英特尔(Intel) CEO Paul Otellini稍早前说明了英特尔的晶圆厂部署14nm及未来更先进制程的蓝图及相关投资规划。这些晶圆厂包括了位在美国奥勒冈州的D1X晶圆厂、位在亚利桑那州的Fab42厂,以及位在爱尔兰Leixlip的Fab24厂。
英特尔于2009年关闭了位在都柏林附近Leixlip的Fab14厂,将当地晶圆厂的数量减少至三个,分别为Fab10, 24和24-2。2011年1月,英特尔花费约五亿美元重建Fab14旧厂,但当时并未说明翻新这座晶圆厂的详细规划。
编译: Joy Teng
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本文下一页:参考英文原文:Intel confirms Ireland for 14-nm silicon ,by Peter Clarke
• 联电南科厂动土,2013下半年装机
• 英特尔:无晶圆厂经营模式已穷途末路
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Intel confirms Ireland for 14-nm silicon
Peter Clarke
LONDON – The Intel wafer fab complex in Leixlip, Ireland, is set to receive investment to allow it to manufacture 14-nm silicon and beyond, the company revealed in a presentation to analysts on May 10. The investment is expected to be more than $1 billion.
The presentation, given by Intel CEO Paul Otellini, included a slide that detailed three Intel fabs set for investment for 14-nm and beyond. These are fab D1X in Oregon, Fab 42 in Arizona and Fab 24 in Leixlip near Dublin, Ireland.
"We're in the process of construction and initial deployment of equipment into 14-nm and beyond in Oregon, Arizona and Ireland," Otellini said in a presentation that was also capturesd as a webcast. The 14-nm process technology is expected to start being used in 2013.
Intel was reported to have chosen Ireland over Israel for the 14-nm investment back in September 2011. Intel is bringing up 22-nm production at Fab 28 in Kiryat Gat, Israel.
Intel closed down its Fab 14 in Leixlip near Dublin in the summer of 2009 reducing the number of fabs it operates on the campus to three, labeled Fabs 10, 24 and 24-2. In January 2011 Intel committed to spend about $500 million rebuilding the shell and infrastructure of the old Fab 14 building, but without saying what plans it had for manufacturing process technologies in the reconditioned shell.