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新款iPad发布以及iPad 2降价,将会降低苹果公司的利润率。根据所发布的16GB版本,昨日推出的新款iPad的材料成本估计为310美元,高于第一代iPad的270.86美元以及iPad 2的276.27美元。如果这三款产品的售价同为629美元,则新款iPad的利润率将下降大约5个百分点,从前两款的56-57%降至51%。

苹果(Apple)宣布,为最新一代 iPad 添加了 LTE 支持;并升级处理器、显示和相机等关键零组件。另外,苹果也表示新推出的 iPad 采用包含两个CPU和四颗绘图核心的最新 Apple A5X 应用处理器。 整体而言,新版 iPad 对平板电脑制造商发出了‘强化绘图能力’的讯息。 业界鲜少有人熟知 A5X 芯片细节。然而,一位分析师表示,这款最新的芯片除了大幅强化绘图性能外,还加强了显示能力,在处理游戏、绘图和图形等任务时,还能维持低功耗特性。

继华为16颗绘图核心的行动应用处理器后,Nvidia 的 Tegra 3再次躺着中qiang,被苹果老大贬得一无是处(图片来自瘾科技)M4resmc

“新版iPad为下一代的平板电脑设立了发展基准和方向,”Moor Insights & Strategy (奥斯汀)总裁兼首席分析师Patrick Moorhead说。Moorhead 之前曾任AMD高阶主管,他指出,“今天,所有 10吋 Android 平板电脑制造商,都应该再重新审视自己的策略。” 据 Moorhead 推测, A5X 使用了四颗Imagination Technologies的绘图核心。他认为苹果不可能改用其它供货商的绘图核心,因为这会打乱其基础设计。 不过,苹果的新一代处理器似乎有可能采用 Nvidia 的 Tegra 3,对此Moorhead表示,当然不会有人质疑 Nvidia的优势。 Nvidia 的 Tegra 内含多达12颗绘图核心;华为(Huawei)不久前也在MWC上推出了内含16颗绘图核心的行动应用处理器。然而,Linley Group首席分析师暨《微处理器报告》(Microprocessor Report)编辑Kevin Krewell指出,由于每家芯片公司都采用不同的设计方法,因此很难针对这些绘图心直接进行比较。 Krewell认为, A5X 应该可确定是使用 Imagination 的 PowerVR SGX 543MP4 核心。而在今年底以前都还不会使用到 Rogue 核心,他说。 新的 iPad 平板将分别为AT&T和Verizon LTE网络提供不同版本。另外,苹果至少还为其它两家电信业者支持LTE的业者──Rodgers和Telus合作。苹果表示,新版 iPad 将支持高达73Mbit/s的LTE下载速率。 “看起来,高通(Qualcomm)的LTE芯片和Imagination的绘图芯片可能是最大赢家,”Strategy Analytics资深分析师Sravan Kundojjala说。“高通是新款iPad最有可能考虑到的LTE芯片供货商,”他说。 “整体而言,苹果再一次为平板电脑设置了高门槛,拉开了与竞争对手的距离,”他补充道。 苹果也同步发布最新版的 AppleTV 空中影像设备。售价仍然是99美元,但多了1080p影像支持。 本文下一页:市占率“被”影响了
• 第1页:双核果“芯”,4核GPU• 第2页:市占率“被”影响了
• 第3页:谁在给iPad供屏?• 第4页:新款iPad材料成本估算
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 {pagination} 在新版 iPad 上市后,IHS iSuppli苹果的市占率将可能会从2011年第四季的57%提高到61%。但长期来看,该公司预测苹果的占率可能会从2011年的62%下滑至2014年的52%。 Android 平板电脑自去年下半年起开始抢攻市占率。然而,IHS也指出,Android平板能争取到市占率的主要原因,是由于亚马逊(Amazon) Kindle Fire 问世后,Android平板平均售价下降了41%之多所致。

上一季卖了1,540 万部 iPad,比 HP 卖的电脑多(1,510 万)图片来自瘾科技M4resmc

2012年,整体平板销售量可望达到1.24亿部,比2011年的6,500万部成长90%,IHS表示。预计该市场将稳定成长,2016年可达3.11亿部。 苹果2012年出货的平板电脑和智能手机将比去年多出一倍,IHS 表示。今年这个消费产品巨擘旗下iPad和iPhone显示器的支出预估将达90亿美元,较2011年的47亿美元成长91%。


• 第1页:双核果“芯”,4核GPU• 第2页:市占率“被”影响了
• 第3页:谁在给iPad供屏?• 第4页:新款iPad材料成本估算
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 {pagination} IHS公司之前曾预测新款iPad将采用9.7英吋的QXGA (2,048 x1,536)画素显示屏幕,每英吋可显示260画素,分辨率高于iPad和iPad 2。 IHS 指出,苹果曾表示要研究夏普(Sharp)采用铟、镓、锌和氧化薄膜晶体管(IGZO TFT)来实现低功耗的新型液晶显示技术。夏普目前正努力提高其位在日本Kameyama八代厂的IGZO TFT面皮产量,但这公司也正面临制造问题,有可能对新版iPad的全面铺货造成影响,而且还可能影响到iPad的显示器成本,IHS说。


