华为海思开发1.2-1.5 GHz K3V2用了两年时间。官方声称这款芯片能够在一系列的基准测试中超越Tegra 3性能30%到50%。
该芯片的首席设计师Jerry Su表示,其采用64位内存总线,是Tegra3的两倍,这是K3V2芯片性能提升的主要原因之一。这款芯片是由台积电采用40纳米低电压制程生产,封装尺寸为12x12mm。Su还表示,华为愿意把这款芯片作为商品元件卖给其他手机厂商。

华为40 nm K3V2采用12x12 mm封装m3Hesmc
K3V2使用了四个ARM Cortex A9内核与一个16核图形模块,该模块是华为与没有透露名称的美国芯片设计公司共同研发的。两家公司共同研发了显卡的构架,美国合作伙伴负责实施。
图形模块能够处理2-D 以及 3-D图像,帮助手机处理35f/s的视频。而据华为的测试表明,Tegra 3的视频处理能力为13fps,双核的高通Snapdragon处理器则为8.4fps
海思希望能够在未来12个月内相继推出采用A15和A7内核的芯片,采用ARM去年宣布的big/little brother配置。Su表示,这两款芯片届时可能会采用28纳米制程, 28纳米制程可能还需要六个月的时间才能成熟。
华为准备发布一款平板电脑,除此之外,公司还会采用1.2GHz和1.5GHz的处理器分别发布两款型号不同的手机。Ascend D quad将于今年夏天全球市场上市。这款手机采用的4.5英寸的屏幕,分辨率为1290 x 720,能够播放720p标清视频。
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余承东还表示:“我们一直在倾听智能手机用户的心声,了解到他们最迫切的需求,那就是速度、长电池寿命、高品质视听能力、紧凑轻便的设计。华为腾飞 D 四核在这些方面都超出了人们的期望。一月份在拉斯维加斯消费电子展上,华为腾飞 P1 S (Huawei Ascend P1 S) 刷新了新的世界记录,成为了世界上最轻薄的智能手机。我们在2012年世界移动通信大会 (2012 Mobile World Congress) 推出腾飞 D 四核,这款世界上速度最快的智能手机再次令我们成为世界第一,这令我们感到非常自豪。”

Jerry Su 与采用K3V2四核芯片的华为Ascend手机 m3Hesmc
腾飞D四核配置了拥有4.5英寸720P高清触摸屏和业界最强大的32位真彩图形处理器,这些使之成为娱乐佳品。这款手机的 PPI 330 屏幕可以在阳光直射下提供完全透明的显示效果,这种屏幕配合 Dolby 5.1环绕声 (Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound) 和 Audience earSmart(TM) 语音技术,将为用户带来全新的感官体验。800万像素 BSI 后方摄像头、130万像素前置摄像头以及 1080p 全高清视频捕捉和回放功能将让您更清晰、更细致地记录您的特殊时刻。
腾飞D四核智能手机配备了一块 1800mAh 电池,正常使用的续航时间为1-2天。这款智能手机的电池性能得到了华为终端公司专有的电源管理技术的强化,这种技术可以依据使用需求调整耗电量,其电池 寿命因而得以延长,较行业平均水平高30%之多。这种技术还可以维持芯片的低温状态,从而确保芯片集拥有更高的性能和效率。
宽64mm、厚8.9mm 的腾飞D四核证明,尺寸小也可以有好配置。在超薄框架下,这款轻便的袖珍型智能手机的4.5英寸触摸屏似乎没有边缘,创造出“无限”的触感并使超窄机体成为可能。
腾飞D四核不仅有颇具创意的硬件设计之外,还拥有卓越的软件设计。除 Android 4.0 操作系统以外,这款手机优化了用户体验,确保使用起来更加容易。
作为腾飞D (Ascend D) 系列的一部分,华为还推出了腾飞D四核 XL和腾飞 D1 等智能机。腾飞D四核 XL 配置了一块 2500mAh 电池,正常使用续航时间为2-3天。腾飞D四核 XL 在规格上与腾飞 D 四核相同,它的厚度为10.9 mm。腾飞D1加载 1.5 GHz 双核 CPU 和一块1670mAh 电池。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
参考英文原文:Huawei claims quad-core chip outguns Tegra3, by Rick Merritt
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Huawei claims quad-core chip outguns Tegra3
Rick Merritt
BARCELONA – In a surprise announcement the night before the Mobile World Congress opens here, Huawei Devices showed what it claims were the world's fastest handsets and tablets, using a new quad-core applications processor designed by its chip division. Huawei said its K3V2 chip significantly outperforms the competition, including Nvidia’s quad-core Tegra3.
The 1.2-1.5 GHz K3V2 was a two-year project of Huawei’s HiSilicon division. Officials said the chip delivers 30 to 50 percent more performance than the Tegra3 across a range of benchmarks.
A 64-bit memory bus--twice the width of the Tegra3--is one of the main factors in the performance of the K3V2, said Jerry Su, chief architect of the chip. Built in a TSMC 40 nm low power process, the chip fits in a 12x12mm package. Su said Huawei is willing to sell the chip as a merchant part to other handset makers.
The K3V2 uses four ARM Cortex A9 cores and a 16-core graphics block co-developed with an unnamed U.S. chip designer. The two collaborated on the GPU’s architecture, and the U.S. partner handled its implementation.
The graphics block handles 2-D and 3-D work and helps a handset deliver 35 frames/second video compared to 13 fps for Tegra 3 and 8.4 for a dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon, according to Huawei's tests.
In addition, the chip sports new versions of several existing Huawei hardware accelerators. They include blocks to speed up audio, video, network processing and to handle power management functions.
The design was a big leap for the HiSilicon group whose last chip, released two years ago, sported just one A9 core.
“The time pressure is the biggest issue,” said Su. “We are moving faster than Moore’s Law,” he said.
Indeed, the group hopes to have a follow on design out in 12 months that uses A15 and A7 cores in a big/little brother configuration ARM announced last year. That chip will likely use 28 nm technology, a process that will take another six months to mature, said Su.
Huawei is not widely known for its applications processors. However, the company has been designing handset chips for several years, said Su who has been with the mobile group for eight years.
In addition to a tablet, the company plans separate models of smartphones using the chip in 1.2 and 1.5 GHz versions. The Ascend D quad will go on sales in global markets this summer. The smartphones will use a 4.5-inch screen with a 1290 x 720 pixel resolution capable of 720-progressive video.
The systems use third party baseband chips to cover 3G and LTE networks.Su said HiSilicon has an LTE multi-band chip in the works that could be ready for the market in six months. The company already makes LTE chips for data cards.
The company is on a fast rise in handsets, said Richard Yu, chairman of Huawei Devices. The unit shipped just three million handsets two years ago, but sales jumped to 20 million last year and could triple to 60 million this year with up to 40 percent of sales in China, Yu said.
On the technology front, Su said his design team was able to leverage multicore expertise from HiSilicon designers who have developed multicore network processors and base station chips.
For full coverage of Mobile World Congress see our online page on the event.