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日本三家面板厂Sony、东芝(Toshiba)与日立(Hitachi)最近完成整合,共同成立日本显示器公司(Japan Display Inc.;JDI),成为目前日本最新且规模最大的显示器制造商。Japan Display正式成立当天,刚好就是三星显示器(Samsung Display) 正式展开营运之日。

日本三家面板厂最近完成整合,共同成立日本显示器公司(Japan Display Inc.;JDI),成为目前日本最新且规模最大的显示器制造商。Japan Display是由Sony、东芝(Toshiba)与日立(Hitachi)三家公司的液晶显示器(LCD)业务,结合日本官民基金“产业革新机构”(INCJ)支助的26亿美元于去年九月宣布合作成立的中小尺寸面板合资企业。 Japan Display正式成立当天,刚好就是三星显示器(Samsung Display) 正式展开营运之日。Samsung Display是三星电子日前分割其显示器业务后另行成立的子公司。三星公司的显示器部门独立而出,以及日本合资公司成立,迅速地为市场造就了两家显示器制造商,再加上LG Electronics,将成为全球最大的三家LCD制造商。 由于市场需求减缓以及平均销售价格 (ASP)下滑,LCD市场一直难以实现获利,显示器制造商开始整合产线设备,寻求削减成本开销。就在几周前,另一家显示器厂商──夏普公司(Sharp Electronics)才取得了全球EMS供货商富士康公司(Foxconn Electronics)的资金挹注。(请参考:鸿海成夏普最大单一股东,结盟为技术or订单?) 然而,LCD市场已经恶化,根据市场研究机构IHS iSuppli公司表示,美国液晶电视(LCD TV)市场出货量预计在2012年将首次出现衰退: “根据IHS iSuppli的美国电视市场追踪报告,2010年美国平面电视市场出货量为3,860万台,2011年的出货量为3,910万台,仅微幅成长1%(CAGR),预计2012年的出货量将下滑至3,710万台,成长长率衰退5%。” “美国平面电视市场从未经历过年成长率衰退的情况,即使是在经济衰退的2008年和2009年。但这一市场衰退的现象就从今年开始出现了,显示对于这个相当成熟的美国电视市场来说,需求已经达到顶点了。美国电视市场一直是由消费者购买具有更新功能的电视机进行汰旧换新所带动的,这和世界上其它地区多半拥有一个尚未开发且充满潜力的电视市场是不一样的──这些新市场的买家们通常都是第一次购买平面电视机。” 尽管整并将持续支撑起这一LCD市场,但它可能对于消费者带来损失。市场上存在较少的供货商正意味着价格竞争较小,所以LCD的价格可能相对提高。三星公司已将明确表达其立场,未来将专注于下一代显示技术,如有机发光二极管(OLED)。OLED较LCD具有更多技术优势,如重量轻、功耗低以及能在塑料等可挠性基板上制造。尽管OLED目前仍极其昂贵,但IHS iSuppli的报告指出: “由于制造良率以及供货商少使材料成本高涨等问题, 预计在未来几年内, AMOLED 电视的价格仍将远高于LCD TV。2012年,55吋 AMOLED TV售价约为8,000美元,相当于同尺寸LCD TV平均价格3,700美元的两倍。虽然AMOLED TV能够为用户带来比LCD TV更优质的视觉体验,但除非AMOLED价格能够降低到约比LCD TV高20%左右的范围,否则消费者不太可能会大量购买。” 与此同时,市场上出现最多有关于显示器的讨论,就是苹果公司(Apple)的 Retina 显示器。这项技术的专利由苹果公司所拥有,但三星、LG与夏普均获授权可制造 Retina 。LG与夏普据称都难以达到Retina的产量需求,使苹果公司在最新一代iPad 发布当天即宣告产品缺货。 编译:Susan Hong 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文:'Big Three' Emerge in LCD Market,by Barbara Jorgensen, EBN Community Editor


{pagination} LCD TVs growth switching to emerging markets Nicolas Mokhoff MANASSET, NY -- Flat panel TV growth this year is expected to be half that of 2010 with growth shifting from developed countries to emerging markets, according to market research firm DisplaySearch. "As the household installed base for flat panel TVs increases above 50-60 percent, the growth rate slows, which is currently the situation in Japan, Western Europe, and North America. Emerging markets, however, are still ripe for sustained growth due to a low level of household flat panel TV penetration," noted Paul Gagnon, Director of North America TV Research for DisplaySearch, in a statement. Japanese TV demand is falling sharply due to the end of government incentive, with the devastating March 11 earthquake likely to reduce demand further Total TV shipments grew by nearly 18 percent Y/Y in 2010 to 248 million units. However, shipment growth is expected to slow to less than 4 percent Y/Y in 2011, as slower price erosion cools demand in developed markets. LCD TVs continue to be the primary TV type shipped worldwide, and are expected to account for about 84 percent of all TV shipments in 2011. Worldwide LCD TV shipments will increase from about 192 million units in 2010 to almost 217 million units in 2011, a 13 percent increase. Total LCD TV shipments are expected to increase steadily, reaching 270 million units by 2014, according to the report. Within the LCD TV category, several key features are gaining share as cost premiums decline. LED backlights will account for about 50 percent of the total LCD TV units shipped during 2011, penetrating a large number of screen sizes, especially above 40 in. Larger screen size sets are usually fully featured and focused on performance. As a result, performance-oriented features like high frame rate and 1080p resolution have much better penetration among larger screen sizes. 120Hz and higher refresh rates will account for about a quarter of total LCD TV units in 2011, but for 40”+ sizes, the share is more than 60 percent. Emerging regions, which include China, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Africa, will have the strongest flat panel TV growth over the next four years, averaging 17 percent growth each year. The Asia Pacific region is positioned for strongest growth as the late adopting India market begins to boom. By comparison, developed regions (North America, Japan, and Western Europe) will see no growth over the same time period. The DisplaySearch Q4'10 Quarterly Advanced Global TV Shipment and Forecast Report includes panel and TV shipments by region and size for nearly 60 brands.
Barbara Jorgensen
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