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英特尔(Intel)公司近期内应该不必担心与ARM针对平板电脑装置以外的PC市场开战了,特别是针对拥有广泛计算机产品的主要OEM之一──宏碁公司(Acer Inc.)。 宏碁公司董事长王振堂(J.T. Wang)对记者说,该公司“并不准备推出采用ARM芯片设计的非平板电脑设备。”他说,基于性能方面的考虑,该公司目前在桌上型与笔记本电脑市场领域仍会持续采用英特尔的处理器。 同样地,这一股让英特尔难以抢进平板市场的逆势,现正冲击着ARM进军桌上型与笔记本电脑市场。或许有些制造商愿意给ARM一个机会,试着突破由英特尔主导的传统计算机领域,不过这使其还得重新调整个供应链,从而面临成本增加的可能性。根据王振堂表示,采用ARM授权的处理器当然十分具有吸引力,但仍不足以弥补可能为制造商带来的额外成本。 ARM必须改善其技术性能,才能取得像宏碁等多家公司客户的青睐,使其必须采用ARM 64位以便与英特尔的处理器竞争。不过,随着时间的进展,由于芯片制造商们对于寻求成为领域的大厂越来越有兴趣,宏碁与其许多竞争对手可能就会开始采用 ARM处理器。包括Marvell与意法半导体(STMicroelectronics)等几家公司都已经推出采用ARM处理器的服务器芯片了。 编译:Susan Hong 本文授权编译自EBN Online,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:参考英文原文:Acer Not Keen Yet on ARM-Based PCs,by Bolaji Ojo


{pagination} Acer Not Keen Yet on ARM-Based PCs Bolaji Ojo Intel Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC) won't have to fight ARM Ltd. (Nasdaq: ARMHY; London: ARM) for nontablet device attention anytime soon at Acer Inc. , one of the market's top OEMs with a wide range of products addressing the computing industry. J.T. Wang, the chairman of Acer, told Reuters that his Taiwan company is not ready to introduce "non-tablet devices using ARM designs." He said that, for performance reasons, the company is sticking with Intel-based processors for now in the desktop and notebook markets. The same headwind that is making it difficult for Intel to crack the tablet market is hurting ARM in the desktop and notebook markets. Some manufacturers would like to give ARM a shot and try to break Intel's dominance in the traditional computer sector, but that would require a supply chain retuning that could raise costs further. According to Wang, the appeal of ARM-licensed processors isn't quite strong enough to compensate manufacturers for the added costs. ARM would have to improve the performance of its technology to gain the full patronage of companies like Acer, which would have to adopt ARM 64-bit to be competitive with Intel processors. In time, though, Acer and many of its rivals will begin to adopt ARM-based processors, due to growing interest from chip makers seeking to become bigger players in the sector. Several companies, including Marvell and STMicroelectronics, have already rolled out ARM-based server chips.
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