在努力摆脱财务赤字困境之际,据称日本夏普电子公司(Sharp Electronics Corp.)考虑出售分别位于中国与墨西哥的电视组装厂。除了先前已经宣布裁员5千人以外,美国《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)预期夏普这项决定将可能再让3千人失去工作。
在针对夏普经营日趋困难的种种分析中,没有任何人提到有关该公司的电视技术。夏普仍是世界上最大的电视开发厂商之一,其于2001年推出专利的 Aquos TV 至今仍广受好评且价格持续升值,夏普同时也是苹果公司三大液晶显示器(LCD)供货商之一。
然而,分析人士指出,夏普受到双重打击导致经营困难:日币对美元汇率升值以及电视市场疲软。液晶显示器的价格大幅下滑,主要供货商正持续强化其制造业务,以节省成本。三星旗下LCD业务独立成为全资子公司;日本三大面板厂──东芝、日立与Sony并整合成立一家由政府资助的Japan Display合资企业。
本文授权编译自EBN Online,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译:Susan Hong
参考英文原文:For Sharp, Good Technology Isn’t Enough,by Barbara Jorgensen
• 夏普股价大跌 传鸿海争取提升持股比例至两成
• 夏普拟透过出售工厂裁员8,000人
• 夏普的张良计Vs富士康的过墙梯tUsesmc
For Sharp, Good Technology Isn’t Enough
Barbara Jorgensen
In its effort to stem a tide of red ink, Japan's Sharp Electronics Corp. is reportedly considering selling two TV assembly factories in China and Mexico. The Wall Street Journal estimates the move would eliminate 3,000 jobs in addition to the 5,000 layoffs Sharp has already announced.
This month, Sharp announced a loss of nearly $2 billion for the quarter that ended in June, and it said it expects to remain in the red the rest of the year. The loss resulted in Sharp's first job cuts since the 1950s.
Nowhere in the analyses of "What went wrong at Sharp?" has technology been mentioned. Sharp remains one of the world's premier TV developers. Its patented Aquos TVs, introduced in 2001, still command praise and a price premium, and Sharp is one of Apple Inc.'s three largest suppliers of LCDs.
Analysts say Sharp has been hurt by a double whammy: the strengthening of the yen and weakness in the TV market. LCD prices have come down so much that leading vendors are consolidating their manufacturing operations to save costs. Samsung spun off its LCD business into a wholly owned subsidiary. Toshiba, Hitachi, and Sony are participating in a government-financed joint venture called Japan Display. (See: 'Big Three' Emerge in LCD Market .)
Adding to its troubles, Sharp built a state-of-the-art LCD factory in Japan in 2009.
As a result of all this, Sharp has been unable to compete price-wise with other TV makers. To keep its business afloat, it made a decision that will likely come back to haunt it: In March, Foxconn Electronics' parent, Hon Hai, agreed to take a 10 percent stake in Sharp's LCD business. (See: Foxconn Shores Up Display Supplies.)
After Sharp announced its loss, Foxconn said it was re-evaluating that investment. Since the deal has not closed (pending review by Taiwan's stock market authorities), Foxconn wants to pay less than the $800 million it offered in March. I have to wonder whether Foxconn would have agreed to pay more if Sharp's stock had soared.
Sharp is reportedly mulling selling its China and Mexico factories to Foxconn.