苹果发出邀请函,邀请业界人士出席美国太平洋时间3月7日上午10:00(北京时间3月8日凌晨2:00)在旧金山旧金山芳草地艺术中心(Yerba Buena Center for the Arts)召开的发布会,这是苹果经常发布新产品的场所之一。
iPad从中国成都的生产组装基地,秘密发往美国。根据一些货运情报,这批产品为苹果的最新产品,属于最高安全级别,推测很可能是iPad 3。另外电子零售巨头百思买也将全系iPad 2降价50美元出售,预示着新品的到来。
苹果在邀请函中并未明确透露将发布什么产品,但邀请函显示的是iPad一角的画面,以及“我们这里有些东西,你们必须来看一看、摸一摸”的字样。苹果邀请函没有透露更多关于iPad 3的信息,但是从邀请函上提供的图片来看,下一代iPad使用的绝非普通的显示屏,新的显示屏显然具有极高的分辨率。

邀请函上写道: We have something you really have to see. And touch.nidesmc
此前曾有媒体报道称,预计苹果将在3月初发布iPad 3。与
iPad 2相比,iPad 3的新特性预计包括显示屏分辨率提高,四核主芯片A5X,以及支持LTE 4G网络等,并将于3月9日发售。
苹果移动设备的芯片历经A4(一代iPad和iPhone 4采用)、A5(iPad 2和
iPhone 4S采用),按惯例iPad 3就该用到A6了,但BlueFin Research Partners分析师Steve Mullane称,这回不是A6,而是A5X。
Mullane称,“三星在奥斯丁的工厂可批量生产45纳米A5芯片,目前正提升工艺至32纳米,由于A6芯片为28纳米工艺,我们认为iPad 3可能采用32纳米工艺芯片,也就是所谓的A5X处理器。”
另外据国外媒体报道,苹果将随iPad 3发布一款升级版Apple TV机顶盒产品,它将具备Bluetooth Smart (4.0)功能,能够与iPad 3互连,播放
苹果CEO蒂姆•库克(Tim Cook)上周在年度股东大会上称,该公司976亿美元的现金和投资“超过了我们运营一家公司所需要的资金”。他重申,苹果正在就如何处理庞大现金的问题 展开“积极的讨论”,其选择包括发放股息、回购股票或用于并购交易等。他表示,苹果一直都在“深度”考虑现金的用途,并正积极地与董事会就相关战略展开磋商。
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• DIGITIMES:上游看淡非iPad阵营2012年前景
• 智能机火了,iPhone连iPad的市占率也抢?
• 苹果iPad转用小屏,幕后另有隐情nidesmc
此次在网络上曝光的iPad3的谍照据说来自苹果生产线上的消息人士,通过清晰的照片,我们不难发现下一代iPad在外观方面进行了一些修改,其机身有着类似于Macbook Air的楔形设计,也就是与现在的iPad2相比,其机身背面有着一个微小的倾角,而这样的设计方式则传闻是为了能够配备更大容量的电池。
我们可以看到,苹果iPad 3的后置摄像头孔径要比iPad2更大,这预示着苹果或许会为下一代iPad带来800万象素摄像头。而这将是苹果在平板电脑上所配摄像头规格上的一次大提升,尤其是相比目前苹果iPad 2可怜的摄像头像素而已,这次最新款的苹果iPad 3将会极大地改善拍照和摄像的质量。
由于苹果iPhone4S的800万像素摄像头在拍照效果堪称当前最优秀的之一,所以这次升级也将使苹果iPad 3在影像质量上达到苹果 iPhone 4S 16G水准,并带来1080p全高清视频的录制功能。
由于iPad 3的硬件配置大幅升级而导致成本增加,所以预计其售价比现有的iPad 2会有所上升。比如iPad 3(16GB、32GB、64GB)的WiFi版本的售价将会比iPad 2增加80美元,分别为579美元、679美元和779美元,而WiFi+3G各版本的价格则多出70美元,即699美元、799美元、899美元。
苹果此前在每年度的产品更新中都努力保持价格的一致,因此这次出现的涨价,对于苹果而言是一次不寻常的举动。然而,苹果早在2010年 宣布第一款iPad时就已经让市场感到惊喜,当时不少分析师都预计该产品售价将高达1000美元以上,但苹果却只提出了499美元的起始价。
当前,也有不少声音认为苹果将继续以更低廉的价格销售iPad 2,就像该公司对前一代iPhone型号的处理方法一样。如果iPad 2能以399美元的价格销售,此举或将对亚马逊199美元的Kindle Fire造成冲击。
如果传闻属实,那么所增加的费用主要与采用“视网膜”技术显示屏有关。此前有报道称, iPad 3的分辨率高达2047x1536,是目前第二代iPad所拥有的1024x768分辨率的两倍。
本文授权编译自EBN Online,版权所有,谢绝转载
• DIGITIMES:上游看淡非iPad阵营2012年前景
• 智能机火了,iPhone连iPad的市占率也抢?
