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今天,智能手机领域中的大屏幕风潮,是由三星领导,而不是苹果。当我第一次拿到Galaxy Note时,只有一个感觉………..好大只。应该没有人想用它吧。但今年六月,我在香港和台北看到N多人手持这些超大面板手机。或许,史蒂夫?乔布斯的手指并未能深入触动每一个消费者的心灵深处?

今天,智能手机领域中的大屏幕风潮,是由三星(Samsung)领导,而不是苹果(Apple)。三星的 Galaxy Note 和 S3 手机带来的启示,也正是我预测将在下一代智能手机,乃至于所有手机设计中发挥关键影响力的重要部份。 三星 Galaxy S3 采用4.8英寸主动矩阵式 OLED 屏幕,分辨率720 × 1,280。而Galaxy Note 则采用尺寸稍大的5.3英寸 800 x 1,280画素屏幕。 当我第一次拿到它时,只有一个感觉………..好大只。应该没有人想用它吧。 但我无法确切告诉你,今年六月,我在香港和台北究竟看到多少人手持这些超大面板手机。其中一位,是一家位在香港铜锣湾的消费电子商品免税店老板,他对我说,他手下所有的销售员,都已经从 iPhone 升级成 Galaxy Note 。 本月稍早,我在挪威和在伦敦的希斯洛机场看到一些青少年手上也拿着三星的产品。我想到,当我在香港地铁问一个年轻人他对这种大屏幕产品有什么看法时,他说这还不错,要放到口袋里完全没有问题。 或许,史蒂夫?乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的手指并未能深入触动每一个消费者的心灵深处? 事实上,如果我想玩游戏或上网,我想我会用这些大屏幕产品,只要稍微容忍将它们塞进口袋时会挤些就好,如果它能像手机一样塞进我的牛仔裤,我想我会愿意使用它们。 老实说,我认为iPhone实际上也有着快要挤不进口袋的问题,因为与诺基亚(Nokia)的其它功能型手机相比,iPhone都要宽上许多。 三星还没有达到垄断市场的程度。在今年二月的世界行动通讯大会中,LG也端出了5英寸的手机,他们只是没有像三星那么快准备好上市罢了。 三星的眼光独到,出手迅速,而且显然已获得成果。最近的新闻表示,“新上市的Galaxy S3在大量需求带动下,可能让三星在第二季的智能手机销售量达到5,000万部,超越苹果预计出售3,050万部iPhone的预测。” 现在,三星的智能手机拥有超酷的“外观和感觉”(look-and-feel),而苹果则正转换为在后头追赶的角色。在消费领域,这是极为巨大的转变。 据传iPhone 5将向采用4.x英寸的显示屏幕,目前版本为3.8英寸、960 x 640画素。对我来说,这听起来有点像苹果承认了他并未真正拥抱市场趋势。


苹果非常优秀,近年来自这家公司崛起后,它几乎没有挫败过,但三星显然正在步步逼近苹果。如果三星的智能手机和Galaxy Note策略成功,接下来,三星也可以将该模式复制到平板上。 虽然最近全球都陷入不景气,台湾的宏达电(HTC)却也凭借着HTC Sense用户界面异军突起。位在汉城和台北的这两家公司,都用独特的想法赢得了胜利。只有你脑袋里的想法,是没有疆界,不受限制的。 三星的首款平板 Galaxy Tab确实有着类似iPad的设计概念,以及“外观和感觉”。因此,苹果提起诉讼捍卫该公司的产品,一方面也设法减少竞争。 然而,如果真有大屏幕的 iPhone 5 问世,届时我不知道三星是否会控诉苹果剽窃了三星手机的“外观和感觉”。 大屏幕必然是智能手机显示器的趋势,而三星是第一个看到这个趋势的企业。我想,这不过是 Android 阵营逐步近逼,威胁苹果领导地位的一次案例罢了。 Time Cook,你得快点让iTV上场了! 编译: Joy Teng 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 本文下一页:参考英文原文:How Samsung stole Apple’s lead ,by Rick Merritt


{pagination} How Samsung stole Apple’s lead Rick Merritt SAN JOSE – Smartphones are headed for the big screen and Samsung, not Apple, set the trend. Samsung’s Galaxy Note and S3 handsets foreshadow what I expect to be the next important element in smartphones, and in handset competition generally. For the record, the Samsung Galaxy S3 uses a 4.8-inch active-matrix OLED screen with a 720 x 1280 pixel resolution. The Galaxy Note goes even further with its 5.3-inch 800x1280 pixel display. My first take was, that’s waaaaay too big. No one will want it. But I can’t tell you how many people I saw carrying these handsets on a trip through Hong Kong and Taipei in June. Many of them were young people. One of them was the owner of a small retail consumer electronics shop in Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay district who said all his salespeople have upgraded from the iPhone to the Galaxy Note. Earlier this month, I saw a few of the devices used by youngsters on a train in Norway and in London’s Heathrow airport. When I asked a young man in a Hong Kong subway what he thought about the big screen, he said it was good and not a problem to carry in his pocket. Is it possible Steve Jobs didn’t have his finger on the pulse of every consumer heartbeat? Indeed, if I am playing a game or surfing the Web, I want the biggest screen I can get. And I’d be willing to tolerate a slightly more crowded pocket if the phone that’s crammed in my jeans gives me the experience I want. Frankly, I thought the iPhone would have a crowded-pocket problem given it was so much wider than the Nokia feature phones of the day. Nope. Samsung hasn’t got this market cornered. At Mobile World Congress in February, LG was also showing 5-inch+ handsets, they just weren’t as ready to ship as the Samsung handsets. Seems just like in Taipei, no one can keep a secret in Seoul. So Samsung saw something unique and it went for it, and it is paying off. “Boosted by heavy demand for its new Galaxy S3, Samsung likely sold around 50 million smartphones in the second quarter, [surpassing] the 30.5 million iPhones that Apple is forecast to have sold,” a recent news article said. Now Samsung owns the visual look-and-feel of the coolest smartphone, and Apple is playing catch up. In the consumer world, that’s big. The iPhone 5 reportedly will move up to a 4.x inch display from its current 3.8 inch, 960x640-pixel display. To me, that sounds like Apple is acknowledging the trend without really embracing it. The old icon next to the new one. What do you think? Apple is a class act and it is not falling by the wayside by any means, but Samsung clearly has caught an edge. Samsung could do the same in tablets if it can identify a small, distinctive missing element. Although it has fallen on hard times lately, Taiwan’s HTC could also pull off a coup based on the foundation of its HTC Sense user interface. They drink the same grade of espresso in Seoul and Taipei as they do in Cupertino, and ideas know no geographic boundaries. Samsung’s first tablet, the Galaxy Tab, was admittedly a rip off of the iPad concept and look-and-feel. Apple was right to sue them to exercise the fact it was first to market—and to try to slow down the competition. I wonder if Samsung should sue Apple for stealing the new smartphone look-and-feel when a big screen iPhone 5 comes out? Big is definitely in for smartphone displays, and Samsung saw it first. I think this is just the first big example of how the Android hoards slowly chip away at Apple’s leadership in the categories the Cupertino giant created. Note to Tim Cook: Quick, get that iTV working!
Rick Merritt
EE Times硅谷采访中心主任。Rick的工作地点位于圣何塞,他为EE Times撰写有关电子行业和工程专业的新闻和分析。 他关注Android,物联网,无线/网络和医疗设计行业。 他于1992年加入EE Times,担任香港记者,并担任EE Times和OEM Magazine的主编。
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