除了夏普以外,Samsung Display和LG Display也被认为是iPad 3的面板供货商。 “由于在新版iPad中采用了超高分辨率显示器,苹果很可能面临显著的价格贴水,”IHS 中小型显示器资深经理Vinita Jakhanwal说。“然而,制造商们可能会提供折扣,特别是苹果很可能已经投资了LG、夏普和东芝行动显示(Toshiba Mobile Display,”他表示。

像素点密度对比,左为新iPad,右为iPad 2(图片来自the verge)M4resmc

• 第1页:双核果“芯”,4核GPU• 第2页:市占率“被”影响了
• 第3页:谁在给iPad供屏?• 第4页:新款iPad材料成本估算
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 {pagination} 据UBM TechInsights的估计,新款iPad发布以及iPad 2降价,将会降低苹果公司的利润率。 根据所发布的16GB版本,昨日推出的新款iPad的材料成本估计为310美元,高于第一代iPad的270.86美元以及iPad 2的276.27美元。UBM TechInsights公司估计,如果这三款产品的售价同为629美元,则新款iPad的利润率将下降大约5个百分点,从前两款的56-57%降至51%。 如果在新款iPad发布后,苹果把iPad 2的价格降至529美元,则iPad 2的利润率将下降到53%。由于自从iPad 2在去年推出之后,其元件成本可能都已下降,2012年版iPad 2的材料成本已降到248.07美元,所以iPad 2利润率受到的影响较小。 新款iPad成本上升,主要是因为四个部件,而且它们对成本的影响程度基本相同。UBM TechInsights估计,新型高分辨率显示屏的成本大约上升12美元,新型A5X处理器导致成本上升约8美元,LTE modem和电池分别导致成本上升约7美元。 该调研公司称其估计数据都是推测结果,在获得新款iPad并进行全面的拆解分析以后,将进一步修正各项估计数据。 “由于增加了LTE、高分辨率显示屏和摄像头、更大的电池和更快的处理器等一些昂贵的元件,新款iPad的利润率肯定会受到冲击,” UBM TechInsights的资深分析师Jeff Brown表示。他说,苹果“将希望利用稍微升高的iPad 2利润率来抵消上述利润率下降”。 他补充道,苹果“也可能通过(与运营商)谈判进一步削减服务计划来弥补利润率损失”。 另外,IHS iSuppli公司估计苹果2012年在显示器方面的支出将增加近一倍。采购数量增多,可能帮助苹果压低元件成本,进一步改善利润率。 Brown表示,内存更大的机型利润也可能更高。 尽管利润率下降,但苹果似乎处于优势地位,在销售一款优质高价产品。据IHS iSuppli公司,在低价Amazon Kindle Fire推出后,去年安卓平板电脑价格小幅下跌。



