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RIM推出了一款能够管理跨多平台企业通讯的应用程序,可支持包括 iOS 、 Android 及自家的 BlackBerry 系统。这让RIM不再只是苹果公司(Apple)以及摩托罗拉移动(Motorola Mobility)与三星(Samsung)等 Android 移动设备市场的竞争对手,同时也成为其支持者与市场推手。

迫于移动市场的现实,并强化其于企业通讯(enterprise messaging)领域的优势,Research In Motion公司(RIM)推出了一款能够管理跨多平台企业通讯的应用程序,可支持包括iOS 、Android 及自家的BlackBerry系统。实际上,这让RIM不再只是苹果公司(Apple)以及摩托罗拉移动(Motorola Mobility)与三星(Samsung)等Android移动设备市场的竞争对手,同时也成为其支持者与市场推手。 RIM表示,有鉴于政府组织与企业员工日益关切利用各种操作系统连接通讯系统的安全性,BlackBerry Mobile Fusion 软件为企业与政府组织提供了一套经过测试验证的解决方案。RIM企业产品管理与销售副总裁Alan Panezic在记者会上表示: “对于企业与政府而言,管理一系列不同的移动设备一直十分混乱。企业组织面对着让员工将自己的手持设备带来工作场所使用并企业网络的压力,正寻求RIM为其解决这个问题。 BlackBerry Mobile Fusion 让组织能够以一种最安全、简便且具成本效益的方式来管理各种不同使用环境下的设备。这也表示企业与政府不必因为所有必须管理的设备而降低安全层级。” 透过导入单一的应用程序来管理企业通讯系统,RIM正致力于为彼此竞争的设备制造商减轻在开发并导入同一安全层级的通讯管理系统时所面临的压力。同时,由于RIM是一家公认可靠的企业通讯管理服务供货商,此举可能还有助于改善该公司目前面对如何在市场生存的挑战。 但这样就够了吗?这个问题的答案将取决于苹果和Android设备制造商是否愿意同样拥抱RIM的Mobile Fusion应用程序(如果他们不愿意,那就太愚蠢了!),以及RIM是否能够找到合理的定价机制,以便使所提供的服务能够吸引竞争的移动设备制造商、企业以及政府机关。 当然,BlackBerry手机销售量可能会在未来几年内逐渐减少,而RIM也不得不开始精简其业务以求生存。透过这一策略,RIM可望在进一步深耕其企业通讯市场之际,也争取到一点时间来推动并导正其硬件策略。 BlackBerry Mobile Fusion应用程序将有助于RIM转变其长久以来的竞争目标,为自己带来再次展现重大市场影响力的机会。 编译:Susan Hong 本文授权编译自EBN Online,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文: RIM Aims to Fuse iOS, Android, & BlackBerry,by Bolaji Ojo, Editor in Chief

2011 Q4智能手机市场苹果三星大得意,HTC受伤

{pagination} RIM Aims to Fuse iOS, Android, & BlackBerry Bolaji Ojo, Editor in Chief Bowing to market reality and emphasizing its strength in enterprise messaging, Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM) (Nasdaq: RIMM; Toronto: RIM) is rolling out an application that enables it to manage corporate communication across multiple platforms, including the iOS, Android, and its own BlackBerry system. In effect, RIM becomes not simply a competitor but also a supporter and enabler of Apple and Android device makers like Motorola Mobility and Samsung. RIM said its BlackBerry Mobile Fusion software offers businesses and governments a tested solution to growing concerns about the security of the varying operating systems that officials and employees have been using to access messaging systems. Alan Panezic, vice president of enterprise product management and marketing at RIM, said in a press release: For businesses and government, managing a mix of mobile devices on any scale is chaotic. Organizations face pressure to allow employees to bring their own devices into the workplace, and they are looking to RIM as the global leader in the enterprise mobility space to solve that problem. BlackBerry Mobile Fusion allows organizations to manage a mixed environment of devices in the most secure, simple, and cost efficient manner possible. It also means that businesses and government do not have to move to the lowest common denominator on security for all the devices they need to manage. By introducing a program to manage enterprise messaging, RIM is trying to relieve competing device makers of the stress of having to develop and introduce an equally secured communication management system. The company may have also improved its odds of surviving the challenges it faces, since it is a well-recognized and credible provider of enterprise messaging management services. Will this be enough? The answer will depend on whether Apple and Android device makers embrace RIM's Mobile Fusion (they would be silly not to) and whether RIM can figure out the pricing mechanism to make the service attractive to competing mobile equipment manufacturers, enterprises, and government institutions. Of course, BlackBerry phone sales might decrease in the years ahead, and RIM would have to make its operations leaner to survive. With this move, it buys some time to get its hardware strategy right while digging in on the enterprise messaging side, where it is the acknowledged leader (though one its rivals has set their sights on this field). BlackBerry Mobile Fusion could help RIM deflect the competition's aim long enough to give itself another shot at becoming relevant again.
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