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据市场调研机构Linley集团“2011年通信半导体市场报告”,通信半导体市场在2011年下跌3%之后,2012年将略微增长。 通信芯片市场在2011年初强势启动之后,下半年开始表现萎靡,主要是受累于OEM缩减库存以及无线运营商在完成项目后无意继续后续投资。虽然整体通信芯片市场在2011年有所下降,但10GbE芯片市场增长了86.5%,规模超过2亿美元。同时,10GbE NIC端口出货量同比2010年增长了111%。 Linley的高级分析师Joseph Byrne表示:“虽然2011年整体通信芯片市场表现得不如人意,但多个细分市场的供应商取得显著的增长,所以我们对2012年市场增长还是非常乐观。” 在通信芯片市场报告的TOP20供应商中,联发科,Entropic,升特公司(Semtech)是整体增长最快的。 在通信ASSP市场,博通凭33%的市场份额保持其霸主地位。同时,博通在收购了Broadlight之后,有望在无源光网络处理器市场取代PMC-Sierra的领头地位。Marvell以微小的优势取代英特尔成为通信ASSP市场第二大供应商。 英特尔虽失意于通信ASSP市场,但在以太网领域春风得意:不仅在10GbE/ GbE控制器领域保持增长,并通过收购Fulcrum进入10GbE交换机芯片市场。同时,英特尔还占据嵌入式处理器市场的头把交椅,市场份额高达40%。飞思卡尔是该领域的第二大供应商。 而在通信处理器市场,排名第一的是飞思卡尔,英特尔第二。排名第三的Cavium是该领域增长速度最快的。 在FPGA领域,赛灵思仍是第一。不过,排在第二的Altera凭其在40nm线上更为优越的表现极大地缩小了与赛灵思的差距。 编译:Mayze Ye 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:参考英文原文:Moderate growth projected for comms chips

一个老外对2012 Computex的吐槽

{pagination} Moderate growth projected for comms chips Dylan McGrath BELLEVUE, Wash.—The market for communications semiconductors is projected to grow moderately in 2012 after a 3 percent decline in 2011, according to a new report by the Linley Group, a market research firm and consulting group. After starting the year off strong in 2011, the market for communications chips declined in the second half of the year as OEMs pared inventory and wireless operators completed projects and deferred further investment, according to the report. While the overall communications chip market declined in 2011, the market for 10-gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) chips grew by some 86.5 percent to reach more than $200 million, according to the report. The number of 10GbE NIC ports shipped in 2011 improved by 111 percent compared to 2010, according to the report. "While last year had a disappointing finish, there was significant growth by vendors in several categories and we predict increased revenues for 2012," said Joseph Byrne, senior analyst at the Linley Group (Mountain View, Calif.) in a statement. Among the top 20 suppliers included in the Linley Group report, MediaTek, Entropic and Semtech showed the fastest growth, the firm said. Broadcom maintained its strong lead in the communications ASSPs market with a 33 percent share and, following its acquisition of Broadlight, should overtake PMC-Sierra as the leader in the passive optical network processor market, the Linley Group said. Marvell narrowly overtook Intel to become the second-largest communications ASSP supplier, but Intel fared well in Ethernet, gaining in 10GbE and GbE controllers and entering the 10GbE switch market by acquiring Fulcrum, the Linley Group said. Intel is also the top-ranked embedded processor supplier with 40 percent of the market, while Freescale is second, the firm said. Freescale was the largest supplier of processors to the communications market in 2011, with Intel second and Cavium—which grew at the fastest rate last year, in third, the Linley Group said. In FPGAs, second place Altera's superior execution in the 40-nm generation helped it narrow the gap with the current leader, Xilinx, according to. The Linley Group said its report, "Communications Semiconductor Market Share 2011," includes share reports and analysis for 20 categories of communications semiconductor products. The report is available through the company's web site at a cost of $3,495 for a single copy.
Dylan McGrath
EE Times美国版执行编辑。Dylan McGrath是EE Times的执行编辑。 Dylan在电子和半导体行业拥有20多年的报道经验,专注于消费电子、晶圆代工、EDA、可编程逻辑、存储器和其他专业领域。
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