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诺基亚(Nokia)的前 MeeGo N9 小组员工们稍早前宣布成立一家名为 Jolla Oy 的独立智能手机产品开发商。这家位在芬兰赫尔辛基的新创公司已宣布和中国最大的手机连锁店迪信通集团(D.Phone Group)签署了销售和经销协议。 Jolla 希望能达到每年在中国销售1.5亿支智能手机的目标。

诺基亚(Nokia)的前 MeeGo N9 小组员工们稍早前宣布成立一家名为 Jolla Oy的独立智能手机产品开发商。这家位在芬兰赫尔辛基的新创公司已宣布和中国最大的手机连锁店迪信通集团(D.Phone Group)签署了销售和经销协议。 Jolla希望能达到每年在中国销售1.5亿支智能手机的目标。 N9是诺基亚的智能手机,采用 MeeGo 操作系统,但诺基亚在2011年宣布放弃MeeGo,转而拥抱微软(Microsoft)的Windows Phone。 MeeGo 是基于Linux的开放原始码手机操作系统,主要用于行动设备。 Jolla 在芬兰语中的意思是小艇,这家公司计划设计、开发和销售MeeGo智能手机。该公司成立于2011年,拥有投资者和合作伙伴,并预计2012年稍晚推出智 慧手机。该公司同时表示,其操作系统是由MeeGo演变而来,并使用了称之为Mer的核心和Qt技术,还将纳入创新的用户界面。 Jolla 这个名字的由来,可能是因为2011年2月,诺基亚CEO Stephen Elop 将诺基亚比喻为迫使工作人员跳海逃生的起火中的石油钻井平台。 Jolla的高层主管包括CEO Jussi Hurmola、主席兼销售暨业务开发副总裁Antti Saarnio Sami Pienimaki、信息长Stefano Mosconi,以及营运长Marc Dillon。 “诺基亚曾经创造出世界上最美好、最神奇的智能手机。这是值得延续的,我们将共同努力,把MeeGo的成功故事继续演绎下去,”Jussi Hurmola在一份声明中表示。 据报导,该公司现有约50名员工,并从诺基亚方面获得了一些支持。 不过,Jolla的网站(www.jollamobile.com)目前连不上去,在http://twitter.com/jollamobile和http://www.linkedin.com/company/2649185上可以看到一些该公司目前的动态。 本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载 编译: Joy Teng 本文下一页:参考英文原文:MeeGo smartphone firm emerges from Nokia ,by Peter Clarke


{pagination} MeeGo smartphone firm emerges from Nokia Peter Clarke LONDON – Former employees from Nokia's MeeGo N9 organization have formed an independent smartphone product company called Jolla Oy (Helsinki, Finland). The company has announced a sales and distribution agreement with D.Phone Group, the largest chain of mobile phone shops in China. Jolla said the companies have agreed targets for sales volume in China's 150 million unit per year smartphone market. N9 is a smartphone from Nokia that runs the MeeGo operating system but Nokia announced in 2011 it was dropping MeeGo to focus on the Windows Phone operating system from Microsoft. MeeGo is a Linux-based open source mobile operating system targeted at a range of mobile devices. Jolla, which means dinghy in Finnish, plans to design, develop and sell MeeGo-derived smartphones. The company has said it was formed in 2011, has investors and partners and has been developing a smartphone to be launched later in 2012. The operating system has evolved from MeeGo using technologies called Mer Core and Qt and will include in innovative user interface, the company said. The company name could be a reference to the occasion in February 2011 when Nokia CEO Stephen Elop likened Nokia to a burning oil platform that would force workers to jump into the sea. Jolla's senior executives are CEO Jussi Hurmola, chairman Antti Saarnio Sami Pienimaki, vice president of sales and business development; Stefano Mosconi, chief information officer and chief operating officer Marc Dillon. "Nokia created something wonderful – the world's best smartphone product. It deserves to be continued, and we will do that together with all the bright and gifted people contributing to the MeeGo success story," said Jussi Hurmola, in a statement. The company has about 50 employees and received help from Nokia as part of redundancy support program to form the company, according to reports. Interestingly Jolla has emerged without sharing detail of its website, which is thought to be www.jollamobile.com. With regard to the internet the company can be found on Twitter and LinkedIn and http://twitter.com/jollamobile and http://www.linkedin.com/company/2649185, respectively.
Peter Clarke
业内资深人士Peter Clarke负责EETimes欧洲的Analog网站。 由于对新兴技术和创业公司的特殊兴趣,他自1984年以来一直在撰写有关半导体行业的文章,并于1994年至2013年为EE Times美国版撰稿。
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