,该公司的副执行长兼 LCD 部门主管 Donggun Park 则乐观地说“这个分拆行动可以让到我们更快地作出商务决策和对客户的响应。”就在这个决定的一个月之前,三星才以 9.39 亿美元买下 Sony 的 S-LCD 股份,这次的决策实在来得颇突然。


三星方面表示,分拆原因是LCD技术已经成为普众技术,中国不少彩电厂商也拥有了上游面板生产线,这分流了不小的市场,所以三星决定大力发展OLED新技术。对于三星未来如何处置LCD业务,三星方面并未做明确表态。 有业内分析师认为,分拆业务其实是为了甩掉包袱。 据了解,韩国交易所曾经在情人节的当日要求过 Samsung(三星) 交代会不会将旗下 LCD 业务分拆,他们只说正在考虑中。而在今日,三星终于正式决定了将业务分拆,计划在本年的 4 月 1 日成立暂定名为“Samsung Display”的有限公司,并注资 66 亿美元。 实际上,自2010年下半年以来,液晶面板产业一直萎靡不振。低迷的价格和持续下滑的市场需求让拥有面板上游资源的企业都陷入巨亏局面,三星液晶面板去年亏损1.5万亿韩元;LG Display已经连续五个季度亏损;夏普预计2011财年净亏损将达到创纪录的2900亿日元。而LCD面板迟早会被淘汰已经成为行业共识,各大厂商都在加大OLED产业的布局,不光是三星,LG、索尼等企业都已经加大了OLED产业的投入。 分拆之后,三星LCD业务将与负责OLED业务的子公司(SMD)合并重组。李秋纬认为,OLED与LCD部分研发人员、专利、设备可以共用,把两种面板资源进行整合,有利于降低成本。未来OLED的产量越来越多,部分LCD的生产线可以改造成OLED生产线。 另有消息显示,新公司有与三星移动显示部门合并的可能性。 编译:Luffy Liu 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Samsung drops LCD business,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} Samsung drops LCD business Peter Clarke LONDON – The board of directors of South Korean electronics giant Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. has approved a plan to spin-off its LCD business. The plan is expected to receive shareholder approval at a meeting scheduled for March 16. As a result the LCD business will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics with effect from April 1, 2012. Samsung will then consider various restructuring measures including a merger with Samsung Mobile Display and S-LCD Corp., Samsung said. It is expected that the LCD business will attempt to focus on particular niche applications while OLED displays within Samsung will be used for the mass market of consumer applications. OLED is an emissive display that works without a backlight. It has a wider viewing angle that LCD and can be thinner and lighter than LCD. Until recently LCD maturity meant it had cost advantages at larger sizes and OLED has a shorter operational life than LCD. In a statement Samsung said: "Currently, the display market is undergoing rapid changes with OLED panels expected to fast replace LCD panels to become the mainstream. Amid this structural change of the display industry, adopting measures for change and innovation, including business restructuring, are essential to improve our competiveness for our display business." Samsung did not indicate how many employees would be impacted by the change. Samsung said that, in principle, the new [subsidiary] corporation will pick up all employment contracts and relevant legal responsibilities including severance pay, pertaining to all the current employees.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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