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在台湾Computex上,Ultrabook过了一把主角瘾,但仅仅一周之后,苹果在WWDC推出了新款笔记本电脑产品线,瞬间把PC厂商的超级本和超薄本的风头抢尽。此外,苹果还展示了其iOS 6.0和OS X软件将提供的新功能。 苹果更新了其全部笔记本产品线,使用英特尔的Ivy Bridge处理器,并在其MacBook Pro产品中弃用AMD Radeon显卡,改用英伟达GeForce GT 650M (Kepler核心)。这款高端15英寸系统是苹果采用其所谓视网膜显示器的首款笔记本电脑,支持目前全球同类产品中最高的2880×1800像素分辨率,甚至远远超过了HDTV。其他规格包括16GB闪存,配备最大768GB的固态硬盘,USB 3.0,电池续航时间7小时,待机时间30天,价格为2199美元,当天就可以出货。

MAcBook Pro 15寸价格人民币

该产品线中的13英寸版本厚度较薄,价格也比较便宜。苹果的13英寸MacBook Pro入门级价格保持在1199美元。其11英寸MacBook Air的入门级价格已经降到了999美元。 这些11、13和15英寸型号的MacBook Pro都具有一个Thunderbolt端口和两个USB 3.0端口,并且都采用固态硬盘,厚度为0.68-0.95英寸。

USB 3.0一直雷声大雨点小,MacBook的采用也许会带动一系列3.0外设的普及
USB 3.0一直雷声大雨点小,MacBook的采用也许会带动一系列3.0外设的普及

苹果新产品的规格与价格,让PC产业面临压力,迫使其试图推出同样厚度和更低成本的系统。 台湾PC厂商在Computex开幕前抱怨,由于采用了相对昂贵的金属外壳,自己的超级本价格仍然过于较贵,与MacBook Air不相上下。他们寄望于通过推出新款尺寸较大、性能较高和价格较低的超薄本,使自己的产品实现差异化。这次苹果推出的新款MacBook Pro,无疑缩小了那些所谓的差异化空间。

苹果新款入门级MacBook Pro,13英寸,厚度只有0.68英寸,价格为1199美元
左边是苹果新款入门级MacBook Pro,13英寸,厚度只有0.68英寸,价格为1199美元

观察家持有不同的看法。一名经常参加Computex的人士表示,本次展会上真正的新东西太少,认为Computex正在步Comdex的后尘。另一名人士表示,超级本与超薄本的兴起,标志着PC厂商正在卷土重来。 PC厂商仍有打败苹果的秘密招术。他们的下一个重大机会将在年底前出现,届时Windows 8将会发布,它将支持触控屏和基于ARM的SoC。 英特尔在Computex上表示,今年年中以前将有35款以上的超级本上市,110多种系统正在设计之中,准备明年推出。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:苹果重视中国市场,Siri仲识粤语?

2012 WWDC:苹果的心思你猜对了吗?
Ultrabook及平板潜力大,IC Insights对电脑市场再看高一线

{pagination} 中国是苹果公司的第二大市场,此次 WWDC 也受到了特别照顾,苹果展示的iOS 6.0和Mac OS X“山狮”(Mountain Lion)新功能中,能明显看出对中国大陆地区的重视了。 iOS 6新功能中,地图将支持矢量图形,也就是通俗所说的3D地图,iPad将提供Siri语音服务,并深化车载导航功能。新版还支持包括中文在内的更多地区语言,甚至能听懂粤语和闽南语。强化了对中文输入法和词典的支持,将通过无线网络提供FaceTime视频会议,这款OS将加深与Facebook的整合。敌人的敌人,就是朋友,此次与Google大敌Facebook结盟,可见库克确实继承了乔帮主遗志,要与Google斗争到底。 iPhone 3GS和iPad 2,以及更新的产品,将支持这种新型操作系统。百度现在是 Safari 内置的搜索引擎选项之一,用户也可以全局地通过优酷、土豆或者新浪微博分享视频或者文字。

