以前其它政府和机构也曾对华为与中兴构成的潜在安全威胁表示担忧。华为与中兴分别是全球最大和第五大无线通信基础设施设备供应商。这两家公司都被怀疑与中国政府、军方和中国共 产 党有关联。外界曾指责华为与中兴设计的通信设备,允许中国政府私自访问系统。这种指控引发了国家安全和企业间谍行为方面的担忧。
Source:IHS iSupplihwHesmc
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• 华为回应美国安全威胁论,思科中兴解盟
• 中国本土工科毕业生为何青睐跨国大公司
• 诺基亚西门子欲取代华为,做无线网络设备市场老二hwHesmc
据市场调研公司IHS iSuppli,由于美国政府的相关调查和其它审查活动,美国电信运营商已经对购买华为和中兴的设备非常谨慎。IHS公司表示,尽管这两家公司的全球销售增长,但经过10年的努力均未能打入美国市场。
IHS公司宽带与数字家庭首席分析师Lee Ratliff在声明中表示:“美国政府阻止了美国企业与中国设备生产商之间的大量合同与收购交易,通常是以间接方式加以阻挠。”
 IHS公司的消费与通信总监Jagdish Rebello |
IHS公司的消费与通信总监Jagdish Rebello表示,美国议员们的担忧主要集中在向4G无线网络的过渡上。这种转变将导致复杂性急剧上升。
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• 华为回应美国安全威胁论,思科中兴解盟
• 中国本土工科毕业生为何青睐跨国大公司
• 诺基亚西门子欲取代华为,做无线网络设备市场老二hwHesmc

Charter Equity Research的分析师Ed Snyder称,国会的报告可能招致中方报复,对象是在中国销售产品的美国通信企业,例如思科(Cisco System)、谷歌(Google)、高通(Qualcomm)和苹果。但他表示,非科技领域的美国企业也可能受冲击。
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• 华为回应美国安全威胁论,思科中兴解盟
• 中国本土工科毕业生为何青睐跨国大公司
• 诺基亚西门子欲取代华为,做无线网络设备市场老二hwHesmc
不过,北京一名独立电信业顾问Sun Lin认为思科等美国高科技企业遭报复威胁不大。
香港 独立经济学家Enzio von Pfeil称,中国比较可能会让在中国做生意的美国企业"日子更难过一点",而非采取提升美国进口商品关税等直接行动。他并表示,"有可能会采取某种暗示性宣导(阻止中国人购买部分美国产品)。"
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参考英文原文:U.S. warns telcos not to buy gear from Chinese firms,by Dylan McGrath
• 华为回应美国安全威胁论,思科中兴解盟
• 中国本土工科毕业生为何青睐跨国大公司
• 诺基亚西门子欲取代华为,做无线网络设备市场老二hwHesmc
U.S. warns telcos not to buy gear from Chinese firms
Dylan McGrath
A Congressional committee Monday (Oct. 8) warned American operators not to buy equipment from China's leading telecom equipment makers, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. and ZTE Corp., citing potential risk to U.S. national security interests.
In a report, the House Intelligence Committee strongly encouraged U.S. telecom operators to seek other vendors for their projects.
"Based on available classified and unclassified information, Huawei and ZTE cannot be trusted to be free of foreign state influence and thus pose a security threat to the United States and to our systems," the report stated.
The committee began investigating the counterintelligence and security threat posed by Chinese telecommunications companies doing business in the U.S. in November 2011. According to the report, both Huawei and ZTE failed to provide sufficient evidence to alleviate the committee's concerns.
Other governments and organizations have previously expressed concerns about the potential security threat posed by Huawei and ZTE, the world's first and fifth largest suppliers of wireless communications infrastructure equipment, respectively. Both companies are suspected of having ties to the Chinese government, military and China's ruling communist party. The firms have been accused of designing communications equipment to allow unauthorized access by the Chinese government, a charge that has stoked fears over national security and the potential for corporate espionage.
The report recommended that the U.S. "view with suspicion the continued penetration of the U.S. telecommunications market by Chinese telecommunications companies." It further recommended that the U.S. block acquisitions, takeovers, or mergers involving Huawei and ZTE.
Both companies issued statements Monday criticizing the report's findings.
The committee's report was particularly critical of Huawei, saying that the investigation turned up evidence of bribery, copyright infringement, immigration violations and discriminatory practices by the firm. The committee said it would refer these allegations to the Justice Department for review and possible investigation.
Failure to penetrate U.S. market
According to market research firm IHS iSuppli, U.S. telecom operators were already wary of buying equipment from Huawei and ZTE because of the investigation and other scrutiny by the U.S. government. Despite their global sales growth, neither has been able to crack the U.S. market despite a decade of effort, IHS said.
"The U.S. government has blocked numerous contracts and acquisition deals between American companies and Chinese equipment makers, usually in an indirect manner," said Lee Ratliff, principal analyst for broadband & digital home research at IHS, in a statement.
Ratliff added that the committee's report could further hamper the ability of Huawei and ZTE to penetrate the U.S. market in the future.
Jagdish Rebello, director for consumer and communications at IHS, said the concern among U.S. lawmakers mostly centers on the transition to 4G wireless networks, which will bring an exponential increase in complexity.
"Because of this, many carriers are now contracting with networking OEMs to not only supply the equipment but also to partner with carriers to build the networks," Rebello said. "This makes the networking equipment makers, such as Huawei and ZTE, a critical part of the infrastructure deployments."
According to IHS, became the world’s largest supplier, of wireless communications infrastructure equipment during the first nine months of 2011, with sales of $8.9 billion and market share of 29 percent. ZTE ranked fifth in the world over the same period, with revenue of $2 billion and market share of 6 percent, IHS said.
Huawei is regarded as a price and technology leader, according to IHS. The company has won contracts with many European carriers for 4G deployment and network management and with many carriers in the emerging markets for 3G deployment, IHS said.
The U.S. Department of Defense previously highlighted Huawei’s links to the Chinese government in a 2008 report to Congress. Huawei’s efforts to buy its way into the U.S. market through acquisitions of 3COM and 2Wire were scuttled due to concerns of a U.S. government veto, according to IHS.
IHS said Huawei and ZTE reported in 2010 that the Indian government started blocking purchase orders placed with them based on similar security concerns.