SK海力士周五早些时候表示,已放弃对尔必达的竞购。另外根据消息人士的说法,TPG Capital和中国的弘毅投资还试图在最后一轮竞标中联合竞购尔必达。
编译:Luffy Liu
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参考英文原文:Report: Micron wins exclusive right to buy Elpida, by Dylan McGrath
• 移动内存市场将进入微毛利时代
• 超极本可能威胁到第三方DRAM模组生产商
• 联想出手,弘毅欲购尔必达后转手中芯国际5L0esmc
Report: Micron wins exclusive right to buy Elpida
Dylan McGrath
SAN FRANCISCO—U.S. memory chip vendor Micron Technology Inc. has won the exclusive right to negotiate to buy failed Japanese DRAM vendor Elpida Memory Inc. after offering more than $2.5 billion, according to a report by the Reuters news service.
Part of the $2.5 billion bid will go toward paying down Elpida's debt load, which stands at about $5.5 billion, according to the Reuters report. The report quoted an anonymous source. That source also speculated that Micron's bid may be too low for Elpida to accept.
Micron appeared to be the most logical winner last week, when Hynix reportedly dropped out of the bidding. Elpida, which filed for bankruptcy earlier this year after a government bailout failed to materialize, began soliciting bids in March to satisfy its obligations to creditors.
Citing market research provided by IHS iSuppli, the Reuters report noted that the acquisition of Elpida would boost Micron's DRAM market share to 25 percent, surpassing SK Hynix Inc. for the No. 2 position among global DRAM vendors.
A separate Reuters report Monday (May 7), which cited Japan's Jiji news agency as its source, said Micron would invest more than $3.8 billion in Elpida's fabs in Japan and Taiwan over the next five years.