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JEDEC 固态技术协会日前宣布,已开始针对无线数据传输,着手推动相关非挥发性内存的标准化工作。由诺基亚(Nokia)主持;美光(Micron)和三星(Samsung) 则并列为副手,欢迎任何对这项标准有兴趣的厂商加入。

JEDEC 固态技术协会(Solid State Technology Association) 日前宣布,专门制定嵌入式内存与记忆卡规范的 JC-64 委员会,已开始针对无线数据传输,着手推动相关非挥发性内存的标准化工作。 这个子委员会称为 JC-64.9 ,由诺基亚(Nokia)主持;美光(Micron)和三星(Samsung) 则并列为副手。 JEDEC 表示, JC-64.9 欢迎任何对这项标准有兴趣的厂商加入。 据 JEDEC 表示,无线内存可用来在免用电池的内存卷标和其它配备无线内存的移动电子装置间传输及储存资料。这些卷标通常都已经被安装在某个对象中,而配备无线内存的移动电子装置则包含了智能手机或是平板电脑等。 理想情况下,无线数据传输的速度应该很快、功耗要足够低,以免占用到手机或平板电脑电池的电力。 诺基亚研究中心(Nokia Research Center)主管Hannu Kauppinen这种短距内存传输技术可提供超过100Mb/s的传输率,它将能为许多种应用添加优势。举例来说,当消费者光临一家音乐专卖店时,他们便能在10秒以内下载整张专辑。 “我们有信心能提供更高效的储存内存解决方案,这种崭新的技术将让许多企业得以开发出更灵活的商业模式,以适应全新的数字应用,”三星半导体内存销售暨产品规划部副总裁Jim Elliott说。 “我们的标准化移动旨在开发出一种解决方案,这种方案在无线内存卷标(Wireless Memory Tag)和无线内存主机端(Wireless Memory Host)的实际架构方面是内存接口未知(interface agnostic)的,”美光无线解决方案研发部资深总监Marcro Dallabora表示。 编译: Joy Teng 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文: Micron, Samsung back JEDEC plan for wireless memory ,by Peter Clarke

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{pagination} Micron, Samsung back JEDEC plan for wireless memory Peter Clarke LONDON – The JEDEC Solid State Technology Association, formerly known as the Joint Electron Devices Engineering Council (JEDEC), has announced that the JC-64 Committee for embedded memory storage and removable memory cards has formed a subcommittee focused on the standardization of non-volatile memory for wireless data transfers. The subcommittee, known as JC-64.9 is to be chaired by Nokia and vice-chaired by Micron and Samsung. JEDEC said JC-64.9 welcomes participation from interested companies. According to JEDEC wireless memory is expected to be used for the transfer and storage of data between battery-free memory tags located in objects and wireless memory hosts typically within mobile electronic devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Wireless data transfers should ideally be high-speed and inherently low power to prevent such actions draining the batteries of mobile phones and computers, the association added. A number of applications could benefit from short range memory transfers at rates of more than 100-Mbits per second, said Hannu Kauppinen, Head of Nokia Research Center. It would, for example, enable consumers to download a music album in under 10 seconds in a store. "We are confident about our capability for providing wireless mobile applications with more effective storage memory solutions that will enable businesses to have greater flexibility in accommodating new digital applications,” said Jim Elliott, vice president, memory marketing and product planning, Samsung Semiconductor Inc., in a statement issued by JEDEC. "Standardization activities will focus to create a solution which is memory interface agnostic with respect to the actual structure of the Wireless Memory Tag and Wireless Memory Host," said Marco Dallabora, senior director for wireless solutions R&D at Micron, in the same statement.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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