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日前,台湾鸿海集团宣布与日本液晶显示器(LCD)制造龙头夏普结盟。鸿海出资669.05亿日元(约新台币238亿元),取得夏普10.95%股权,成为夏普最大单一股东。鸿海集团董事长郭台铭也以个人名义入股位于大阪市的夏普十代面板厂Sharp Display Products(SDP),夏普未来计划将SDP约46.48%的股权,转让给郭台铭及其他投资法人,总价格为660亿日圆(约新台币235亿元)。未来鸿海将向夏普市十代厂采购面板及模块,鸿海未来采购比重将占该厂总产能的一半。 目前有三家厂商被授权生产苹果的视网膜显示器,夏普是其中一家,另外两家是韩国三星和LG。由于显示器短缺,苹果一直无法满足市场对于其新款iPad的需求。迄今为止,只有三星电子有能力大批量生产这种显示器。 据报道,这是鸿海集团继入股奇美电后,又一次在面板业重要布局,将势力延伸至品牌,为台湾面板业“联日抗韩”跨出一大步。鸿海新闻稿指出,未来不排除也让夏普入股,双方交互持股。面板业内人士解读,鸿海的动作,除了解除夏普资金问题,也同步掌握夏普、索尼两大品牌的电视系统组装代工订单,利用夏普的技术,争取更多苹果订单。


日企为什么还没缓过来? 当前全球前四大面板业者依序是韩厂LGD、三星、奇美电与友达,奇美电与夏普结盟后市占率提高为20%,逼近三星的25%,LGD为31%。 像其它液晶显示器厂商一样,夏普也面临显示器需求增长放缓和平均销售价格(ASP)下跌的困扰。三星剥离了液晶显示器业务,并使之成为一个独立的部门,以专注于开发OLED——利润更高的新型面板技术。 夏普的新任社长奥田隆司对《纽约时报》表示: 面对日圆升值和多变的商业环境,我们必须采取行动。一切从开发、设计、生产、销售再到民服务,这种做法不再可行。与商业伙伴联手以增加自己在市场中的竞争力,这对于我们更加重要。 据《纽约时报》,由于来自三星等外国同业的竞争,夏普、索尼和Panasonic这三家日本主要电视生产商预计今年亏损170亿美元。 据市场调研公司IHS iSuppli,2月份液晶显示器的总体价格趋于稳定。这意味着2月跌幅小于前几个月。 “最近四个月价格平均下跌0.5%,表明市场正在恢复稳定。从2011年8月到10月,大尺寸面板的价格每月平均下滑3-4%。大尺寸面板是指10.x英寸以及更大的面板,”IHS iSuppli公司在报告中表示。 编译:Luffy Liu 本文授权编译自EBN Online,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:Foxconn Shores Up Display Supplies, by Barbara Jorgensen


{pagination} Foxconn Shores Up Display Supplies Barbara Jorgensen Hon Hai Precision Industry, parent of EMS provider Foxconn Electronics Inc. and a leading supplier to Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL), is taking a 10 percent stake in Sharp Electronics Corp. in an effort to shore up a source of liquid crystal displays. Sharp is one of three display makers, in addition to Korea's Samsung and LG, that are licensed to manufacture Apple's new Retina displays. Apple has been unable to meet demand for its new iPad because of a shortage in displays. So far, only Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (Korea: SEC) has been able to produce the trademarked displays in volume. Hon Hai/Foxconn will invest $808 million in Sharp, making it the top shareholder of the Japanese company. Sharp, like other LCD makers, has been suffering from slowing demand of the displays and lower ASPs. Samsung has spun its LCD business off into a separate unit in order to focus on the development of OLEDs, a new, higher-profit panel technology. Sharp's new president, Takashi Okuda, told The New York Times: We needed to take action, as we face a strong yen and a rapidly changing business environment. It’s no longer an option to do everything from development, design, manufacturing, marketing and customer service. It’s more important for us to collaborate with business partners to be competitive in the market. Sharp, Sony, and Panasonic, Japan’s three main TV makers, expect to lose $17 billion this year, hit by competition from foreign rivals led by Samsung, according to the NYT. Overall pricing for LCDs stabilized in February, according to market research firm IHS iSuppli. That stabilization means prices fell less rapidly than in prior months. "The last four months have seen decreases averaging 0.5 percent -- indicating the arrival of stability in a market that saw pricing contract by 3 to 4 percent per month from August to October of 2011 for large-sized panels, defined as those sized 10.x inches and larger," IHS iSuppli reports.
Barbara Jorgensen
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