iOS 6中针对中国用户的改进
iOS 6中针对中国用户的改进



苹果“将努力缩小与安卓系统之间的市场份额差距,但它在用户体验与可用性竞争中将继续领先,”国际数据公司(IDC)的研究经理Francisco Jeronimo表示。有数据显示,目前超过70%的 iOS用户已经升级到iOS5,而超过半数的Android用户还停滞在2.3版本上,这也表明了Apple封闭式生态系统易与管理、更稳定的特点。 “山狮”的升级版Mac OS X Mountain Lion也改进不少。苹果表示,这种笔记本与台式OS将提供200多种新功能。“山狮”特意针对中国用户进行了优化,改进了输入法。还整合了网易邮箱、QQ邮箱、优酷、土豆和新浪微博等多款服务。新版售价19.99美元,7月提供下载。 “你们觉得怎么样?”库克在发布会最后重新登台,“只有苹果才能创造如此惊人的硬件、软件和服务。我们为这些产品而骄傲。它们是苹果之优势的完美证明。这就是人们为苹果工作,与苹果合作的理由——创造给人力量的产品,创造改变。我们创造的产品,正与你们创造的应用程序一道,根本上改变世界。” 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:参考英文原文:Apple brings down ceiling on Ultrabooks,by Rick Merritt

2012 WWDC:苹果的心思你猜对了吗?
Ultrabook及平板潜力大,IC Insights对电脑市场再看高一线

{pagination} Apple brings down ceiling on Ultrabooks Rick Merritt One week after Taiwan’s mobile PC party at Computex, Apple rolled out a new line of notebooks that will bring the ceiling down on Ultrabooks and ultrathins from PC makers. Apple also previewed new features coming in its iOS 6.0 and OS X software. Apple refreshed all its notebook line to use Intel’s Ivy Bridge processors and in its MacBook Pro line switched out AMD Radeon graphics chips in favor of Nvidia’s GeForce GT 650M aka Kepler. The high-end 15-inch system is Apple’s first notebook to use its so-called Retina displays now used in the iPad, sporting a 2880×1800 pixel resolution and 16 Gbytes flash for a whopping $2,199. The rest of the product line is slim in depth and price. Apple was able to keep entry level prices for its 13-inch MacBooks to $1,199. It shaved its MacBook Air entry-level prices to $999 for an 11-inch display model. The 11-, 13- and 15-inch display systems sport one Thunderbolt and two USB 3.0 port. All use solid-state drives and range from 0.68 to 0.95 of an inch in thickness. The specs and prices put a squeeze on a PC industry trying to differentiate itself with equally thin and lower cost systems. Taiwan PC makers complained ahead of Computex that their Ultrabook systems are still too expensive at prices similar to the MacBook Air due to their relatively expensive metallic cases, solid-state drives and lithium ion polymer batteries. They placed hopes for distinguishing themselves with a new line of larger, but better performing and lower cost ultrathins. With its new MacBook Pros, Apple has narrowed the margin of difference those mobile PC can claim. Observers have taken opposing views of the situation. One veteran Computex attendee said there was too little that was truly new at the show, suggesting it was in danger of going the way of Comdex. Another said the rise of the Ultrabooks and ultrathins marks a significant comeback for PC makers. PC makers still have a trick up their sleeves in the battle to best Apple. Their next big rev will come toward the end of the year with the release of Windows 8, opening the door to systems supporting touch screens and ARM-based SoCs. More than 35 Ultrabooks will be shipping before mid-July and 110 more systems are in design for release in the next year, Intel said at Computex. Separately, Apple previewed a handful of new features coming with its iOS 6.0 software for which a developers kit is now available online. Among the new features, maps will now support vector graphics, Siri voice servcies will be available on the iPad and in more languages, FaceTime video conferencing will be available over cellular networks and the OS will sport deeper integration with Facebook. It will be supported on iPhone 3GS and iPad 2 and newer products. Apple "will try to close the gap to Android in terms of market share, but it will continue to lead the user experience and usability race," said Francisco Jeronimo, a research manager at International Data Corp. Many of the new features also are reflected in the Mountain Lion upgrade to Apple's OS X due in July for $19.95. The notebook and desktop OS will sport more than 200 new features, Apple said. Apple's new entry-level MacBook Pros is 0.68 inch thin and costs $1,199.
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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