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IC Insights的最新调查显示,35家主要的半导体供应商中只有6家(仅不到2成)公司2012年的资本支出会明显高于2011年。这6家主要半导体供应商是英特尔,三星,海力士,台积电,联电和罗姆。

IC Insights的最新调查显示,35家主要的半导体供应商中只有6家(仅不到2成)公司2012年的资本支出会明显高于2011年。这6家主要半导体供应商是英特尔,三星,海力士,台积电,联电和罗姆。 英特尔的2012年资本支出增加额最高,为16亿美元;但是,其整体资本支出却并没有三星多。 IC Insights 2012半导体资本支出 虽然预计只有6家公司2012年的资本支出会同比增长,但是,对今年的整体半导体资本支出的预测值从原先的607亿美元提高到633亿美元。更新后的预测指出2012年半导体资本支出同比2011年将仅下跌3%,此前的预测是同比跌幅将达到8%。 这6家计划今年资本支出将同比增长的半导体公司的整体增加额为52亿美元。相比之下,其余半导体公司的整体资本支出同比减少额为75亿美元。 需要注意的是,有部分主要外包封装和测试(OSAT)公司计划今年的资本支出有个显著地增长。Amkor 的资本支出由2011年的4.93亿美元增加到2012年的5.5亿美元,矽品(SPIL)由3.76亿美元增加到5.85亿美元,STATS ChipPAC由3.04亿美元增加到4.00亿美元。IC Insights 认为,资本支出增长的计划说明这些主要的外包封装和测试厂家看好半导体产业将于年内反弹。 本文下一页:参考英文原文:Semiconductor Capital Spending Trend Update 编译:Mayze Ye


{pagination} Semiconductor Capital Spending Trend Update Only six major players expected to spend more on capex in 2012 than in 2011. IC Insights’ latest survey and ranking of the major semiconductor capital spenders shows that only six of the 35 major semiconductor suppliers—Intel, Samsung, Hynix, TSMC, UMC, and Rohm—with significant capital expenditure budgets are expected to spend more in 2012 than they did in 2011 (see Figure). With an increase of $1.7 billion, Intel is expected to post the biggest dollar increase in capex spending for 2012, though it is likely to trail Samsung in overall capex spending for the year. Though only six companies are expected to increase their capital spending this year, the total semiconductor capital spending forecast figure for 2012 was raised to $63.3 billion from $60.7 billion and total 2012 semiconductor industry capital expenditures are now forecast to decline only 3% this year as compared to the previous expectations of an 8% decline. The six major companies that plan to increase semiconductor capital spending this year are expected to collectively spend about $5.2 billion more in 2012 than in 2011. In contrast, the total of the remaining capital spending outlays are forecast to decline by about $7.5 billion this year. It should be noted that a few of the major OSAT (Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test) companies also plan to significantly increase their capital spending this year, including Amkor (from $493 million in 2011 to $550 million this year), SPIL (from $376 million in 2011 to $585 million this year), and STATS ChipPAC (from $304 million in 2011 to $400 million this year). IC Insights believes that these increased spending budgets by some of the major OSAT companies indicates their belief that semiconductor unit volume shipments will be on the rebound this year.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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