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看图说话:威盛49美元迷你Android PC

威盛电子(Via Technologies)准备今年七月开始出货49美元的 Android PC ,现在,就让我们一窥这款低价 Android 计算机的卢山真面目。

威盛电子(Via Technologies)准备今年七月开始出货49美元的 Android PC ,现在,就让我们一窥这款低价 Android 计算机的卢山真面目。 就像是英国 Raspberry Pi 的25美元单板计算机,威盛的 APC (Android PC) 系统也以主板形式呈现,可以连接到电视或其它屏幕。据威盛稍早前发布的一项声明,该系统同时提供已针对键盘和鼠标等外围输入而最佳化的客户定义 Android,同时还将提供浏览器和其它的预装应用程序选项。 APC采用基于ARM11的处理器,该处理器由威盛的处理器子公司威信科电(WonderMedia)提供。这个系统在一个小巧的Neo-ITX主板上整合了内存、储存和完整的客制I/O功能。 这款APC的主板尺寸为17公分 x 8.5公分,可安装在任何标准的Mini-ITX或microATX机箱内。该公司表示,其目标市场包括了所有希望快速上市的DIY和OEM业者。 “APC将协助更多使用者开拓广阔的网络世界,”威盛行销副总裁Richard Brown说。 据威盛表示,这款APC闲置时功耗13.5瓦,比标准PC系统低10倍。该系统也具备支持许多影片格式的硬件加速功能。 APC的主要特性包括: 最佳化的 Android OS
四个 USB 2.0 埠
一个microSD 插槽
一个10/100 以太网络端口
Audio-out/ Mic-in
VIA WonderMedia ARM 11 SoC
2GB NAND Flash
5W 电源适配器

基于全新的超小型Neo-ITX板型,APC尺寸仅17公分x 8.5公分。 / 资料来源:威盛电子ynKesmc

尺寸精巧 仅香蕉大小

整个APC主板的尺寸和香蕉差不多。 / 资料来源:威盛电子ynKesmc


可安装在任何标准的Mini-ITX机箱内。 / 资料来源:威盛电子ynKesmc


该APC尺寸仅有标准Mini-ITX板的一半,在一个小巧的Neo-ITX主板上整合了内存、储存和完整的客制I/O功能。 / 资料来源:威盛电子ynKesmc

Wondermedia ARM SoC

这款APC搭载了Wondermedia 的ARM SoC、2GB NAND闪存以及512MB DDR3 DRAM。 / 资料来源:威盛电子ynKesmc

编译: Joy Teng 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 参考英文原文: A peek at Via Tech's $49 Android PC ,by Dylan McGrath

Raspberry Pi 和苹果,谁才是真正的供不应求
e络盟为新一代产品工程师引入Raspberry Pi革命性电脑平台ynKesmc

{pagination} A peek at Via Tech's $49 Android PC Dylan McGrath Ready or not, here comes the $49 Android PC. Taiwanese chipset vendor Via Technologies Inc. is hawking a $49 PC system that runs Google Inc.'s Android operating system and is scheduled to start shipping in July. Like the Raspberry Pi—the $25 single board computer developed in the UK—Via's APC Android PC System comes in the form of a motherboard that can be connected to a TV or monitor. The system also features a custom build of Android that has been optimized for keyboard and mouse input, and comes with a browser and a selection of preinstalled apps, according to a statement released by Via Tuesday (May 22). APC is powered by an ARM11-based processor from WonderMedia, Via's low-cost processor subsidiary. The system integrates memory, storage and a full set of consumer I/O features in a small footprint Neo-ITX motherboard, according to Via. The APC motherboard measures 17 centimeters by 8.5 centimeters and can be housed in any standard Mini-ITX or microATX chassis, Via said. The company is targeting the system at both do-it-yourself computer enthusiasts and OEMs looking to get their systems to market quickly. "Like a bicycle for your mind, APC will enable more people than ever before to explore the vast online universe," said Richard Brown, vice president of marketing at Via, in a statement. Via claims APC consumes only 4 watts when operating at idle power and 13.5 watts at maximum load—10 times less than a standard PC system. It also offers hardware acceleration for demanding video formats, according to Via. Key features of the APC, as listed by Via:
  • Optimized Android OS
  • HD TV support
  • Hardware acceleration of the most demanding video formats
  • VGA and HDMI display ports
  • Four USB 2.0 ports
  • One microSD slot
  • One 10/100 Ethernet port
  • Audio-out/ Mic-in
  • VIA WonderMedia ARM 11 SoC
  • 2GB NAND Flash
  • 512 DDR3 SDRAM
  • 15W power adapter
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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