为了试着赶上甚至超过苹果(Apple)的 Siri 和谷歌钱包,英特尔(Intel)稍早前在开发者论坛(IDF)上宣布和 Nuance 与万事达卡(Mastercard)展开合作,将为超极本(Ultrabook)打造创新的用户界面,并提供金额达100万美元的奖金。
“我们不会把脚离开油门,事实上,我们正在推动超越超极本的多项创新应用,”英特尔架构部门总经理Dadi Perlmutter说。
英特尔展示了新处理器、新用户界面和崭新的外形,以帮助推动超极本的发展。 超极本“将会是具备崭新外形设计的“英雄”产品,”Permutter说。
在主题演讲中,Perlmutter 展示了华硕(Asus)、仁宝(Compal)和索尼(Sony)等公司的超极本,这些超极本都采用可旋转、滑盖或可拆卸显示器成为平板电脑的灵活设计。

在发布一系列超极本的同时,英特尔也宣布将提供100万美元的奖金,给采用该公司全新感性运算(perceptual computing)开发套件的最佳创新用户界面设计。
英特尔正与 Nuance 合作,以最佳化在采用其 x86 处理器之超极本 上的 Dragon 语音辨识功能。该软件的量产版本将在第一季出货。“我们和他们正在携手开发的功能目前都还没有披露过,”Perlmutter表示。
Perlmutter也展示了超极本采用近场通讯(NFC)和新英特尔安全性技术进行的多重身份验证功能。在处理器方面,Perlmutter展示了英特尔下一代 核心CPU Haswell 。他表示,这种新的22nm k架构将提供比当前 Sandy Bridge 高出两倍的绘图性能,且耗电量可降低一半。
Perlmutter表示内含Haswell 的个人计算机将于明年四月开始出货。
编译: Joy Teng
参考英文原文:Intel ultrabooks speak, tap and offer $1M prize,by Rick Merritt
• 科技界的好风水是否还会眷顾英特尔和PC?
• 英特尔下一代服务器处理器开发重点——互连技术
• 英特尔IDF是X86对ARM宣战的誓师会1Pmesmc
Intel Ultrabooks speak, tap and offer $1M prize
Rick Merritt
SAN FRANCISCO--Trying to catch up and even surpass Apple’s Siri and Google’s Wallet, Intel Corp. showed efforts with Nuance and Mastercard--and offered a $1 million prize--for creating novel user interfaces for its Ultrabooks. The initiatives were announced at the Intel Developer Forum where much of the initial day focused on the ultrathin notebooks that have yet to gain big market success.
Intel announced just last week that sales for its current quarter would be about $1 billion below expectations, triggering one analyst here to ask if its Ultrabooks will be the hero product Intel hoped.
"We are not taking our foot of the gas--we are pushing harder and innovating more around the [Ultrabook] category," said Dadi Perlmutter, general manager of the Intel Architecture Group, in a Q&A following a keynote address.
Intel showed new processors, novel user interfaces and new form factors to help drive Ultrabooks forward. The Ultrabook “will be a hero product with refreshed form factors,” Permutter said.
In his keynote, Perlmutter showed Ultrabooks from AsusTek, Compal and Sony that could flip, slide or detach their displays to become tablets.
An Intel employee demos a Sony Ultrabook that slides into a tablet.
In an effort to pump up excitement for Ultrabooks, Intel also announced a $1 million prize for the best user interface innovations using the company’s new perceptual computing developers kit.
For its own user interface efforts, Intel is working with Nuance to optimize its Dragon voice recognition on Ultrabooks using x86 processors. Production versions of the software will ship in the first quarter. "We are working with them on future capabilities we have not announced today," Perlmutter said.
Separately, he demoed an Ultrabook using near-field communication (NFC) and new Intel security technology for multi-factor authentication. The system automated the process of an online purchase with a touch of a Mastercard PayPass card with NFC.
As for processors, Perlmutter showed working versions of Intel's next-generation Core CPU, Haswell. The new 22-nm architetcure will deliver twice the graphics performance and use half the power of current Sandy Bridge chips, he said.
Perlmutter said Haswell-based PCs will start shipping by April.