• 苹果iPad转用小屏,幕后另有隐情nidesmc
对于苹果这家消费电子巨擘而言,在试图透过种种自清行动以转移近来的舆论批评时,这些都是十分关键的问题。最近,苹果公司发布了一份该公司主要的供货商名 单,接着又与公平劳动协会(Fair Labor Association;FLA)签订协议,邀请FLA为其合约制造商的厂房设施以及工作情况进行“稽查”。
这项稽查行动首先于2月13日在苹果主要的合约制造商富士康电子公司(Foxconn Electronics)展开,但此举也为其它供货商们带来了压力──特别是那些被苹果公开点名的供货商。这些供货商们发现整个公司的营运正受到劳工与人 权团体以及政府监管单位的放大检视。
苹果公司当然负担得起加入FLA会员以及进行供货商稽查的这笔额外开销。因为它不能忽视的是过去一个月来不断出现指其合约制造商与组件供货商违反劳工权益的 报导,这已经对于该公司形象造成负面的影响。根据该公司发布的2012年第一季(2011年10-12月)财报,苹果公司手中握有302亿美元现金以及约 670亿美元的长期投资,可说是电子产业中的“银行大户”!
EMS)市场长久以来一直容忍着微薄的利润。像富士康一样的合约厂商们只能透过提供层层的服务以及扩展并深耕于供应链中来求得生存与获利。瑞士银行(UBS AG)的一位分析师认为,富士康公司最近调涨16%-25%工资的行动,可能会压缩到富士康公司约5%的营运利润,不过这家投资公司也表示这对于富士康公 司的影响仍是“有限”的。
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参考英文原文:Who Will Pay for Apple Supply Chain Changes?,by Bolaji Ojo
• DIGITIMES:上游看淡非iPad阵营2012年前景
• 智能机火了,iPhone连iPad的市占率也抢?
• 苹果iPad转用小屏,幕后另有隐情nidesmc
Who Will Pay for Apple Supply Chain Changes?
Bolaji Ojo
The changes Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) is making to its supply chain management practices will cost millions and may even run into billions as Chinese wages skyrocket, but who will foot the final bill? Will Apple successfully pass the extra costs of the initiatives it has introduced recently to its contract manufacturers and suppliers; will the company itself absorb the cost, or will it successfully pass these onto customers?
These are critical questions for the high-tech industry as Apple, the de facto bellwether for the consumer electronics market, tries to deflect labor criticisms leveled recently against it by injecting greater clarity into its operations. Recently, Apple announced a list of its top suppliers and followed up with an agreement to let the Fair Labor Association "audit" conditions at its contract manufacturers.
The audit started on February 13 at Apple's leading contract manufacturer Foxconn Electronics Inc. , but the pressure is on other suppliers who -- having been publicly identified by the consumer electronics company -- now find themselves operating under the floodlight of labor and human rights activists as well as government regulators.
Perhaps taking a cue from Apple, contractor Foxconn last week said it would hike wages 16 percent to 25 percent for its workers in China, lifting the total wage increase over just the last two years to more than 300 percent, in response to shrill criticism about some of the company's practices. The rate of increase may accelerate in coming years as pressure mounts on Foxconn to improve conditions for its hundreds of thousands of workers in China.
Which brings me back to the question asked earlier: who will foot the bill for these changes? Apple will definitely have to write a bunch of checks itself, and according to recent press reports, it has already issued the first batch. To join the FLA, for instance, the company paid $250,000 and has also paid the labor association "well into the six figures" to audit Foxconn and the other suppliers, according to a report scheduled to air today on ABC News. The show will air at 11:35 p.m. EST.
Apple can certainly afford the extra cost of the FLA membership and supplier audit. What it cannot ignore is the swelling negative PR it has garnered over the last month as repeated reports point to alleged labor violations at its contract manufacturers and some component suppliers. The company had $30.2 billion in cash as at the end of the December quarter and $67 billion in long-term investments, making its bank account the fattest in the electronics industry.
The same cannot be said of its suppliers, all of which will see their costs increase as Apple takes step to correct the alleged violations in an effort to pacify labor and human rights activists. Foxconn's payroll is swelling, but not fast enough, according to workers quoted in the ABC News cited above. Even candidates seeking a position at Foxconn are banking on the company jacking up wages under pressure from Apple and activists.
This should be a concern for Foxconn investors, since the electronics manufacturing services (EMS) market has traditionally endured slim margins. Contractors like Foxconn survive and make money by layering services and extending themselves deeper into the supply chain. A UBS AG analyst believes the recently announced wage increase of between 16 and 25 percent could put a 5 percent dent on Foxconn's operating profits, although the investment firm said the impact would be "limited."
Higher wages aren't the only extra costs Foxconn will have to shoulder, though. The FLA and Apple might mandate the company reduce overtime at its factories, limiting working time to 60 hours per week. Since Apple's sales are growing at a double-digit clip, Foxconn will have to hire more workers, increasing its overall costs. Plus, the recent controversy and publicity regarding working conditions at its facilities have already imposed additional costs on a company that had hitherto tried forcefully to stay out of the limelight.
Others in the electronics supply chain will see their costs rise, too. Suppliers to Apple and other high-tech firms may also have to increase wages at their facilities in China to match Foxconn salaries. The China cost looks set to go up, but it's not just OEMs that will feel the pain.