• 第1页:双核果“芯”,4核GPU• 第2页:市占率“被”影响了
• 第3页:谁在给iPad供屏?• 第4页:新款iPad材料成本估算
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译:Luffy Liu 参考英文原文:Apple steps up graphics with new iPad ;New iPad may shave Apple’s tablet margins,by Rick Merritt {pagination} Apple steps up graphics with new iPad Rick Merritt SAN JOSE, Calif. – Apple added LTE and upgraded the processor, display and camera in its latest iPad announced today. The new iPad uses a new Apple A5X applications processor, sporting two CPU and four graphics cores, the company said. Overall, the message the new iPad could be sending to tablet makers is, "Step on the graphics." Little is known about the A5X. However, the decision to boost graphics quality in the chip, along with an improved display, should provide noticeable improvements in games, graphics and pictures while keeping the power budget low, said one analyst. “The new iPad sets the tone and direction for next generation tablets,” said Patrick Moorhead, president and principal analyst of Moor Insights & Strategy (Austin). “If you are a 10-inch Android tablet maker and not clearly differentiated, you will have to rethink your strategy," said the former AMD exec turned analyst. He speculated the A5X uses four Rogue graphics cores from Imagination Technologies. Changing to another graphics core provider would not be possible without disrupting Apple’s developer base, he said. With the new processor Apple appears to be on par with Nvidia's Tegra 3, "but what matters is real game play and no one questions Nvidia's strength there," said Moorhead. Nvidia's Tegra uses up to 12 graphics cores, and Huawei rolled out a mobile apps processor with 16 graphics cores at the Mobile World Congress last week. But it's hard to compare graphics cores directly because each vendor takes radically different approaches to them, said Kevin Krewell, principal analyst of The Linley Group and editor of The Microprocessor Report. Krewell said the A5X almost certainly uses the Imagination PowerVR SGX 543MP4 core. The Rogue core is not due out until later this year, he noted. The tablet will come in separate versions for AT&T and Verizon LTE networks. Apple is also working with at least two other carriers—Rodgers and Telus—for LTE support. The device will support LTE downloads at rates up to 73 MBits/s, Apple said. "It looks like Qualcomm (with LTE) and Imagination (in graphics) are the big winners," said Sravan Kundojjala, a senior analyst with Strategy Analytics. "Qualcomm is the most likely LTE chip supplier to the new iPad considering its world-mode capabilities across network," he said. "Overall, once again Apple set the bar high for apps processor and tablet competitors alike," he added. In terms of media capabilities, the new iPad supports 1080-progressive video recording, a 2,048 x 1,536 pixel screen displaying 264 pixels per inch and a 5 MPixel camera. The devices weighs in at 1.4 pounds, measures 9.4mm thick and costs $499 and up for models starting at 16 Gbytes, available starting March 16. Separately, Apple announced a new version of its AppleTV over-the-air video device. It still costs $99 but now supports 1080p video. With the new iPad, Apple could increase its market share in tablets to 61 percent in 2012, up from 57 percent in the fourth quarter of 2011, according to IHS iSuppli. Long term Apple’s market share is expected to decline from 62 percent in 2011 to 52 percent in 2014, it said. Android tablets gained share in the second half of last year. However the gains came at the cost of a 41 percent decline in the average street price for Android tablets amind price slashing after the debut of the Amazon Kindle Fire, IHS reported. Overall tablet shipments are on track to reach 124 million units in 2012, up 90 percent from 65 million in 2011, HIS said. It projects steady growth to 311 million units in 2016. Apple is projected to ship 69 percent more tablets and smartphones in 2012 over last year, according to IHS iSuppli. The consumer giant’s spending on displays for iPads and iPhones is projected to rise to $9.0 billion, up 91 percent from $4.7 billion in 2011, the market watcher added. IHS said just prior to the new iPad’s debut it expected the device would a 9.7-inch a QXGA (2,048 by 1536) pixel display, higher resolution then the iPad and iPad 2, at 260 pixels per inch. IHS said Apple is said to be examining a new LCD display technology from Sharp that uses indium, gallium, zinc and oxide thin-film transistors (IGZO TFT) to keep a lid on power consumption. Sharp now is working to ramp up the production of IGZO TFT panels at its Gen 8 fab in Kameyama, Japan, but the company is experiencing manufacturing problems that could affect both the availability of displays for a full rollout of the new iPad, as well as the cost of the iPad displays, IHS said. In addition to Sharp, the panel suppliers for the iPad 3 are believed to be Samsung Display and LG Display. “Apple is likely to incur a significant price premium for using the higher-resolution display in the new iPad,” said Vinita Jakhanwal, senior manager for small & medium displays at IHS. “However, manufacturers are expected to grant discounts, especially because Apple, in all likelihood, has made investments in display makers like LG, Sharp and Toshiba Mobile Display,” he said. New iPad may shave Apple’s tablet margins Rick Merritt SAN JOSE, Calif. – Apple will cut into its profit margins--but only slightly--with its latest iPad and discounts on the iPad 2, according to estimates from UBM TechInsights. The new iPad announced yesterday will have an estimated bill of materials cost of $310, up from $270.86 on the original iPad and $276.27 on the iPad 2 based on versions at launch using 16 Gbytes memory. By selling all three at the same $629 price, Apple is cutting its profit margins about five points from 56-57 percent on the first two generation products to 51 percent on the new iPad, UBM TechInsights projected. Apple’s profit margin on the iPad 2 will dip to an estimated 53 percent when it is discounted to $529 at the release of the new model. The iPad 2 sustains less of a hit because prices of its components are projected to have come down since its launch last year resulting in a current bill of materials cost of $248.07 for the 2012 version of the iPad 2, it said. Most of the new iPad’s higher costs are split fairly equally between four major components. The new higher resolution display is expected to cost about $12 more, the new A5X processor adds about $8 and the LTE modem and expanded battery add about $7 each to the new iPad’s cost, UBM TechInsights estimated. The analyst firm cautioned that its estimates are projections that it will further refine once the tablet is available for a full teardown inspection. UBM TechInsights is part of UBM LLC, the company that publishes EE Times. “The bottom line is the new iPad’s margin should take a little hit because of some expensive adders like LTE, the high-res display and camera, a bigger battery and faster processor,” said Jeff Brown, a senior UBM TechInsights analyst. Apple “will hope to offset that margin decrease with a slightly higher margin on the iPad 2,” he said. Apple “also may make up some extra margin by negotiating some higher cuts of the service plans,” with carriers he added. Separately IHS iSuppli estimated Apple will nearly double its spending on displays in 2012. The higher volumes may help the company negotiate lower component costs, further improving margins. Profits also could be higher on models sporting more memory, said Brown. Despite the shaved margins, Apple appears to be in the cat bird’s seat, selling a premium product. Prices for Android tablets dipped last year in the wake of the release of the low cost Amazon Kindle Fire, according to IHS iSuppli.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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