排名全球第二大PC制造商的中国业者联想(Lenovo Group),宣布将以1.47亿美元总价,收购巴西最大的PC与消费性电子厂商CCE ;联想指出,收购CCE之后,该公司在排名全球第三大的巴西PC市场占有率将成长一倍。
CCE在巴西市场的历史超过50年,在CCE、CCE Info与CCE Mobi 等品牌在当地行销PC与消费性电子产品。联想董事长暨执行长杨元庆(Yuanqing Yang)表示,这桩收购案是与该公司的“PC+”愿景相符,也就是着眼于PC以外、涵盖智能手机与平板设备的新兴计算产品。
根 据双方协议,联想将支付CCE股东总价约3亿巴西币(reais,约1.47亿美元)的现金与股 票,收购CCE的百分之百股权;联想表示,CCE的管理团 队将继续留任,包括创办人暨执行长Roberto Sverner,预期合并之后也不会有裁员情况。此收购交易预定2013年第一季完成。
本文授权编译自EE Times,版权所有,谢绝转载
编译:Judith Cheng
参考英文原文:Lenovo to acquire Brazil's biggest PC maker,by Dylan McGrath
• 第二季度亚太区PC出货量下滑,唯联想和华硕逆势增长
• IDC:中国PC市场将在第三季度遇见幸福
• 联想没有兴趣收购诺基亚5dVesmc
Lenovo to acquire Brazil's biggest PC maker
Dylan McGrath
SAN FRANCISCO—China's Lenovo Group Ltd., the world's second largest PC maker, will acquire Brazil's largest PC and consumer electronics vendor in a cash and stock deal worth about $147 million, the company said Wednesday (Sept. 5).
Lenovo said acquiring the company, known as CCE, would more than double its PC market share in Brazil, the world's third-largest PC market. CCE has more than 50 years of history in Brazil, marketing PCs and consumer electronics under brand names such as CCE, CCE Info and CCE Mobi.
Yuanqing Yang, chairman and CEO of Lenovo, said the deal lays the foundation for the company's "PC+ vision," including products like tablets and smartphones.
"CCE is an excellent fit with its four screen product portfolio and a valuable manufacturing base in Brazil," Yang said. "CCE’s management, who will become an essential part of our Brazilian operations, know the Brazilian consumer and will immediately help us establish a strong retail presence."
Under the terms of the deal, Lenovo will pay CCE shareholders approximately 300 million Brazilian reais (about $147 million) cash and stock to acquire 100 percent of CCE. Lenovo said it would retain CCE’s management team, including founder and CEO Roberto Sverner, and said it doesn't anticipate any reduction in workforce after the deal closes. The transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2013, Lenovo said.
Sverner said the acquisition by Lenovo would provide a boost to the Brazilian economy, spurring job creation and improving the competitiveness of CCE's products.
CCE manufactures its products in the Free Economic Zone of Manaus in northern Brazil. The company claims to be the largest employer in personal computing and consumer electronics in northern Brazil.